Developer Tools

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Uploading a new Version For All users over a version of Paused Phased Release Version
Hi If I have created a phased release on the App Store, let us say it is version 4.0.0, and then there is an issue with this version and I have paused the release and want to stop it at all. After 10 days, I uploaded a new version for example 4.1.0 without phase release (release it for all the users from the beginning). Would after 20 days the paused version automatically start again and be received by the users and cancel version 4.1.0? or the version 4.1.0 will cancel version 4.0.0 at all? How to stop the 4.0.0 version at all? so the ones not downloaded will remain in the previous version and can see only the 4.1.0 version on the App Store?
Nov ’23
Enrollment through the Apple Developer app is not available for this Apple ID
Good afternoon, colleagues! I have a problem with registering a developer account. I downloaded the Developer app to my iPhone to go through the account registration procedure, because Apple Pay is connected there and it would be much more convenient for me to subscribe via my phone. I went through the full registration process, the subscription was processed and the money was charged to my card. (Subscription is now active) But I never got access to my account. The app says: Enrollment through the Apple Developer app is not available for this Apple ID. Visit programs/enroll/. Following the link I get to the subscription from scratch, and I'm afraid that my money will be deducted again, and I have no guarantee to get access.... I wrote to the technical support e-mail, but I'm waiting for a very long time for a reply and I don't understand what I should do. If it was clearer, I could solve the problem myself. Please help me...
Nov ’23
Problems with DMG installer on Sonoma
I have created an "installer" style DMG for a VST3 audio plugin. It works fine on 13.4, but fails on 14.1. Note this is when I download the DMG from GitHub. On 14.1, when I drag the plugin icon to the link to /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3, the icon snaps back and the copy is not made. It DOES work if I use xattr to remove the quarantine. I can also mount the dmg, cd into the volume and use cp -R to copy the bundle through the link. Random other facts : The dmg is built on a GitHub runner (MacOS 12.6.9) using Xcode 14.2 The plug in and the dmg are signed. The dmg is notarized and stapled. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Nov ’23
Can't access "More Tools" at
It all started an hour ago when I tried to download the Network Link Conditioner (I need to test the macOS application I'm developing with a slower network connection). I went to XCode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tool. It opens a Sing In page for apple developer. When I sign in with my account, it just refreshes the page and asks me to Sign In all over, stuck in a loop. Otherwise, I'm able to Sign In to all the other parts of the developer website, I have an active membership, all license agreements are up to date. Apple's status site shows everything operational. What I tried: Clearing cookies & cache Different browsers (including Safari) Updating & restarting everything Navigating from to "More" tab on the website instead of going through XCode Signing in with a passkey instead of a password Tried using a VPN Going to the Developer Support page ( and trying to press "Get Started" to reach out to support by email or phone, but that asks me to Sign In and puts me into another sign in loop. I have no idea what to do and I need the tool to test my app. Apple is providing no informative errors here to even figure out what could be wrong...
Nov ’23
Notarization Signature Errors
Hi! I'm having an issue notarizing my app. I've developed my app in python, packaged it with py2app and then codesigned it using command-line: codesign --deep --sign "Developer ID Application: Name (ID)" and verified it using: codesign --verify --verbose with no problem. I then continued to notarize it with notarytool: xcrun notarytool submit --keychain-profile "MyProfile" --wait and everything went smoothly, however, the process ended as invalid. This is a recurring issue (used altool beforehand) where I get errors that prevent the notarization due to signature issues, some of them: "The signature of the binary is invalid." "The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled." "The binary is not signed with a valid Developer ID certificate." "The signature does not include a secure timestamp." And so on. The issue is that this is occurring to the contents of the app and the python libraries and other dependencies it uses, not itself. I've read online in many places and couldn't find what am I missing, I've followed the code-signing and notarization instructions to no prevail. I hope someone here can help me solve this problem or figure out what am I missing. Many thanks :)
Dec ’23
Signature requirement for third-party SDKs
The Upcoming third-party SDK requirements say that Signatures are also required in these cases where the listed SDKs are used as binary dependencies. Does the signature have to be a signature from the original developer of the SDK? I ask because we may need to modify some of our third-party SDKs before including them in our app, and I'm wondering if we'll be OK if we sign the framework. Thanks!
Dec ’23
.NET desktop app for MacOS
I'm developing a desktop application in C# and Avalonia for my company. I have quite good experience with .NET development but I've never created an app for MacOS so I need some advises and best practices. When I run the app on my Mac, it works properly, but I'm not able to run it on different device. The solutions contains multiple project and I compile it with this command: dotnet publish \ -p:TargetFramework=net7.0 \ -p:RuntimeIdentifier=osx-arm64 \ -p:SelfContained=true \ -p:PublishSingleFile=true \ -p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true \ -p:PublishTrimmed=true \ -p:PublishReadyToRun=true \ -p:EnableCompressionInSingleFile=true \ -p:DebugType=embedded \ -p:ServerGarbageCollection=true \ --output dist It creates folder with one executable and multiple .dylib files. I'm not really sure how to create .app bundle from this folder, I've found app called Platypus and it works quite well, but I will appreciate any advice on this. In addition, the app needs folder with templates and config files (can be read-only) and creates quite high amount of temporary files which could use a temporary folder. Where should I put these? Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) returns /Users/username/.config, is it a good place for the temp folder? Until now I've tried to put these things to the .app bundle via Platypus, but after running it on another device, an unhandled exception occurred due to read-only permissions for the tmp folder created by the app. For testing purposes I'd tried to setup Run with root privileges in Platypus and the exception didn't occur. But still, the main window of the app didn't show even when on my device it works well. I will appreciate any ideas or advices on this issue. Also if there is any tutorial for beginner MacOS developers (I don't need to learn Swift right now), please let me know.
