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Feedback on IOS 18
I am sure others will agree with me on this. I personally don’t like the way the new reactions look. Too many different color for the reactions. I honestly prefer the old grey version for the reactions to text messages. The extra emoji thing is okay but the change in color for the heart, thumbs up and the other reactions are not the best. Auto correct is horrible in this new update by the way
Sep ’24
Validation Error TestFlight There was a validation error.Check your entries and try again.
The problem I'm having is that apps on my Apple Developer ID suddenly expire when I just upload them. When I downloaded the new version and sent it to the review team, I got the error "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later." I also encountered this situation before and it was resolved by the technical team. However, today, this issue continued to appear on my account. Previously supported field codes were 102388785740. I have attached a video of the incident below. Apple developer ID: Sang Nguyen | 12000621824 Profile ID: 6654899107 Application name: Swordsman JSQY Package ID: com.psm.kiemsijsqyios
Sep ’24
Improvement to Future IPhones and Apple Watches
It would be a great innovation to incorporate a Card Reader into both iPhones and Apple Watches. The user could open the card reader app on his watch or phone, enter the amount to be paid into his nominated bank account (eg £15) ready for the purchaser/customer to tap his card to make the contactless payment. It would simplify my everyday life enormously because I hardly ever carry cash these days.
Sep ’24
"Menu items are not visible, except by right-clicking. Users should not have to right click to access menu items"
Hi, I made a macOS app that automatically sets the correct input/output devices depending on the connected speakers/microphones. The App is supposed to live in the background and act automatically, only allowing the users to change through settings which is accessible through the toolbar or through clicking on the toolbar icon to cycle between modes. However, my app was just rejected for not providing UI beyond this. Guideline 4 - Design "Menu items are not visible, except by right-clicking. Users should not have to right click to access menu items." I don't think that this app needs a UI beyond that for something which it is supposed to do automatically. I'm having a hard time to understand what's expected here, should I invent a UI to pass the review and give option to the user to disable that?
Sep ’24
Scale contextMenu preview size to containing content
Hi! I have a multi-line string I'd like to display as text in a long-press preview (using .contextMenu). However, text after 3rd or 4th linebreak (\n) gets clipped. The intended effect is to have the minimum preview size that can fit all of the text. Tried .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) on Text() but it didn't have any effect. The only modifier that somewhat works is .containerRelativeFrame([.horizontal, .vertical]) but this gives the maximum preview size, instead of minimum. Any suggestions? TIA. struct RedditView: View { @State private var text = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?\n\nBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB\n\nCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC" var body: some View { Text("Long press this") .frame(width: 300, height: 100) .contentShape(.rect) .border( .contextMenu(menuItems: { Button { // do something } label: { Label { Text("Edit") } icon: { Image(systemName: "pencil") } } }, preview: { Text(text) // .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .padding() //.containerRelativeFrame([.horizontal, .vertical]) } ) } }
Sep ’24
Inserted image not showing up on tab bar on visionOS
Images are not appearing on tab bar on visionOS despite it shows up in perfect on iOS. I tried rendering mode API to make the original image visible, and it is working fine on iOS. But on visionOS the image stays white like masked by the tab bar default content color. Did anyone achieve solving this problem? I might be able to create my custom ornament to make it look like tab bar, but I think it‘s too much coding to do so.
Sep ’24
Icon for Journals Suggestions API
My app includes use of the new journal suggestions API. I'd like to know what is the official icon for the button in my app which bring up the .journalingSuggestionsPicker Another app, DayOne uses the icon attached. Is this the official icon? If yes, does it have a SFSymbols name? Developer support were unable to help me. Any help appreciated - many thanks
Sep ’24
Given my limited knowledge of physics, I would appreciate it if individuals with a solid understanding of the subject could provide insights into this matter. I have added a physical component to a entity in Reality Composer Pro, but I am seeking guidance on how to achieve the following: Make an object float in the air (with a slight downward motion reminiscent of the moon’s surface) Enable the object to move at a slow pace Implement a strong rebound force I would be grateful if you could provide appropriate values for these parameters. Thank you for your assistance.
