




INCOMPATIBLE DISK error message upon launching Big Sur APFS vs MacOS Extended issue in Big Sur?
Running on: iMac 27" 5k late 2015 - 64gb ram and a 16tb Pegasus Promise2 R4 raid5 via Thunderbolt. After trying Big Sur - found issues with Luminar Photo app, decided to return to Catalina on the iMac. Reformatted my internal drive and reinstalled Catalina 15.5 and reformatted the raid. But I keep getting the following message upon restarting: "Incompatible Disk. This disk uses features that are not supported on this version of MacOS" and my Pegasus2 R4 portion no longer appears on the desktop or in Disk Utility... Looked into this and discovered that it may be an issue of Mac OS Extended vs APFS The iMac was formatted to APFS prior to installing OS11 so I reformatted to APFS when returning to Catalina. The issues persisted so I re-reformatted from a bootable USB - this time to Mac OS Extended (journaled) and the issues seems to be resolved. The iMac runs slower on MacOS Ext, but it is running and the Raid is recognised... I'd love to go back to APFS but am afraid it will "break" things. Any thought on this would be welcome. Thanks Nick
Jul ’20
Why cannot I purchase Apple Developer Account using mastercard from Bangladesh?
First of all when I try to purchase $99 Apple Developer membership from it gets cancelled automatically. When I go to I can't add payment method. When I try to add payment method in I can select Bangladesh as shipping address but can't select Bangladesh in Country/Region popup. Does that mean, the people of Bangladesh cannot buy Apple Developer membership and become an App Developer? Why can we select Bangladesh in shipping but can't select Bangladesh for payment in
Jul ’20
iOS 14 Unable to Activate after restore
Last night I restored my iPhone 11 Pro Max to iOS 14 beta. After iPhone restored I am stuck at the activation screen. In setup assistant after selecting country and signing into my WiFi my iPhone tries to activate. After a few seconds I get: "Unable to Activate Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server cannot be reached. Try connecting you iPhone to a Mac or a PC with iTunes to activate, or try again in a couple of minutes. If this problem persists, contact Apple Support at" Restored on a MacBook 12" running macOS Big Sur beta 2 Shutdown iPhone on setup assistant screen and restarted. Used multiple good Wi-Fi connections. Also tried activating on Cellular. Tried removing sim card and reinserted. Tried a different sim card from the same carrier. Re-downloaded iOS 14 IPSW file. Put iPhone back into recovery mode. Opened finder selected iPhone, held down option while clicking on restore. Selected iOS 14 IPSW file. iPhone restored. Get the same activation error. Put iPhone into recovery mode. Opened finder, this time I selected restore without holding option. iPhone restored back to iOS 13. Also tried activating through finder and I get the following error: "Activation Failed The iPhone cannot be synced. Received an unexpected response from the device." Still receive "Unable to Activate". It's almost 24 hours and I am still unable to activate my phone. Anyone else having issues?
Jul ’20
WKWebView password autofill
Hi, We've been using the WKWebView for authentication and authorization purposes inside our app. Unfortunately, we are not able to enable the password autofill/keychain integration with WKWebView. The website is working correctly (we can see the suggested passwords and the key for the password list)whenever we are opening it using Safari, but when we are trying to open it inside our app using the WKWebView there is only default toolbar ( with arrows and done button). Is there a possibility to enable autofill using some javascript scripts or WKWebViewConfiguration in WKWebView or is this behaviour is reserved only for SFSafariViewController and Safari?
