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Verification Pending for Organization
Hi Team, We are waiting for my account to get verified as organization, I have been waiting since 2 months, Please help me with my enrollment, sharing the enrollment number ID:WV8HMK6D44 I have already submitted the DUNS number and I got the email of verification pending for signing authority and I have shared the contact details as well but no verification have been received Kindly help us in resolving the issue.
Dec ’23
where can i configure the cancel button
I use apple sign on web using the URL email&response_mode=form_post when it comes to this stage and press "cancel", it redirect me to an invalid url. Where can i configure the URL for the cancel button?
Jan ’24
Unable to connect iOS devices to the Xcode tool on a Mac
Hi Team, Issue - Unable to connect MDM managed iOS devices to the Xcode tool running on a Mac device for testing iOS apps. Receiving an error: iPhone is not paired with your computer. Error: iPhone is not paired with your computer Device/App Details : XCODE version - 14.2 MacOS Ventura - 13.2.1 iOS – 16.4.1 Tried troubleshooting steps: Tried updating the XCODE to the latest version 15 and with an iOS device running the latest iOS version 17, but the customer informed that it is not specific to one Xcode version, iOS version, or Mac version. If we remove the MDM, then we can connect to the XCODE Tool. Tried disabling all the iOS restrictions but still receiving the same error. Note: In general, when we connect an iOS device to a Mac, we receive a prompt on the iOS device screen to Trust this device, but after enrolling the device, we are not receiving this prompt. Any advice.?
Jan ’24
login script
Hiiii. I have a very specific question, so I coded a script for my MacBook. After it's done, it sends it all to my email, this happens every time the password is entered. When I enter my password and login, and automator app activates, now, my question is, is there a way to actually do this on my iPad as well I pasted the clean code below #!/usr/bin/env import os Path [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] import sys Path [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] import subprocess import datetime import psutil import pyautogui Email functionality [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] Email functionality [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] Email functionality [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] ############################################################################################################################### [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["pmset", "-g", "batt"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() output = output.decode("utf-8") start = output.find('InternalBattery-0') + 17 end = output.find('%', start) return output[start:end].strip() [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["networksetup", "-listallhardwareports"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8") [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["system_profiler", "SPUSBDataType"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8") [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] cpu_usage = psutil.cpu_percent() memory_usage = psutil.virtual_memory().percent return f"CPU Usage: {cpu_usage}%, Memory Usage: {memory_usage}%" [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["osascript", "-e", 'tell application "System Events" to get the name of every process whose background only is false'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8") [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] Path [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8") def send_email(subject, body, to_email, from_email, password = '[REMOVED]' Email functionality [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] msg['From'] = from_email = '[REMOVED]' msg['To'] = to_email = '[REMOVED]' msg['Subject'] = subject Email functionality [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] Email functionality [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] server.starttls() server.login(from_email, password = '[REMOVED]' server.send_message(msg) server.quit() [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] Path [REMOVED OR GENERALIZED] output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8").strip() [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["softwareupdate", "--list"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8") [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport", "-I"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8") [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw", "--getglobalstate"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, _ = process.communicate() return output.decode("utf-8").strip() [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] process = subprocess.Popen(["uptime"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Parse the output to extract uptime information output, _ = process.communicate() # Implement your parsing logic here return output.decode("utf-8").strip().upper() [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] try: cpu_usage = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # GPU tracking is more complex and hardware-specific. # You might need to use a specialized library or tool depending on your GPU. gpu_usage = "GPU tracking not implemented" # Placeholder return f"CPU LOAD: {cpu_usage}%\nGPU LOAD: {gpu_usage}".upper() # Convert to uppercase for emphasis except Exception as e: [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] ############################################################################################################################### def create_log_file(): [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] current_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] log_data = "---------- System Log Report ----------\n" log_data += f"Date and Time: {current_time}\n\n" [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] log_data += "----------------------------------------\n" [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] log_data += "----------------------------------------\n" [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] [Sensitive Data Removed or Generalized] # Email variables (replace placeholders with your actual information) subject = "System Log Report" to_email = '[REMOVED]' from_email = '[REMOVED]' app_specific_password = '[REMOVED]' # Send the email = '[REMOVED]' send_email(subject, log_data, to_email, from_email, app_specific_password = '[REMOVED]' create_log_file()
Jan ’24
Does the App Store accept Apps that uses Cordova and a mobile framework?
HI, can you tell me if the app store accepts iOS (iphone) apps that are built using either the Onsen-ui or JQM framework that then utilises Cordova to be packaged up. The app also uses a few plugins, i.e, check internet connection etc. I have read different posts over the years saying they don't and on another site saying they will accept. I'm just looking for a definitive answer. I should state what I am developing isn't just a clone of a website but a proper user based application. It is just I don't want to wast time developing the idea if it will ultimately be rejected. Thanks.
Jan ’24
Strings Catalog only now renders as JSON in editor
I have added a strings catalog to my project, and it populates and updates correctly. However, after adding a few "vary as plurals" edits, now the file only renders as a JSON in the editor. So, there's no UI to add languages, for example. The strings catalog still works, and if I manually edit a string it will be compiled into the app, and if I edit a string in my app source, it will update in the JSON file. It's just that the strings catalog UI itself is hidden. If I delete the Localizable file and re-add it, the UI returns. But then if I make my pluralization edits again, the UI disappears and it renders only as JSON. If I drag this xcstrings file into another project it will render with the correct UI, so it seems like a project setting. Is there some setting to re-enable this?
Jan ’24
iphone 13 mini will not connect to dev machine
I've been using my phone for quite some time for personal development, basically since i got it, Before iOS 17 was released I updated my phone with iOS 17 beta and after that even though i've gotten the latest release and beta updates are off on my phone, my macbook will not recognize my phone, particularly for xcode to see it. I also have a mac studio that i can connect to with this phone and use for development but I don't understand why this phone with this particular macbook pro will not connect. Although it will charge and i even get the trust / do not trust prompt on my phone. Here is what i've tried so far, reset my phone to factory defaults (completely wiped my phone) reinstalled macOS on my macbook pro, i know its extreme but this is after a lot of trying and failing got the lastest iOS (iOS 17.2) got the latest macOS (14.2.1 sonoma) got the latest xcode 15.2, have all the command line tools and agreements accepted restarted my machine / xcode, deleted derived data, cleaned my build, tried multiple projects iphone is in developer mode this whole time as well reset the permissions on my iphone, and trusted again multiple times, i've even tried multiple different cables, including official iphone cables and unofficial amazon brand cables. so i'm at my wits end, any suggestions?
Jan ’24
"Not enrolled in the Apple Developer Program"
So I recently enrolled in the Apple Developer Program and paid the $100. I have finished an app and went to distribute it to TestFlight but get hit with the alert: "Team "XXXXXX (Personal Team)" is not enrolled in the Apple Developer Program. Distribution requires enrollment in the Apple Developer Program. Visit to enroll." Anyone know how to fix this? I feel like I have tried everything.
Jan ’24
How to use many of same app on iOS
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I am a normal user of my iPhone. Today a friend showed me that he can create many similar applications on his iPhone using an Apple developer account. Basically, for example, a Z application, he can create many other Z applications (tens, hundreds, thousands...) and use them independently on that iPhone, each Z application is a different online account. I've researched a lot of places but don't know how to do it, can someone show me the steps to be able to use it like that? Thank you very much.
Jan ’24