Hi everyone,
I am experiencing an issue where I am unable to sign in to my Apple ID within Xcode. Even after updating my password and ensuring that all my credentials are correct, I continue to receive an "Incorrect username or password" error. However, I can successfully log in to Apple Developer Portal, iCloud, and Apple ID settings using the same credentials.
Steps I've Taken to Resolve the Issue:
Updated Software
I have updated macOS Sequoia and Xcode to the latest versions.
I have also verified that my Apple Developer certificates are up to date.
Tried Resetting Authentication in macOS
I removed all related entries for Xcode, Apple ID, and Developer from Keychain Access.
Logged out of my Apple ID from System Settings and restarted my Mac.
Logged back in and retried signing in to Xcode.
Checked Authentication & Security Settings
I verified that two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled.
Tried appending the verification code directly to the password when logging into Xcode.
Checked Xcode Developer Directory
Ran sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Verified using xcode-select -p, which correctly pointed to the Xcode Developer directory.
Tried Resetting Developer Tools
Removed and reinstalled Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install).
Accepted the Xcode license agreement (sudo xcodebuild -license).
Reinstalled Xcode
Completely uninstalled Xcode using sudo rm -rf /Applications/Xcode.app and reinstalled it from the Mac App Store.
Problem Summary:
Xcode does not recognize my Apple ID credentials, despite them being correct.
I can successfully log in to Apple’s web services, but not to Xcode.
I have already attempted multiple fixes, including resetting keychain entries, reinstalling Xcode, and verifying system configurations.
I would appreciate your guidance on resolving this issue, as I need access to my Apple Developer account within Xcode to continue working on my app.
Thank you for your support.
I found the Table with Toggle will have performance issue when the data is large.
I can reproduce it in Apple demo:
Replace with a large mock data, for example
Try to scroll the table, it's not smooth.
I found if I delete the Toggle, the performance be good.
TableColumn("Favorite", value: \.favorite, comparator: BoolComparator()) { plant in
Toggle("Favorite", isOn: $garden[plant.id].favorite)
Is this bug in SwiftUI? Any workaround?
My Mac is Intel, not sure it can repro on Apple Silicon
Hi. I'm a developer of Tab Finder (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tab-finder/id6741719894)
My problem is that every time i switch from my first window to a second window, the tabs in the validateToolbarItem() are INcorrect on a first call, but when I switch back from the second window to my main window, the tabs are CORRECT even on a first call.
To demonstrate it, i recorded a video: https://youtu.be/RwskzrSJ8u0
To run the same sample extension from the video, you can get the code from this GitHub repo: https://github.com/kopyl/test-tabs-change
Its only purpose is to log URLs of an active page of all tabs.
The SafariExtensionHandler's code of the sample app is very simple:
import SafariServices
func printOpenTabsHost(in window: SFSafariWindow) async {
let tabs = await window.allTabs()
log("Logging tabs for a new window: \(window.hashValue)")
for tab in tabs {
let page = await tab.activePage()
let properties = await page?.properties()
let url = properties?.url
log(url?.absoluteString ?? "No URL")
class SafariExtensionViewController: SFSafariExtensionViewController {
static let shared = SafariExtensionViewController()
class SafariExtensionHandler: SFSafariExtensionHandler {
override func validateToolbarItem(in window: SFSafariWindow, validationHandler: @escaping ((Bool, String) -> Void)) {
Task {
await printOpenTabsHost(in: window)
validationHandler(true, "")
override func popoverViewController() -> SFSafariExtensionViewController {
return SafariExtensionViewController.shared
Could you please tell if i'm missing something and how to see the actual tabs inside the overridden validateToolbarItem call of the SafariExtensionHandler (or in any other way, I'm okay with any implementation as long as it works).
The behavior of the Button in ScrollView differs depending on how the View is displayed modally.
When the View is displayed as a .fullScreenCover, if the button is touched and scrolled without releasing the finger, the touch event is canceled and the action of the Button is not called.
On the other hand, if the View is displayed as a .sheet, the touch event is not canceled even if the view is scrolled without lifting the finger, and the action is called when the finger is released.
In order to prevent accidental interaction, I feel that the behavior of .fullScreenCover is better, as it cancels the event immediately when scrolling. Can I change the behavior of .sheet?