Dec ’23
Apple installer command is returning error when run from a binary with Full Disk Access on Sonoma
I have a go binary that runs from /usr/local/bin. This application has the ability to update itself by downloading the latest .pkg from our company and running it with the installer command. Our application has also been granted Full Disk Access. The command that is run by our application looks like this: installer -pkg /tmp/ourInstaller.pkg -target /. This command works from a terminal (when run with sudo and when the terminal has Full Disk Access). It also has been working on all MacOS version above 10.15. With MacOS Sonoma on the M platform (not on an Intel device), this command has started to give the following error: installer: Package name is Agent Installer\ninstaller: Upgrading at base path /\ninstaller: The upgrade failed. (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance. An unexpected error occurred while moving files to the final destination.)\n. This is an error we see when our application is not granted Full Disk Access, but as mentioned, our application has been granted Full Disk Access. Also, the installation appears to complete successfully, meaning the files are moved to the correct place, but the installation still errors. It seems to be erroring while copying the new binary to /usr/local/bin. In fact, it cannot copy any file to /usr/local/bin without erroring, even a simple text file. This leads me to believe that it may be erroring on trying to rollback the previous install, but since the binary has Full Disk Access, it is failing to remove the old binary (rightfully so) and so the installer errors. I just want to reiterate that this has always worked, and only with Sonoma on M architecture machines (M1 and M2) has this started erroring.
Dec ’23
OSLog Line Numbers & Source File Only Shown On Mouse Hover in Tiny Text?
For awhile I've wrapped OSLog in my own macros to include the line number and source file the logging statement originates from in debug mode because OSLog didn't include that info in console output (until recently). Now I noticed the source code file and line number of the logging statement isn't being shown (I have all the metadata switches turned on in Xcode's console "Metadata Options" popover). Then I realized it is being shown, only on mouse hover over the logging statement in very tiny text. The text is barely readable (on mouse hover). Why would viewing the line number require me to move the mouse cursor over a logging statement? It doesn't look pretty at all (hiding information behind mouse hover) and even if it did look pretty, this is the console for programmers and we don't care about such nonsense.
Dec ’23
Sensitive Content Analysis Debug Profile: Invalid Signature
Hi all, I'm attempting to test integration of the Sensitive Content Analysis (SCA) framework in my iOS application. To do so, my understanding is that I need to install the SCA debugging profile in order to generate false-positives. However, when I attempt to download and install the profile on my iOS device, I receive this error message: The error message indicates that the "Profile 'SensitiveContentAnalysis Debug Profile' has an invalid signature." Is there something on my device that's improperly configured and preventing its installation, or does the linked debug profile from Apple really, truly contain an invalid signature?
Dec ’23
Building OpenCL code for Apple Silicon
I am asking this more in hope than expectation, but would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions (with apologies for a rather lengthy post). The problem I have with my existing OpenCL code is, quite simply, that I am unable to get it to build in Xcode (I have always used Xcode without problems in the past). So my question, quite simply, is: Can anyone advise how to configure and use Xcode in order to successfully build OpenCL code for Apple Silicon? Background: Having just received a shiny new M3 MacBook Pro, I would really like to try out one or two of my GPU programs. They were all written several years using OpenCL, before Apple decided to give up on it in favour of Metal. (In fact, I have since converted one of them to use CUDA, but that is not useful here.) Now, I completely understand that the right thing to do is to convert them to use Metal directly, and will do this when I have time, but I suspect that it will take me several days, if not weeks (I have never had reason to use Metal until now, so I will also have to learn how to convert my code; there are quite a few kernels). I don’t have time to do that at the moment. Meanwhile, I would very much like to try the programs right now, using OpenCL, simply to find out how they run on Apple Silicon (I have previously only used them on older, Intel Macs with AMD GPUs). It would be great to see my code running on the M3’s GPU! The reasons I think this must still be possible are (a) there are plenty of Geekbench OpenCL results for the M3 chips; and (b) I have managed to compile and run a really trivial OpenCL program (but only using clang from the command line; I have been unable to work out how to compile individual .cl files containing OpenCL kernels). The problem I am getting is that, having cloned one of my sets of programs into Xcode on my new M3 Mac, I am unable to get any of the kernels even to build. The failure I’m getting is that Xcode is trying to run a version of openclc in the directory /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/, which gives the error condition Bad CPU type in executable when Xcode tries to use it. It seems that this is an x86_64 version of openclc. There is a universal binary version in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUCompiler.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/, but I have been unable to find a way to configure (or force ….) Xcode to use that one. It may well be, of course, that if I manage to get past this problem, another one will present itself. Nonetheless, if any of you can suggest anything that I might try, I would be most grateful. One secondary question, if I may: Using openclc to compile a .cl file (containing a kernel) from the command line, is there a parameter (e.g. a value to specify with -arch) or combination of parameters that will cause it to produce a .bc file for an Apple Silicon GPU and also the .cl.h header file that has to be #included in the C or C++ code that will dispatch the kernel? Thanks …. Andrew PS. I’ve also posted this question on MacRumors, because there seem to be quite a number of people there who understand Apple Silicon, but I rather suspect there’s a better chance of getting getting the help I need here ….
Dec ’23
Are there any macOS framework references for C?
Im having difficulty trying to find C references for the functions and their inputs for the frameworks inside of /System/Library/Frameworks/. Whenever I search it up online I can only get documentation for usage in Swift and Obj-C. I'm trying to link to Carbon.framework in C++ but I can't seem to find any references for the actual funtions I can use. This seems to be across all of the frameworks and the closest I found to a source of refrences was the documentation archive but none of it seems to show the actual references. If anyone has a link to any sort of refrences of any kind then please link them 🥰
Jan ’24