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Posts under macOS tag

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How to stop Finder from triggering full file download of a file on network share to generate the thumbnail
Default behaviour of the macOS when interacting via Finder with a network share is to create thumbnails to provide a nice user experience. This behaviour is implemented by QuickLook framework. This triggers the full file download and quickly lead to cache using large disk space and even cache trashing. We can disable QuickLook selectively by injecting specially prepared .DS_Store file with instruction/setup to disable thumbnails in that directory but still degrades user's experience only in the network share ecosystem. Is there any way we can provide our own thumbnails or ask Finder to not download full file to generate the thumbnail?
Sqlite database locked
Hi guys, 🙏I have a problem with repeated saving to the database. If I do the first update it is OK, but after the second attempt the update fails and the console says "Failed to commit transaction: database is locked". Here is my function: func updateMapCoordinates(radius: Int32) { // Otevření databáze, pokud není otevřená guard db != nil else { print("Database connection is nil") return } var statement: OpaquePointer? = nil let updateQuery = "UPDATE \(mapTable) SET radius = ? WHERE id = 1;" // Začátek transakce if sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", nil, nil, nil) != SQLITE_OK { let errorMessage = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db)) print("Failed to begin transaction: \(errorMessage)") return } if sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, updateQuery, -1, &statement, nil) == SQLITE_OK { sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 1, radius) print("uložím \(radius)") if sqlite3_step(statement) == SQLITE_DONE { print("Coordinates saved successfully") } else { let errorMessage = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db)) print("Failed to save coordinates: \(errorMessage)") } } else { let errorMessage = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db)) print("SAVE statement could not be prepared: \(errorMessage)") } // Finalizace statementu sqlite3_finalize(statement) // Ukončení transakce if sqlite3_exec(db, "COMMIT", nil, nil, nil) != SQLITE_OK { let errorMessage = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db)) print("Failed to commit transaction: \(errorMessage)") sqlite3_exec(db, "ROLLBACK", nil, nil, nil) } }
Can one use the new provenance feature to avoid slow notarization checks for newly compiled unsigned binaries?
I am working with a compiler that produces native binaries, It's really meant for servers so it's not integrated with Xcode or the Xcode build system. As such the output binaries get the default ad-hoc signatures the linker makes. After (re)compiling such a binary, there is a delay whilst running it. This is because macOS notices it's an unknown binary and goes off to ask notarization servers/Xprotect if it's known malware. Fine, I understand the need for this and why it happens. From the logs it's clear that macOS is now tracking the "provenance" of binaries. This means where they came from. This raises the question of whether it could know that my local dev binaries are coming from this compiler, if it was in turn properly signed and notarized. And if so, whether there is some security policy I could set to say "if binary X produces binary Y, then trust Y". Yes I know this would be a security exploit if it were done that way by default, but I am willing to take the risk of special malware that compiles itself first using this special compiler that isn't installed by default then runs the output, as presumably any such malware would be so targeted Xprotect/notarization wouldn't know about it anyway. The provenance mechanism is some internal security thing and isn't documented, but I'm curious if anyone knows more about it and whether it's usable for this? Or alternatively if there's a way to stop macOS doing these slow checks for certain binaries e.g. under specific paths?
Jun ’24
Invalid '' entitlement value.
I already have an iOS app accepted on the App Store, and now I want to add a macOS platform version. I created a new Xcode project and used the same bundle ID as my iOS app. When I tried to upload the macOS bundle, I encountered the following error: Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle ABC.123456 [ABC.123456.pkg/Payload/] is invalid. [Invalid '' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) I found that this problem occurs when the "Team ID" and "App ID Prefix" are different. How can I make them match?