Demo movie is here:
Sample code
import SwiftUI
struct SampleApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var showSheet = false
@State private var showFullScreen = false
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 16) {
Button("Sheet") {
Button("Full screen") {
.sheet(isPresented: $showSheet) {
.fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showFullScreen) {
struct SecondView: View {
@Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
Button("Dismiss") {
.padding(.top, 128)
private struct MyButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {
.background(configuration.isPressed ? .gray : .clear)
What I want?
I expect to use xcrun devicectl device process launch --device <uuid> <bundle-identifier> --payload-url <URL> to launch my app and pass the specified URL as I usually do in iPhone.
What I do?
Let's say the app A which I'm developing.
I try to use UIApplication.open(:options:completionHandler:) in another app to open the app A with registered schema. And whether app A is cold launch or background resumption, app A can go foreground with receiving URL.
If I use xcrun devicectl as above described, app A can still be opened. However, app A can't receive URL which I pass through --payload-url option. That's different from in iOS.
BTW: I as well try YouTube with UIApplication.open and xcrun devicectl, the former way work, the latter way not work.
Relatively new to AppleScripts in current gen (I've used it back in 2010s) and would like some help if someone can point me in the right direction.
Is AppleScript the best/only way to interact with Notes application? (I'm on Sequioa)
1.1 I've tried to use LLM to generate a Swift app, but it still calls out to AppleScripts, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something.
1.2 If I'm going down a rabbit hole, I'd like to stop since I want to finish this quick task and move on and or fall deeply in love with AppleScripts... whichever comes first.
Is There a better way to write notes? Script Editor is still a minimal IDE, I'd love to find something that will do some auto completion/suggestions because the documentation in the Script Editor is still a tad weak. (I'm used to interpreted languages like bash, ruby, etc...) where if I don't understand something I just dig into the code instead of turse documentation that just exposes public end points and does not tell you much more :(
My problem: I'd like to set up a cron that periodically checks my notes, and cleans up the shared notes. Basically it's a shared set of notes that have checklist on it and cleans up. (weekly chores etc...) I want to read the notes, find out which ones have been marked checked. Reset the ones that are done, leave unfinished ones alone and reset the old ones.
This is how far I've gotten:
let appleScript = """```
tell application "Notes"
set targetNote to note "\Test" of default account
return body of targetNote
end tell
That works like a charm, Kind of dumb because I rather use and ID of the note not the name :(
It returns the following
<div><b><span style=\\"font-size: 24px\\">Test</span></b></div>
<li> Not Done</li>
<li>Not Done yet</li>
<div>Single line</div>
Which is a good start!
There is no way to tell which Item is marked "Checked" and which one is not :(
Any helps is greatly appreciated!
I want to create test flight for my unity project. But every time I create test flight for internal testing its say couldn't install your app.
Please help
I am playing the protected HLS streams and the authorization token expires in 3 minutes. I am trying to achieve this with 'AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate'. I can refresh the token and play it, but the problem is in between the session, the player stalls for a small time, LIKE 1 SECOND.
Here's my code :
class APLCustomAVARLDelegate: NSObject, AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate {
static let httpsScheme = "https"
static let redirectErrorCode = 302
static let badRequestErrorCode = 400
private var token: String?
private var retryDictionary = [String: Int]()
private let maxRetries = 3
private func schemeSupported(_ scheme: String) -> Bool {
let supported = ishttpSchemeValid(scheme)
print("Scheme '\(scheme)' supported: \(supported)")
return supported
private func reportError(loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest, error: Int) {
let nsError = NSError(domain: NSURLErrorDomain, code: error, userInfo: nil)
print("Reporting error: \(nsError)")
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: nsError)
// Handle token renewal requests to prevent playback stalls
func resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForRenewalOfRequestedResource renewalRequest: AVAssetResourceRenewalRequest) -> Bool {
print("Resource renewal requested for URL: \(renewalRequest.request.url?.absoluteString ?? "unknown URL")")
// Handle renewal the same way we handle initial requests
guard let scheme = renewalRequest.request.url?.scheme else {
print("No scheme found in the renewal URL.")
return false
if isHttpsSchemeValid(scheme) {
return handleHttpsRequest(renewalRequest)
print("Scheme not supported for renewal.")