Jul ’20
CoreData: warning: CoreData+CloudKit
I use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. It seems that it the data synced in iCloud after a few seconds. However, I get the following warnings in the console. I do not understand what is it for. CoreData: warning: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _performSetupRequest:]_block_invoke(813): &lt;NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x280b051e0&gt;: Successfully set up CloudKit integration for store: &lt;NSSQLCore: 0x280024a00&gt; (URL: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/89D9D17C-03DF-48E4-83C3-DB23A8FE0D6F/TestData.sqlite) CoreData: warning: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate checkAndScheduleImportIfNecessary:]_block_invoke(2033): &lt;NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x280b051e0&gt;: Scheduling automated import with activity: <CKSchedulerActivity: 0x281f51590; additionalXPCActivityCriteria={     Priority = Utility; }, containerID=&lt;CKContainerID: 0x283c612e0;, containerEnvironment="Sandbox"&gt;,, priority=2> Could you please explain what is this warning for and what should I do to fix it?
Jul ’20
Widget timeline policy not working
I want to create a widget that updates every 15 minutes. Here is my code: public func timeline(with context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline&lt;Entry&gt;) -> ()) {     let currentDate = Date() print("@@timeline update. \(currentDate)")     let next = .minute, value: 15, to: currentDate)!     let entry = FavoriteEntry(date: currentDate, item: mock_favorite)     let timeline = Timeline&lt;FavoriteEntry&gt;(entries: [entry], policy: .after(next))     completion(timeline)   } Result: timeline update. 2020-07-19 07:11:27 +0000 2020-07-19 16:11:28.005325+0900 FavoriteExtension[12206:3240076] libMobileGestalt MobileGestaltCache.c:38: No persisted cache on this platform. @@timeline update. 2020-07-19 07:11:28 +0000 @@timeline update. 2020-07-19 07:11:28 +0000 @@timeline update. 2020-07-19 07:11:28 +0000 But My widget is not updated since it was first created. Please let me know what I did wrong.
Jul ’20
Support of HTTPS keyword in PAC file
I've tried several functions for executing a proxy autoconfiguration script to determine the best proxy to use to retrieve a specified URL CFNetworkCopyProxiesForAutoConfigurationScript CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationScript And they all seems to ignore HTTPS keyword in PAC file function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { &#9;&#9;return "HTTPS ...";&#9;&#9; } That seems to be only way to use HTTPS proxy. Can someone please confirm this?
Jul ’20
Protocol availability inconsistencies related to modern serial layers
I am currently writing a iPadOS application to act as a companion to the desktop version that controls a piece of hardware via a USB CDC serial connection. Due to modern iPads having USB-C ports for the last 2 years and the ability to attach certain USB devices via adaptors since the origin of the 30pin doc connector I would expect protocol availability to be fairly complete. So then why is it that the headers required to use USB CDC serial don't exist and if you make them yourself you need to use illegal symbols so you can't upload it to App Store connect. Where as USB CDC ethernet has full support along with Bluetooth RFCOMM (rs232 serial over bluetooth) and even USB MIDI given that midi is a superset of serial. So why isn't there a USB CDC serial kit/api/even just allowing a data stream to the TTY/CU port? If there is a way please tell me what it is and point me to the documentation.
Jul ’20
iOS 14 no signal, no cellular data
Hi! I've installed iOS beta 4 on my iPhone 11 Pro and since then, I lost the signal and I don't have data. I have another iPhone X with iOS 14, and I don't have issue with it. It only occurs on iPhone 11. I tried many things like: Reset network setting Turn off/on airplane mode Turn off/on cellular data Hard reboot Soft reboot Reset content and data Turn off/on roaming ... Same issues It seems that the cell is looking for the signal constantly. Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
Aug ’20
Does app clip support shorten URLs?
Most of the times, iOS apps share the links using shorten URLs due to character limit. As per few answers - I read to understand how shorten URLs work, I understand that shortly service reads the "path" value to get original long URL corresponding to shorten URL &amp; then they issue a redirect, which is a HTTP 301/302 response and the target URL in the header. Considering this, if iOS can read the target URL after redirection then I think we could use shorten URL. In WWDC videos &amp; app clip documentation, I do not see any reference about shorten URLs. Did anyone tried or aware whether app clip will support shorten URLs for invocation?
Aug ’20
App rejected due to "3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services". Need help.
