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TestFlight within App Store Connect allows you to invite and manage testers who can install and beta test your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps using the TestFlight app on the App Store.

Posts under TestFlight tag

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Could not find the main bundle or the Info.plist is missing a CFBundleIdentifier
We have an enormous legacy based application which has been ported from Windows. The build system is make and has literally hundreds of .cpp, .c, .h, .m, and .mm files. I've gotten it successfully running on MacOSX and managed to build nice installation packages using the "Packages" package which have been sucessfully signed, notarized and stapled, and install nicely on "clean" Machines. The .app/bundle format has been lovingly laid out to match the app. Now, I'd like to use Testflight to deliver the app, and eventually the Mac App Store. In my first attempt, I tried xcrun altool --validate-app .. to validate the Packages built app. It, not surprisingly, failed spectacularly because I guess it hasn't kept up with however packages need to be build to pass --validate. (It's an amazing tool though) So, I decided to use pkgbuild and productbuild to build the package: pkgbuild --root App_name.app --identifier com.mycompany.myapp --sign "Developer ID Installer: ...." --scripts Scripts --install-location "/Applications/MyApp.app" Distribution.pkg productbuild --synthesize --package Distribution.pkg Distribution.xml productbuild --distribution Distribution.xml --sign "Developer ID Installer..." --package-path . MyApp.productbuild.pkg xcrun altool --validate-app -f MyApp.productbuild.pkg -u username --type macos This fails with: { NSLocalizedDescription = "Could not find the main bundle or the Info.plist is missing a CFBundleIdentifier in \U2018MyApp.productbuild.pkg\U2019."; NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Unable to validate your application."; } I confirmed I have an info.plist and if contains a valid CFBundleIdentifier, and I extracted the package using Pacifist and confirmed it's there, too. I'm at a loss. Converting the package to XCode would be a monumental effort right now, and I'd really like to avoid it. Is there something I'm missing, or should this work? Thanks!
Mar ’24
Issues with StoreKit2 and TestFlight
Transaction.updates When testing on TestFlight, Transaction.updates emits payments that occur on the same device (usually within 1min after payment is finished), contradicting the docs: The asynchronous sequence that emits a transaction when the system creates or updates transactions that occur outside of the app or on other devices. Transaction.unfinished When testing on TestFlight, Transaction.unfinished contains finished payments from a different device (same App Store account). Docs: A sequence that emits unfinished transactions for the user. Both issues do not happen when testing with Xcode. Xcode 15.2, iOS 17.3, 17.4
Feb ’24
ITMS-90725: SDK version issue (iOS 17 SDK)
Hi guys, need some help on this issue when I submit my testing app to TestFlight using GitHub Actions and Fastlane, I get this warning from App Store Connect: We noticed one or more issues with a recent delivery for the following app: Although delivery was successful, you may want to correct the following issues in your next delivery. Once you've corrected the issues, upload a new binary to App Store Connect. ITMS-90725: SDK version issue - This app was built with the iOS 16.2 SDK. Starting April 29, 2024, all iOS and iPadOS apps must be built with the iOS 17 SDK or later, included in Xcode 15 or later, in order to be uploaded to App Store Connect or submitted for distribution. I am using React Native CLI, and Fastlane to run and build my app through Github Actions. After scouring around, from what I understood was that all I needed to do was just to update my Xcode and iOS SDK to the latest, which I did. Currently my Xcode is 15.2 and iOS SDK is on 17 already. However, I still receive this warning whenever I submit my app. Is it something that I need to resolve on my end or?
Feb ’24
Could not install [App] The requested app is not available or doesn't exist.
I made the app file in xcode validate the app and then I shared it only in test fligth when I wanted to test it on my iphone 14 Plus device the following message appears try uploading other builds same thing happens with the other two apps I've been two weeks trying to solve this bug or problem, I searched for information on google but what appears is from 2014 how much appstore had the name of itunes Connect, I have asked in other forums and ddicen to wait a while that is normal but I think it takes a long time. If someone has gone through this and put you solve agadeceria you can help me
Feb ’24
Xcode Cloud failing to upload to TestFlight/App Store
Since yesterday, we have experienced Xcode Cloud failing to upload our archives to TestFlight/App Store. Unsupported SDK or Xcode version? Here is one of the error messages we see on Xcode Cloud: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version. Your app was built with an SDK or version of Xcode that isn’t supported. Although you can use beta versions of SDKs and Xcode to build and upload apps to App Store Connect, you need to use the latest Release Candidates (RC) for SDKs and Xcode to submit the app. For details on currently supported SDKs and versions of Xcode, visit: https://developer.apple.com/news/releases. All of our Xcode Cloud workflows are configured to use the 'Latest Release' of Xcode and macOS (Currently Xcode 15.3 Release Candidate (15E5202a)), so I'm unsure why we are getting the above error. Invalid Bundle (SPM)? Some other errors that have just started to pop up are related to our Swift Package dependencies. We use Xcode's in-IDE interface for managing package dependencies (no custom Package.swift file). Here's some of the error messages we've seen: Invalid Bundle. The bundle {MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework does not support the minimum OS Version specified in the Info.plist. Invalid MinimumOSVersion. Apps that only support 64-bit devices must specify a deployment target of 8.0 or later. MinimumOSVersion in '{MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework' is ''. Missing Info.plist value. A value for the key 'MinimumOSVersion' in bundle {MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework is required. The bundle 'Payload/{MyAppName}.app/Frameworks/{FrameworkName}.framework' is missing plist key. The Info.plist file is missing the required key: CFBundleShortVersionString. Please find more information about CFBundleShortVersionString at https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/cfbundleshortversionstring I am not sure what to make of these errors, as we have not made any changes to minimum deployment version of any of our project's targets. These errors seemed to start happening out of nowhere, sometime between last Friday and yesterday. Any help would be very appreciated!!