return false
private func isHttpsSchemeValid(_ scheme: String) -> Bool {
let isValid = scheme == APLCustomAVARLDelegate.httpsScheme
print("httpsScheme scheme '\(scheme)' valid: \(isValid)")
return isValid
private func generateHttpsURL(sourceURL: URL) -> URL? {
// If you need to modify the URL, do it here
// Currently this just returns the same URL
let urlString = sourceURL.absoluteString
print("Generated HTTPS URL: \(urlString)")
return URL(string: urlString)
private func handleHttpsRequest(_ loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) -> Bool {
print("Handling HTTPS request.")
guard let sourceURL = loadingRequest.request.url,
var redirectURL = generateHttpsURL(sourceURL: sourceURL) else {
print("Failed to generate HTTPS URL.")
reportError(loadingRequest: loadingRequest, error: APLCustomAVARLDelegate.badRequestErrorCode)
return true
// Track retry attempts with a dictionary keyed by request URL
let urlString = sourceURL.absoluteString
let currentRetries = retryDictionary[urlString] ?? 0
if currentRetries < maxRetries {
retryDictionary[urlString] = currentRetries + 1
} else {
// Too many retries, report a more specific error
reportError(loadingRequest: loadingRequest, error: NSURLErrorTimedOut)
retryDictionary.removeValue(forKey: urlString)
return true
if var urlComponents = URLComponents(url: redirectURL, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false) {
var queryItems = urlComponents.queryItems ?? []
// Generate a fresh token each time
let freshToken = AESTimeBaseEncription.secureEncryptSecretText()
// Check if the token already exists
if let existingTokenIndex = queryItems.firstIndex(where: { $0.name == "token" }) {
// Update the existing token
queryItems[existingTokenIndex].value = freshToken
} else {
// Add the token if it doesn't exist
queryItems.append(URLQueryItem(name: "token", value: freshToken))
urlComponents.queryItems = queryItems
redirectURL = urlComponents.url!
let redirectRequest = URLRequest(url: redirectURL)
let response = HTTPURLResponse(url: redirectURL, statusCode: APLCustomAVARLDelegate.redirectErrorCode, httpVersion: nil, headerFields: nil)
print("Redirecting HTTPS to URL: \(redirectURL)")
loadingRequest.redirect = redirectRequest
loadingRequest.response = response
// If successful, reset the retry counter
if retryDictionary[urlString] == maxRetries {
retryDictionary.removeValue(forKey: urlString)
return true
Apple multi-peer with 12 devices is unstable. Dear All,
Has anyone tried Apple multi-peer with 12 devices connected? We are building an application relying on multi-peer where 12 Ipads will be updating data and each device needs to share data between. Can anyone tell me if we can use multi-peer framework for connecting 12 devices in the multi-peer network? We are facing stability problems in the connection when we connect 12 devices in the network.
We are using ASWebAuthenticationSession with apps on IoS to achieve SSO between apps. The IdP for authentication (OIDC) is an on-premise and trusted enterprise IdP based on one of the leading products in the market. Our problem is that the user is prompted for every login (and logouts) with a consent dialogue box:
“AppName” wants to use “internal domain-name” to Sign In
This allows the app and website to share information about you.
Cancel Continue”
I have read in various places that Apple has a concept of “Trusted domains” where you can put an “Apple certified” static web-page on the IdP. This page needs to contain specific metadata that iOS can verify. Once a user logs in successfully a few times, and if the IdP is verified as trusted, subsequent logins would not prompt the consent screen.
Question: I struggle to find Apple documentation on how to go about a process that ends with this “Apple certified web-page” on our IdP”. Anyone who has experience with this process, or who can point me in some direction to find related documentation?
Hello community,
I am developing an app that provides online consultations with psychologists. Since this could be considered a health-sensitive app, I want to ensure that I meet Apple’s requirements.
Does anyone know which documents or certificates I need to provide to comply with Apple's guidelines? Specifically, do I need to submit therapist licenses or any other legal verification?
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
We are developing a real-time speech recognition application and are utilizing AVAudioEngine with voice processing enabled on the input node. However, we have observed that enabling this mode interferes with the built-in iOS screen recording feature - specifically, the recorded video does not capture any audio when this mode is active.