Hi, Our software helps personal trainers deliver better training experience to their clients.  Personal trainers as well as their clients can use the software to log workouts, track progress, build plans, chat with each other etc. One big part of our business is to build white-label apps for fitness businesses. With this solution fitness businesses can get their own branded apps in the app stores. Apple has recently started rejecting our white label apps because it seems we are breaking “3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services” guideline. As per the guidelines we have to provide in-app purchase options if the app allows users to consume services bought elsewhere. The service in our case is the 1-on-1 personal training. Here are few reasons we think we shouldn’t be forced to implement in-app purchase option inside the app: The app is an add-on and not a major part of the service that is delivered. Here are some of the things a personal trainer delivers after a client buys a personal training package: Take assessment in person. Design workout plans Take clients through a workout in-person or over a Skype call. Teach them correct exercise form. Design nutrition plans. In person review session All of these things are delivered outside the app.  Moreover guideline 3.1.5(a) specifically prohibits the use of in-app purchase for goods and services that are delivered outside of the app. 2. After our appeal was rejected, we have included a “free signup” option inside the app. Using that option anyone can create a free account and use the app free. All the clients features are unlocked. We thought that adding this will show that the app is free and we only charge for 1-on-1 personalized service that is delivered outside the app. But in the end we were not successful in getting the app approved. 2. Recently “Hey App” was rejected for similar reasons (3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services) and they were finally approved after they added a temporary free email account in the app. Not sure why our app is getting rejected even after adding a free signup option. 3. All major Gyms like 24-hour fitness have their app available in the app store and their app is available only to their members. There is no way to buy the gym membership or personal training package through in-app purchases. So how is our app different? 4. How is our app different from an app built for physical therapists or doctors? Should they provide in-app purchase options? 5. All the personal training packages are custom made and vary from one user to another. Also, a trainer will have to go through an assessment before they can decide on a package that is right for a client.   Do you guys think we have valid points? If yes, then how do you suggest we move forward with Apple review. Our Appeal was rejected and there is no way to move forward. Is there a way to talk to the Apple review board over the phone and explain the situation. Is there anyone here who can help? Thanks, Manobal
Aug ’20
can I get current location in widgetKit
As far as I can tell in my app I am requesting current location in the app and in the widget the same, but I am not ever seeing my widget make the network call the I would expect if current location was successful. I have the same info plist permissions for usage and request for access in both the app and the widget ( runs the same shared code ). My question is does widgetKit work to get core location similar to the the way that today extensions work. or do I need to cache it from the phone app and hope its been updated ?
Aug ’20
Trackpad click not working
I installed Big Sur a few days ago, today i woke up to see my trackpad click is not working. The other functions of trackpad are working normal like the gestures etc but cant click, left and right click also not working. Tried using an external usb mouse but only the right click works not the left (main) click. Any suggestions or inputs as to why this is happening? Any way to resolve this?
Sep ’20
[NSPersistentCloudKitContainer] CloudKit integration forbids renaming 'OldEntityName' to 'NewEntityName'. Older devices can't process the new records. How to proceed?
I used a renaming identifier to rename an Entity Name, but it doesn't seem to work and it causes a crash at start during in-place migration. How to rename an Entity Name when using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer? I get this exception at start: CloudKit integration forbids renaming 'OldEntityName' to 'NewEntityName'. Older devices can't process the new records. Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134110 "An error occurred during persistent store migration." App is not in production, need a way to rename 'OldEntityName' to 'NewEntityName'. How to achieve this?
Sep ’20
getTimeline called twice on load
When I run my widget from xcode I see getTimeline is called twice for some reason. It's called the first time, then after it returns a timeline it's called again. The logs have the following message: "-[EXSwiftUI_Subsystem beginUsing:withBundle:] unexpectedly called multiple times." It takes about 0.5 seconds for the first getTimeline call to return so it doesn't seem like the OS should try to call this method again so quickly (my timeline entries all have times in the future so they shouldn't request the widget to load immediately) Is this a bug, or expected? Seems to happen every time I run the widget.
Sep ’20