Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

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AccessorySetupKit Picker does not show device as expected, console logs show device discovered
I'm trying to get the ASK Sample to discover and connect to a device using a 16-bit uuid. In my case, I have a few fitness sensors laying around like heart rate monitors and cycling sensors. Specifically, I've configured the following descriptor to be shown in the picker: private static let heartRateMonitor: ASPickerDisplayItem = { let descriptor = ASDiscoveryDescriptor() descriptor.bluetoothServiceUUID = CBUUID(string: "180D") return ASPickerDisplayItem(name: "Heart Rate Monitor", productImage: UIImage(named: "PolarH10")!, descriptor: descriptor) }() 100% another app on the device using an unfiltered scan can find this device, so I know the phone can see it. Also, the settings app Bluetooth screen sees it too. When the picker is active for this descriptor, in console I see the device is being discovered and it is matching the underlying filter. However the picker doesn't show the device. Received 'start active Unspecified scan' request , without duplicates, duration:unlimited, UUIDs [ E56A082E-C49B-47CA-A2AB-389127B8ABE3 E56A082E-C49B-47CA-A2AB-389127B8ABE4 0x180D ] on 1M PHY from session "" Matched UUID 0x180D for device "D3030A85-BBB9-6C0D-53C4-6697898B2E4B" This is an apparent bug: FB14078940 - AccessorySetupKit: ASDiscoveryDescriptor does not appear to identify 16-bit UUIDs like the Heart Rate Service/Profile UUID After more tinkering, I did discover that if I connect the device in the settings app, and keep it connected, the picker will find the device immediately. I assume it is under the hood it is calling this function or the internal implementation: This is still not expected, a developer should be able to discover and connect an accessory directly in their app. Noteworthy, I also found that ALL apps in the Settings app list the accessory once paired, which is totally not expected: FB14170263 - Settings: Viewing accessories in settings app for all apps show the accessory paired with another application P.S. forum moderators, there is no tag for 'AccessorySetupKit' which is the technology I'd like to tag this with. Last tested with iOS 18 developer beta 2.
Unable to convert models with coremltools on macOS 15 Beta
I was trying the latest coremltools-8.0b1 beta on macOS 15 Beta with the intent to try using the new stateful models api in CoreML. But the conversion would always fail with the error: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/<snip>/Library/Caches/ failed assertion `Error: the minimum deployment target for macOS is 14.0.0' Here's a minimal repro, which works fine with both the stable version of coremltools (7.2) and the beta version (8.0b1) on macOS Sonoma 14.5, but fails with both versions of coremltools on macOS 15.0 Beta and Xcode 16.0 Beta. Which means that this most likely isn't an issue with coremltools, but with the native compilation toolchain. from collections import OrderedDict import coremltools as ct import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn class ResidualAttentionBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_model: int, n_head: int, attn_mask: torch.Tensor = None): super().__init__() self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_head) self.ln_1 = nn.LayerNorm(d_model) self.mlp = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict( [ ("c_fc", nn.Linear(d_model, d_model * 4)), ("gelu", nn.GELU()), ("c_proj", nn.Linear(d_model * 4, d_model)), ] ) ) self.ln_2 = nn.LayerNorm(d_model) self.attn_mask = attn_mask def attention(self, x: torch.Tensor): self.attn_mask = (, device=x.device) if self.attn_mask is not None else None ) return self.attn(x, x, x, need_weights=False, attn_mask=self.attn_mask)[0] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): x = x + self.attention(self.ln_1(x)) x = x + self.mlp(self.ln_2(x)) return x class Transformer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, width: int, layers: int, heads: int, attn_mask: torch.Tensor = None ): super().__init__() self.width = width self.layers = layers self.resblocks = nn.Sequential( *[ResidualAttentionBlock(width, heads, attn_mask) for _ in range(layers)] ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): return self.resblocks(x) transformer = Transformer(width=512, layers=12, heads=8) emb_tokens = torch.rand((1, 512)) ct_model = ct.convert( torch.jit.trace(transformer.eval(), emb_tokens), convert_to="mlprogram",, inputs=[ct.TensorType(name="embIn", shape=[1, 512])], outputs=[ct.TensorType(name="embOutput", dtype=np.float32)], )
I'm following the guidance from [wwdc24/10171] using Xcode 16 beta 2 on Sonoma ( and find myself unable to active the _EXPERIMENTAL_SWIFT_EXPLICIT_MODULES = YES setting. I tried both in the project file and in the XCConfig file and nothing. After cleaning and building with timing summary, I can't find any "Compiling Swift module" nor any "modules report". I only get multiple statements of "Compiling clang module" and the "GenerateClangModulesReport" What am I doing wrong?
iOS 18 2beta.
Suggestion for Calculator App: Option to Hide Operations and Show Only Results. Hello, I am a magician and I have been using the iPad calculator in my performances for 25 years. It would be incredibly helpful to have an option in the calculator app to hide the current operation and show only the results. This feature would be very useful for live performances where simplicity and focusing on the final result are crucial. Thank you for considering my suggestion. Best regards, Sermagic.