Since we want users to be able to record their experience within our app, this issue significantly impacts our functionality. Is there a known workaround or recommended approach to ensure that both voice processing and screen recording can function simultaneously?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
I didn't receive an invitation email in my email when I added management or developer Appleid to my developer account
I cannot access my corporate invoice. I don't know why I couldn't reach it. How and where can I reach it?
I learned that I need to create an iTunes Connect account to publish my book translations on Apple Books, following the instructions on the Apple Support page. I was then directed to the iTunes Connect website. Despite trying multiple Apple accounts with different credit cards on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone, I kept getting the error “This Apple Account does not have a valid credit card on file.” In the end, I began to wonder if iTunes Connect is unavailable in Turkey. What do I need to do to publish content on Apple Books from Turkey? Do I need to obtain a developer account, or is this service not available in Turkey?
The Apple customer service representative I contacted in Turkey said they didn’t have information on the matter and directed me here.
Consider this simple miniature of my iOS Share Extension:
import SwiftUI
import Photos
class ShareViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let itemProviders = (extensionContext?.inputItems.first as? NSExtensionItem)?.attachments {
let hostingView = UIHostingController(rootView: ShareView(extensionContext: extensionContext, itemProviders: itemProviders))
hostingView.view.frame = view.frame
struct ShareView: View {
var extensionContext: NSExtensionContext?
var itemProviders: [NSItemProvider]
var body: some View {
await extractItems()
func extractItems() async {
guard let itemProvider = itemProviders.first else { return }
guard itemProvider.hasItemConformingToTypeIdentifier(UTType.url.identifier) else { return }
do {
guard let url = try await itemProvider.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: UTType.url.identifier) as? URL else { return }
try await downloadAndSaveMedia(reelURL: url.absoluteString)
extensionContext?.completeRequest(returningItems: [])
catch {}
On the line 34
guard let url = try await itemProvider.loadItem
I get these warnings:
Passing argument of non-sendable type '[AnyHashable : Any]?' outside of main actor-isolated context may introduce data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
1.1. Generic enum 'Optional' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol (Swift.Optional)
Passing argument of non-sendable type 'NSItemProvider' outside of main actor-isolated context may introduce data races; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
2.2. Class 'NSItemProvider' does not conform to the 'Sendable' protocol (Foundation.NSItemProvider)
How to fix them in Xcode 16?
Please provide a solution which works, and not the one which might (meaning you run the same code in Xcode, add your solution and see no warnings).
I tried
Decorating everything with @MainActors
Using @MainActor in the .task
@preconcurrency import
Decorating everything with @preconcurrency
Playing around with nonisolated
I am trying to connect to my openbsd server. The command works over local network (I am identified by public key) but fails over remote network.
I get the following error :
$ ssh -vvv sylvain @ saboua.xyz
OpenSSH_9.8p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6
debug1: Authenticator provider $SSH_SK_PROVIDER did not resolve; disabling
debug3: channel_clear_timeouts: clearing
debug1: Connecting to saboua.xyz port 22.
ssh: connect to host saboua.xyz port 22: Operation timed out
A solution I gues would be to use brew's LibreSSL 4.0, but I cant find how to use it instead of the system LibreSSL.
Hi I keep adding my development team member and he is not getting the invite email.
Path Users and Access -> add team member
I was trying to achieve accurate positioning with UWB on an iPhone 16 in India but couldn't find any option to enable it in the settings. I am using the Qorvo Nearby Interaction app to communicate with my custom UWB tag( DWM3001 by Qorvo).
I’ve developed the Pro Talkie app—a walkie-talkie solution designed to keep you connected with family and friends
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/pro-talkie/id6742051063
Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.protalkie.app
While the app works flawlessly on Android and in the foreground on iOS, I’m facing issues with establishing connections when the app is in the background or terminated on iOS.
Specifically, I’ve attempted the following:
Silent pushes and alert payloads: These are intended to wake the app in the background, but they often fail—notifications may not be received or can be delayed by 20–30 minutes, leading to a poor user experience.
VoIP pushes: These reliably wake the app, but they trigger the incoming call UI, which isn’t suitable for a walkie-talkie app that should connect directly without displaying a call screen.
I’ve enabled all the necessary background modes (audio, remote notifications, VoIP, background fetch, processing), but the challenge remains.
How can I ensure a consistent background connection on iOS without triggering the call UI?