Jun ’24
Binding to Shared User Defaults might fail in Xcode storyboards
While binding to the Shared User Defaults in .xib files is very easy I had hard times to achieve application wide preferences in projects based on storyboards. The behavior is a bit strange/unexpected and even in Xcode 15.4 it seams not to be completely solved. Issue is that IB only creates a single instance of a Shared User Default controller for the first scene, where it was requested and linking to this instance from other scenes offers no functionality. Even worse IB suggests this as first binding proposal. Here an example to deal with this issue. add slider and label to view of ViewController in IB storyboard add MenuItem to windows menu in the Application Scene When running the app this menu item remains disabled as no action is connected bind value of the created menu item to the Shared User Defaults with Model Key Path: “showTerminal“ This creates a Shared User Defaults Controller instance that we use later. Now running the app the menu item is enabled and the checkmark toggles each time add a checkbox to the view add a User Default Controller to the View Controller Scene This must be repeated for any further Window- or View- Controller scene where a binding to the user defaults is required. bind the checkbox to the newly added User Defaults Controller (but not the Shared User Defaults Controller) keeping the suggested Controller key values and set the Model Key Path to “showTerminal“ as above now bind the slider and the label to the same User Defaults controller using an identical Model key If accidentally bound to the Shared User Defaults Controller (this is what IB suggests) no functional binding will take place! Register the defaults early (before the nib is being loaded) to set default values like for example: class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { override init() { super.init() UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [ "first": 0.0 , "showTerminal": false ] ) } … } [] ATTENTION: Suggestion is, to create the first Defaults Controller as a Shared User Defaults Controller inside the Application scene. Somehow Xcode remembers settings of the Shared User Default Controller and otherwise bindings might fail. MESSAGE: Never bind to the “Shared User Default Controller“ but to individually created “User Default Controller“ for every scene, unless it is the very first time. Alternatively you can set a let variable as @objc let defaults = UserDefaults.standard for example in each ViewController and then bind to this by Bind to: ViewController Controller Key: Model Key Path: defaults.
Jun ’24
RealityKit for macOS example
I would like to code some RealityViews to run on my Mac first (and then incorporate them in a visionOS project) so that my code/test loop is faster, but I have not been able to find a simple example that supports Mac. Is it possible to have volumes on a Mac? Is there support for using a game controller to move around the RealityView, like in the visionOS simulator?
Jun ’24
copyFromBuffer offset and size working even when not multiple of 4
Hi, Reading the copyFromBuffer documentation states that on macOS, sourceOffset, destinationOffset, and size "needs to be a multiple of 4, but can be any value in iOS and tvOS". However, I have noticed that, at least on my M2 Max, this limitation does not seem to exist as there are no warnings and the copy works correctly regardless of the offset value. I'm curious to know if this is something that should still be avoided. Is the multiple of 4 limitation reserved for non Apple Silicon devices and that note can be ignored for Apple Silicon? I ask because I am a contributor to Metal.jl, and recently noticed that our tests pass even when copying using copyWithBuffer with offsets and sizes that are not multiples of 4. If that coul cause issues/correctness problems, we would need to fix that. Thank you. Christian
Jun ’24
Oddity With OS X Content Filter Not Calling handleNewFlow
I'm working with content filters on OS X and encountered an issue where the handleNewFlow function is not called unless I explicitly invoke completionHandler(nil) in the startFilter method. This is perplexing because I expected handleNewFlow to be called automatically when new traffic flows are detected. Here's an example of my startFilter function without the completionHandler: override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { os_log("Start filter called") // Create a network rule that matches all traffic let allTrafficNetworkRule = NENetworkRule(remoteNetwork: nil, remotePrefix: 0, localNetwork: nil, localPrefix: 0, protocol: .any, direction: .outbound) // Create a filter rule that allows all traffic let allowAllFilterRule = NEFilterRule(networkRule: allTrafficNetworkRule, action: .allow) // Set filter settings with the default action to allow all traffic let filterSettings = NEFilterSettings(rules: [allowAllFilterRule], defaultAction: .allow) // If I include this it will work fine, but TCP sessions will be reset: //completionHandler(nil) } Question: Why, when I include completionHandler(nil) in the startFilter method, do all TCP sessions on my computer get reset? Is there a way to around this? My ideal state would be to get handleNewFlow to execute, but not without resetting sessions on my machine.