Sep ’24
"Build Failed" su Xcode con Developement Team già inserito
Buongiorno a tutti! Sono nuovo su questo Forum e non ho mai progettato una app prima d'ora. Ho usato Unity e Xcode. Su Xcode lancio la build, ma mi replica sempre "Build Failed". Adesso spiego il problema e allego degli screen. L'app che sto cercando di lanciare viene dalla piattaforma Unity (versione 2022.3.46f1)+Vuforia per realtà aumentata. Su questa piattaforma funziona tutto (ho già avuto modo di ricontrollare); esporto il progetto nella cartella appositamente creata dopo aver cliccato su "Build"; apro il progetto su Xcode versione 16.0 (questa applicazione l'ho scaricata qualche giorno fa); collego il mio iPhone e il mio ID Apple andando su "Xcode" > "Settings" e collego il mio account; per collegare il mio iPhone vado su "Window" > "Devices and Simulators" e collego il tutto; dopodichè vado su "Targets" > "Unity iPhone" e controllo nelle sezioni "General" e "Signing and Capabilities" che tutto vada bene; modifico quindi il nome del team di sviluppo e metto il mio account "MARCO ARICO" (preventivamente attivato su Apple Developer con abbonamento annuale già pagato) e controllo che il "Bundle Identifier" sia lo stesso che ho inserito su Unity nella sezione "Player" > "Other Settings"; a questo punto mando la Build e mi dice dopo pochi istanti "Build Failed" con questo errore: "/Users/albertodanielemanzo/Desktop/Unity/App_7/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj Signing for "Unity-iPhone" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor." Mi permetto di aggiungere che il Mac che sto usando è di un mio amico che me l'ha appositamente prestato per lanciare questa app e che tutti i passaggi che ho fatto sono frutto di approfondimento su tutorial YouTube e forum ufficiali di Unity e Xcode. Il pc che sto usando è un MacBook Air con macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 di un mio amico che me lo ha prestato. Tutti gli abbonamenti li ho fatti a nome mio. Il mio nome utente è lo stesso nome del team di sviluppo (Developement Team); l'abbonamento che ho stretto con Apple è di tipo individuale come sono miei i certificati scaricati per lo sviluppo dell'app. Ho già affrontato il problema con l'assistenza telefonica di Apple Developer e mi hanno consigliato di scrivere su questo Forum.
Oct ’24
iOS 17 and Order TipKit Tips
Hello, I've been trying to imagine how to support ensuring the display of my tips in the order I want them to for iOS 17. I am familiar with the TipGroup iOS18 feature, but I'm looking to control the order without TipGroup so I can deliver a great user experience in my iOS 17 and > app. I've tried lots of theories, but can't seem to figure it out and I don't see anyone else having solved it. Any ideas/code examples anyone could point me to? Thanks!
Oct ’24
Control of LongPressGesture-created element
I have been implementing the LongPressGesture to have a menu come up upon a long press. I love the functionality and it is very close to being where I want it to be. I don't know if this is a visionOS-specific thing, but I am hoping to control the corner radius of the pulled-out element behind my "button." I've wrangled hover effects in the past with overlays, but I'm not sure what to target in this case. Worst case, I'll have to change the border radius on all of my tiles to match this LongPressGesture-controlled behavior, or I could possibly change the radius onLongPressGesture to match. Is there a simpler solution? Thanks!
Oct ’24
Applying Custom Rounded Corners to a macOS Window
Which method allows me to apply larger-than-default rounded corners to a macOS window while maintaining the system’s dynamic, contrasting border – similar to what’s seen in the Control Center popup? (Control Center has a corner radius of 16, the default system window is 10.) While I know how to closely achieve this effect manually for my plain panel, I'd like to leverage the built-in method and get it for free from the OS. I’ve spent way more time on this problem than I'm willing to admit, and searched extensively, but haven’t found any solution. I’d really appreciate any pointers. Thank you.
Oct ’24