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TestFlight within App Store Connect allows you to invite and manage testers who can install and beta test your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps using the TestFlight app on the App Store.

Posts under TestFlight tag

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TestFlight Public Links on the forums
TestFlight Public Links are a great way to share beta versions of your apps with other members of the Apple Developer Program. With this new channel, you can share your TestFlight Public Links with the developer community, to gather valuable feedback on crucial elements, like technical implementation, user experience, design, and more. To maximize the benefits of posting TestFlight Public Links in the Developer Forums, here are some best practices to keep in mind: Provide details: Give comprehensive information about your app, like new features and test cases, and note specific areas where you seek feedback. The more detailed your post is, the better equipped the community will be to provide insight. Select platforms: Select the platforms that your beta app supports. Enter categories: Enter the App category you’ve selected or plan to select for your app on the App Store. Categories are critical to ensuring your post can be easily found by interested users. Stay connected with notifications: Enable web and push notifications so you’ll know when you receive feedback on your post. Note: The TestFlight app is still the most comprehensive way to gather feedback. This space is meant as a helpful secondary channel.
Aug ’23
Cannot accept team invitation
Hi all,There may be a similar thread related to iTunes connect in the forum but since my problem is slightly different I am opening up a new discussion. My company recently added me to a "Team" in apple developer portal and I got the invite in my inbox. I also have an Apple ID setup with company email address. When I go to accept the invitation I endup in a blank page. Chrome debugger shows 404 not found error,https://developer.apple.com/program/invitation/accept.action?invitationCode=I have omitted the exact invitation code from the URL but the page "accept.invite" itself seems to be not available anymore on Apple portal. Anyone else seeing this issue? What do I do?Thanks
Oct ’23
Error: Couldn't accept the invite (already accepted)
I'm trying to add myself to a "internal testers" testflight build. When I tap the "start testing" link in the email, Testflight (the app) opens on the app page. Tapping "install" returns an alert box telling "Couln't accept the invite", "Invite for this app already accepted" (the second translated back from Italian, it's translated in the app).The app don't appears in "Testing", there is no (apparent) way to start the test. The same appens on other devices of mine. I already tried to remove me from the internal testers list and readd me later with no results.Any ideas/hints/suggestions?Thank you!
Oct ’23
Transfer App - But not able to turn off Testflight Beta Testing
I need to transfer an app to my another iTunes Developer Account. I followed all the steps as mentioned in https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/TransferringAndDeletingApps.htmlAccording to above link, all eligibility criteria should be fulfilled before initiating a app transfer, but the point - "You must turn off TestFlight Beta Testing for the app that you want to transfer" is not met. So to fulfill it, I expired all the builds that are under beta testing, but still got no success.Can anybody help me to get my "Tesflight Beta Testing OFF" ? So that the criteria can be met and i can transfer the app.
Sep ’23
New Build Not Showing up in Testflight App
I have released a new build on Testflight and have received the email to start testing.However, when I open the testflight app on the phone, the new version is not listed.So I tried uploading another build with a new version number, yet the outcome was the same.I have tried this same procedure with another tester and they are seeing the same thing on their phone. They get the email to start testing, but the new version is not listed in the testflight app.What could be the reason for this?I am using xCode 9.4
Jul ’23
TestFlight crashlogs do not appear if app is in release as well
Hi there,the crashlogs are listed for every build in the organizer of XCode - normally. However, if a build is being tested in TestFlight and selected for a release at the same time, only the release crashes are listed. Even if the release is not made "Ready for Sale". In AppStore Connect I can see that the build had some crashes in the TestFlight overview. But inside the organizer I can't access those crashes. Since my app is not made "Read for Sale" yet, I see no crashes in the Organizer, not even the build number.Is there a way to download the crashlogs somehow directly? Or am I doing something wrong?Kind regards,Eduard
Sep ’23
Testflight E-Mail Invitation App Description not up-to-date
Hi,i am trying to provide my newest build to my testers.I have to provide some information in the invitation mail, since many of them are new to the process.But after inviting my self as a test, Testflight keeps sending the outdated app description in the invitation mail.For the specific build, i changed the "What to Test" content and i also changed the "Beta App Description" in the "Test Information" Tab.But Testflight still sends the old text, which is nowhere to be found anymore.Am i doing something wrong? How can i fix this?
Sep ’23
Flutter App - iOS version problems
I have developed an app in Flutter and deployed iOS version in TestFlight. App works fine sometimes but on load, app freezes and user need to close the app many times. It works 1 out of 5 times. When i connect my device directly to my mac and run the app, it works fine. This problem is only on iOS and only on the app I downloaded from Testflight. I don't see any issues in the logs as well. App freezes on launch and no action works on the app. If I close it and reopen again, it works sometimes. My backend is NodeJS service hosted on AWS. The REST endpoint is not https but http. Not sure if this is causing the issue or some internal flutter or iOS process which is causing app to freeze. Same app in Android works perfectly fine.