Jun ’24
Delete button in default NSSavePanel for new document
I just noticed that when closing a new document with edits in MacOS Sonoma that it skips the Save/Don't Save/Cancel panel and goes directly to default NSSavePanel with Delete/Cancel/Save buttons. The problem is that when I click "Delete" nothing happens. It should have simple solution, but I could not find anything. How does one respond to the "Delete" button? My undocumented (as far as I can tell) hack was to implement document:didSave:contextinfo selector for runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation. It appears that in this method for a new document: Delete button has didSave=YES (even though it did not save) and the document fileURL nil Cancel button has didSave=NO and document fileURL nil Save button has didSave=YES and document filieURL to saved file I can handle Delete button this way, but since it is not a documented method, it make me uncomfortable. For example what happens is user clicks "Save", but the save has an error? As an aside, since Apple is now working with ChatGPT, I thought it might provide some help. I asked it how I can respond to "Delete" button in MacOS Sonoma and it said to implement deleteDocument: in your NSDocument subclass. I pointed out to ChatGPT that deleteDocument: does not exist. It said "you are correct" and you should instead check the returned result from runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation and look for "stop" action. I pointed out to ChatGPT that runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation is void and does not return a result, it said again, "you are correct." It gave a third option which basically said to override runModalSavePanelForSaveOperation and build your own save panel from scratch. I didn't know if I should trust this answer. I reverted to my hack and wrote this post. Also ChatGPT never apologized for wasting my time with the wrong answers.
Jun ’24
How to Install a Binary in SIP-Protected Locations in macOS without Recovery Mode
I'm looking for a solution to install a binary on a macOS system where System Integrity Protection (SIP) is enabled, and the target installation location is protected by SIP. I need to achieve this without booting into recovery mode to disable SIP. Is there any method to achieve this, such as by creating separate packages that can handle SIP-protected locations, developing or using installer applications capable of navigating SIP constraints, leveraging specific entitlements or permissions to facilitate the installation, or utilising Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions for deployment? If anyone has experience or insights on any reliable ways to accomplish this, please share any detailed steps, tools, or best practices that could be useful.
Jun ’24
Xcode16 Beta Compilation Error: Reserved Keyword 'module' Issue
While compiling with the Xcode Beta1 version, the 'module' keyword used in the previous method as a parameter is now recognized as a reserved keyword, causing compilation errors and preventing our project from continuing to run. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Additionally, I would like to vent: It's quite uncomfortable that the MacOS Beta version cannot be downgraded directly. I am now facing the dilemma of being unable to open Xcode 15 and having Xcode 16 fail to compile.
Jun ’24
Can I ignore safe area when resizing a window in macOS 15?
I am attempting to make a macOS app to show a large popup with no titlebar and a transparent background that spans the entire active display. Currently, I am attempting the last part, with the sizing. I used an example on the relevant developer documentation page. This is the code I am using in my App struct: @main struct MakeGoodChoicesApp: App { ... var body: some Scene { ... Window("Make Good Choices", id:"popup") { PopupWindowContentView() .ignoresSafeArea(.all) } .windowIdealPlacement {_, context in return WindowPlacement( x: context.defaultDisplay.bounds.minX, y: context.defaultDisplay.bounds.minY, width: context.defaultDisplay.bounds.width, height: context.defaultDisplay.bounds.height ) } } } When running my application and using some code to open the popup window, I get the following result: I would expect the window to expand past the safe area, but it seems as if macOS clamped the window's size down to inside the safe areas. I would appreciate any help, many thanks!
Jun ’24
Issue running app when SIP disabled.
I've been developing an MacOS app for a while and everything was going smoothly until one of the testers reported that the app was crashing on launch. After investigation, we discovered that he had System Integrity Protection disabled. I could reproduce the error by disabling SIP: Library not loaded: @rpath/myframework.framework/myframework Referenced from: <4C129258-1BF8-3D30-9AFE-BF4206D0A767> /Applications/ Reason: , (security policy does not allow @ path expansion) (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace) The app launches normally if I reenable SIP. I can't find information about "security policy does not allow @ path expansion". I'll appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.
Jun ’24