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iPhone 14 max iOs 17 issue with calls
Ever since iphone 14 max update to new ios 17 calls getting dropped also phone keep going in sos mood. when place a call the part hear you for 2 seconds and then goes silent and then call fails. Done all sort of trouble shooting but not fixed yet. Reset the network and sim setting but still same issue. Please fix the issue with update or something.
Oct ’23
new push notification sound on ios17 sucks
Hello Apple Developers, I posted my comments 2 weeks ago and was hoping that with enough people making complaints, Apple developers will make a jump and change the push notification back ot allow users to customize it. It seems like these Apple developers are either tone-deaf or simply do not care about Apple's future. As a business owner, I can tell you that if you piss off enough Apple's die-hard, loyal users, Apple will go down in history like many other companies. I am for one who has used Apple products for many years. I have decided that I will not upgrade or buy another Apple product ever. I understand that Apple has difficult times with product innovation besides moving buttons here and there and call it "new design". Push notification is not a new invention. It's been working and why fix/change things that worked. Please fix the damn issue today so we can move on. It's not that complicated.
Oct ’23
How to retrieve Serial Number of USB Flash Drive connected with iPhone?
Hi Team, For our project requirement, we are developing iOS application inorder to retrieve Serial No. of USB flash drive programatically. Need your help in obtaining clarification on below query Query: i) We are accessing flash drive using "UIDocumentPickerViewController". Is there any class/method which can help us to get serial number of USB flash drive connected with iPhone13(Using lightening OTG adaptor)?
Oct ’23
App not running in Android Suduio but working in Xcode 15.0 and iOS 17+
Initially I've been using Xcode 4.3.1 and 15 Beta with my iOS 16.5 and 16.6.1 and no issues occurred. I upgraded to Xcode 15 and now 15.0.1 and iOS to 17+, 1st Xcode was not detecting iOS that got fixed in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/737907?page=2 post. Now Android studio is not ready to run/debug app. ERROR: Could not run build/ios/iphoneos/Runner.app on xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Try launching Xcode and selecting Product < Run to fix the problem. To my surprize, app works fine in Xcode but can't launch it in Android Studio, i have tried almost everything. Invalidated cache Complete Android Studio cache clear Delete build Clean flutter Upgrade pub/tools/etc All plugins are up to date becaause same app runs in XCODE (My phone is directly connected to USB, its iPhone XR running on iOS 17.0.3, developer mode is fine and i can run app on Xcode)
Oct ’23
I upgraded macOS to Sonoma and forced Xcode to update to 15. However, I cannot test devices below iOS 17.
As title I upgraded macOS to Sonoma, Xcode is forced to update to 15. I cannot test devices below iOS 17. I started the 16.4 emulator. However, simulators other than iOS 17 cannot be found in the device list in Xcode. Will Sonoma be allowed to support the use of Xcode14 during this transition period? After upgrading Sonoma, my work progress slowed down. very frustrating
Oct ’23
17.2 Disabled Charging Port
Installed 17.2 Beta on 14Pro and since then the charging port is not recognized. Can only charge wirelessly. Took to Apple Store and was told its impossible to reverse to the previous version since they can’t physically connect to iTunes. Repair is $649 or I can trade it in. Everything worked flawlessly before the 17.2 install. The diagnostics show hardware is good as well. So to summarize, while helping Apple finesse their software they installed a bug that disables the port and renders the phone pretty useless. Way to go Apple!!!
Oct ’23
Apple Business Manager Migration
Hello, We are implementing Apple Business Manager in our organization. Previously, we had personal Apple accounts with our domain, and when synchronizing our Apple Business Manager account with Azure AD, we identified several conflicting accounts. The system suggested notifying users to switch from their personal accounts. Is there a way to transfer these accounts to Apple Business Manager without the need for a switch? If not, what are the recommendations for our scenario? We appreciate the assistance!
Nov ’23
RoomPlan error "Room size exceeded" during Lidar Scanning
Hello, we are using the RoomPlan API and our users are facing issues during scanning with more than 10% frequency rate. The errors are of different type but aren't really suiting the context. For example, the error message "Roomsize exceeded" (translated from German) is popping up even though the room is relatively small. Bigger rooms are not a problem. We would like to know what is triggering errors exactly so that we can reproduce it. We are going to build workarounds for it, like snapshotting the ARSession to continue later ideally. Unfortunately on errors the ARSession is ended and all data scanned is lost. Has anyone else encounters this?
Nov ’23
iMessages syncing paused
iPhone 15 Pro Max. On iOS Beta 17.2. After i updated to this version, iMessages has a message at the bottom saying Syncing paused. I turned on and off iMessage syncing, rebooted the phone, turned on and off wifi and I have plenty of storage on my iCloud. Used 30 gig out of 200 gig of storage. I can't get the message to go away. Attached is a screenshot of the message. Thank you for any help!
Nov ’23