Mar ’24
Expired TestFlight builds launched from unknown devices
Hello, during development of a simple game for iPhone and iPad, I'm using a Swift package to keep track of app launches — this does not collect any user-related information. Only the device model, iOS version and build version number are reported by the package, which automatically also includes the originating IP address. While looking at the Swift package reports, I'm seeing a few unexpected entries: launches from devices that do not belong to any testers (established by looking at the device models) launches from builds that have been expired in App Store Connect launches from IP addresses apparently from the Apple WAN (established by looking up the addresses via e.g. whois) A single public link to a TestFlight build was shared with a single group of testers — none of which have the device models described above in 1. This link has been expired as soon as I noticed the unexpected entries. But the entries keep coming, and they mostly coincide with new TestFlight builds — although the launches do not come from the new builds, but rather from older ones. Has anyone experienced something similar with TestFlight builds...? Thank you, D.
Mar ’24
ITMS-90109: This bundle is invalid - The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions.
So I have an app live in the app store all good, however I am now developing an update to it that adds the ability to allow photos to be used and that requires that the app gets an additional access to the camera roll. Now on upload to testflight I get this error emailed to me, not in the interface: ITMS-90109: This bundle is invalid - The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions. To me that is saying that I cant add new features to an app that requires additional permissions. Is that correct? How can I get around this, will my app get rejected when I submit it due to this, or is it just an information item?
Feb ’24
Can't fetch products from App Store connect
I had everything working with Revenue Cat. Then my app got rejected for not loading subscriptions, which was odd because a previous built was rejected for wording on that same paywall. I checked, and realised I suddenly can't fetch products in testFlight either. I can only see products in Xcode using the store kit configuration file. I've found many issues like this online and everybody point to the same solutions (that seem to work for most), but here's what I tried so far: Checked that all my agreements in App Store Connect are active Checked that ids match between Xcode / revenue cat / App Store connect Store kit config file is syncing with App Store Connect correctly I removed revenue cat and used the store kit api directly to fetch products. The array of products is empty in all environments that don't have access to store kit config file. Checked status of all subscriptions (all waiting for review -- as they were when the paywall worked) Nothing seems to work... Any suggestions? Many thanks
Feb ’24
Error uploading app to TestFlight
I've been getting an error when I try to install an app uploaded to Testflight that says "Could not install AppName, the requested app is not available or does not exist", two weeks ago I uploaded an app and all fine, but uploaded again several and in different ways and still gives the same error, check everything and nothing has worked, I do not know if it is the xcode or operating system (I have mac os sonoma 14. 3.1), but everything is validated well and uploaded, the problem is that it does not install, I need help, I have tried everything and I do not know what to do.
Feb ’24
Can't redeem Test Flight code with new phone
Hi, I am acting as a tester for an app being developed by an external contractor and have run into an issue recently. The contractor originally sent me a test flight invite to my corporate email. At the time I didn't have a corporate phone or Apple ID tied to my corporate email so I redeemed the test flight invite on my personal phone which is logged in with my personal Apple ID even though it was sent to my corporate email. This setup worked fine. I have since received a corporate phone and am trying to switch over and we are running into some issues. Because I didn't want to log into my corporate phone with my personal credentials at setup time, I created a new Apple ID with my corporate email address. This is the same address that was used above when testing on my personal phone. I had the developer send me a new invite as the original one was months old and no longer value, but every time I attempt to redeem it, I always received an "invalid or revoked" error. We have tried several things. They confirmed that they removed the original tester account (not sure if that's the right term) that was used with my personal phone before inviting me again and have since tried multiple times to invite me. So far none of the invites seem to work on either phone now. Appreciate any advice. Thanks. Mike
Feb ’24
How long it takes for "the redeem code" on TestFlight expired?
Regularly I invite several users to external testing and they receive an email with redeem code but when they enter the redeem code, an error message pop out show: "redeem code is expired", It is just a short time after the user is notified. Then my question is very simple but I don't find the answer: How long it takes for "the redeem code" on TestFlight expired?
Feb ’24
Encountering 'Attribute 'cfBundleVersion' Error: Expected String, Received Integer' while uploading IPA
I'm encountering an issue while attempting to upload my IPA to the App Store. The error message indicates a problem with the datatype of the cfBundleVersion attribute, stating that it's incorrect. Strangely, this was working fine until yesterday. It's the error log: 2024-02-09 22:16:35.852 INFO: Show Progress: Contacting Apple Services… 2024-02-09 22:16:36.729 *** Error: Error [REDACTED]ing '/Users/vagrant/deploy/[REDACTED] - Development.ipa'. 2024-02-09 22:16:36.730 *** Error: An attribute in the provided entity has the wrong type Unexpected json type provided for attribute 'cfBundleVersion'. Expected a STRING but got INTEGER (ID: xxxxx) (409) { NSLocalizedDescription = "An attribute in the provided entity has the wrong type"; NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Unexpected json type provided for attribute 'cfBundleVersion'. Expected a STRING but got INTEGER (ID: xxxxx)"; "original_server_error" = { code = "ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.TYPE"; detail = "Unexpected json type provided for attribute 'cfBundleVersion'. Expected a STRING but got INTEGER"; id = "xxxxx", source = { pointer = "/data/attributes/cfBundleVersion"; }; status = 409; title = "An attribute in the provided entity has the wrong type"; }; } Uploading IPA failed: exit status 1 Here's the relevant snippet from my Info.plist: <string>74</string> I've built the iOS app using React Native and deployed it via Bitrise. Any insights into why this error might be occurring and how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Feb ’24