Jul ’23
SwiftUI Laggy on a Real Device
I have recently started Beta Testing my SwiftUI App on my iPhone 6s, previously I was testing it on the iPhone 12 Simulator. While Testing on the Real Device I encountered issues like: CPU going past 98% Really Laggy ScrollView Tab Bar Freezes Randomly Since My app is going to go in Production State in a few days, Since this is my first iOS App as well, I am not too sure if these issues are because of SwiftUI, my Phone or what, I have asked Apple Support but, haven't received a response so far. My App Stats: Lines of Code: ~1,500 CPU Usage on Simulator: Max. 10% Bundle Size: 2MB RAM Max. on Simulator: 32.3mb
Sep ’23
TestFlight app review alternatives for apps that require soft token on login
I'm preparing to submit an iOS app to TestFlight review for the first time, and the app requires at login a soft token, which would require that the Apple Review tester install a separate security app and interact directly via phone call with our security team to establish the token. Due to security restrictions, there is no other way to authenticate in our app (e.g. setting up a 'demo user' that doesn't require soft token). Does anyone have experience with Apple Review given these app login requirements? In your experience, has Apple Review been willing to engage with you to establish a soft token for review, or are there other approaches that have been acceptable to Apple, such as uploading a video recording of the operation of the app? Thank you!
Oct ’23
TestFlight Automatic Updates
TestFlight automatic updates are not working as I would expect. I have an existing TestFlight installed app on device - say version 1. I've also configured that app for Automatic Updates. I then submit an update to TestFlight, say version 1.1.0. But on device, 1.1.0 does not get installed. Instead it only says Update available and I still need to manually update. Is my understanding incorrect or is this a bug?
Aug ’23
Disk Write Exception
My test flight application crashed while doing a disk writing operation. I saw the following error in crash log 1073.76 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 705 seconds (1522.14 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 12.43 KB per second over 86400 seconds\ After a little bit of research I found from Apple documentation that System will throw an exception if disk writes from the app exceeds a certain limit in 24 hours window [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/reducing-disk-writes) But the threshold is not documented. But looking at the crash log we can reverse calculate this threshold as 12.43KB * 86400 ~ 1 GB Does this means that iOS application won't be able to write data more than this limit (1 GB) per day?
TestFlight for Mac shows "Not Available for Testing"
Hi team, recently after apple made TestFlight available for Mac. We want to test our mac App using testFlight for Mac. So we uploaded a new build and it got approved by Apple, But when we go to TestFlight section of it, We see status as "Not Available for Testing". The screenshot is attached below. The current state of the build is "Pending Developer Release" Please advise what could be causing the issue? Also, Is there any minimum requirement of Xcode version for a build to be test-flight ready for Mac. Example: It should be build using Xcode13 only and Xcode12 builds will not be supported for testFlight Beta Mac?
Nov ’23
ITMS-90755: Invalid Binary
I've been trying to upload a test build using Xcode 13 to TestFlight but keep getting the following error after build is uploaded successfully: ITMS-90755: Invalid Binary - The following binaries in your app contains prohibited instructions: /Volumes/data01/app_data/awf/SWImportWorker-pv50p00ce-swpr152.cse.apple.com-400203/ff08-SoftwareImportWorker-PV_.0/VWBGHTOVAUPPUUZ65REE64UUN4/eqbyjijjamvooymq/exddmvmbsqjsrxwj/Payload/[App Name].app/[App Name]. Remove the instructions from the binaries, rebuild and resubmit. What does this error mean? What are those prohibited instructions? Where to fine them in the app binary? Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
Sep ’23
TestFlight App uses wrong sandbox account for payment
I'm using TestFlight to test an app with payment/subscription functionality. I created sandbox accounts in AppStore Connect accordingly to be able to test the subscriptions. I'm logged in with the sandbox account. When I try to subscribe in the App the wrong account (this is my actual real AppleID) is used for the subscription although it is recognized that this is just a sandbox subscription. I tried: logging off/on into the sandbox account creating a totally new sandbox account trying to trigger the payment with no logged in sandbox account The result is always: in the payment popup it is stated that the purchase account will be my original AppleID and not a sandbox account. How can I switch the accounts? Is this a bug at Apple's side somehow?
Jan ’24
_CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock - ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage
Hi guys, I am getting the following error when trying to upload for macOS. The same code works fine for iOS. Dear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app. Please correct the following issues, then upload again. ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Contents/MacOS/***: _CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at http://developer.apple.com/support/technical/ Best regards, The App Store Team Just FYI: I am not using CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock at all, but rather the preferred variant CMTimebaseCreateWithSourceClock. Neither of these are private API. Both are available. Looks like a bug in AppStore Connect? Filed FB9752311 if anybody at Apple is listening.
Jul ’23