Using iPadOS 18 with Mac running macOS 14.5
I have a Mac Mini M1 running macOS 14.5 Sonoma. Until recently I was running iPadOS 17 on my iPad, and things worked just fine. I had the iPad setup so that it displayed its own stuff, but allowed my to operate my mouse on the iPad screen by moving past the left hand side of my monitor. This combined with copy and paste between iPadOS and macOS gave me a great workflow. A couple of days ago I installed the dev beta of iPadOS 18 on my iPad, and seem to have lost access to all of the functionality described in the first paragraph. Can anyone advise of what I need to do to get it back, or is it just a case of waiting for Apple to re-establish the missing functionality in newer versions of the beta?
TabSection always show sections actions.
I'm giving a go to the new TabSection with iOS 18 but I'm facing an issue with sections actions. I have the following section inside a TabView: TabSection { ForEach(accounts) { account in Tab( , systemImage: account.icon, value: SelectedTab.accounts(account: account)) { Text( } } } header: { Text("Accounts") } .sectionActions { AccountsTabSectionAddAccount() } I'm showing a Tab for each account and an action to create new accounts. The issue I'm facing is that when there are no accounts the entire section doesn't appear in the side bar including the action to create new accounts. To make matters worse the action doesn't show at all in macOS even when there are already accounts and the section is present in side bar. Is there some way to make the section actions always visible?
iOS 18. UINavigationController stack changes with delay
If I do something like this: var viewControllers = navigationController.viewControllers if let lastViewController = viewControllers.popLast() { navigationController.viewControllers = viewControllers navigationController.pushViewController(lastViewController, animated: false) } } I got crash: pushing the same view controller instance more than once If I set delay: var viewControllers = navigationController.viewControllers if let lastViewController = viewControllers.popLast() { navigationController.viewControllers = viewControllers DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) { navigationController.pushViewController(lastViewController, animated: false) } } it will work but with unnecessary transitions. Should it work like this in iOS 18 ?
Call history problems after iOS 18 beta update
I've 14-Pro and I recently did update to "iOS 18 beta" using beta channel. However, the first I noticed was a deleted call-history... After several tries (using tips from forums), nothing showed up. Finally, I did reset all and reverted back to "17.5.1" and used the last iCloud backup (right before iOS 18 upgrade). Call history is back, however it is limited to "only 1-month" back in time! Why? I've 2 TB iCloud storage, why my call history is gone why? I keep backup of everything, and call-history contains very important details as well. Please help in getting back my data asap.
Ipados 18 Beta 2
Hi, I did update ipados 18 beta 2 yesterday and today i got 2 problem with my ipad: first my system data is over 100gb even 170gb. second my ipad alway restart when i use it about 15 minutes and when i don't use it still continues to word. This ipad is my first time buy and use it. I really angry about that. I swear I will never update beta versions after this bug is fixed. I got third problem a message saying my ipad display is not recognized while I haven't fixed anything yet. What’s wrong with my ipad now bruh😩
IOS 18 Bugs
I downloaded IOS 18 beta on my 14 pro max and here’s a list of bugs or issues I’ve encountered so far: —Phone completely freezing after locking and unlocking —Calls glitching out and causing phone to crash —FaceID shows that the phone is unlocked but still have to put in the password —Phone taking multiple minutes to turn back on after hard reset —Randomly crashing and restarting (even when not using the phone) —Unlocking phone and being unable to see bottom row of apps or press anything on the screen —Widgets not loading (accompanies the freezing screen and faceID and unlocking not working correctly)
XcodeCloud fails while Resolving Dependencies
After trying to build with macOS 15 and XCode 16 (beta and beta2), XcodeCloud started to crash at the Resolve package dependencies step. Everything works perfect on my local system running same OS same XC. Details: [<IDESwiftPackageCore.IDESwiftPackageDependencyPlaceholderFileReference, 0x7fb23a2082a0: name:swift path:(No Path)>] Function: unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) Thread: <_NSMainThread: 0x600002094200>{number = 1, name = main} Hints: Backtrace: 0 -[DVTAssertionHandler handleFailureInFunction:fileName:lineNumber:assertionSignature:messageFormat:arguments:] (in DVTFoundation) 1 _DVTAssertionHandler (in DVTFoundation) 2 _DVTAssertFromSwift (in DVTFoundation) 3 _DVTAssert(_:file:line:function:varargs:) (in DVTFoundation) 4 DVTAssert(_:_:file:line:function:) (in DVTFoundation) 5 closure #1 in closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 6 closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 7 closure #1 in OS_dispatch_queue.dvt_sync<A>(execute:) (in DVTFoundation) 8 thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 9 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 10 -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation) 11 DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation) 12 IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.unregisterDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 13 closure #1 in closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 14 closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 15 closure #1 in OS_dispatch_queue.dvt_sync<A>(execute:) (in DVTFoundation) 16 thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 17 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 18 -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation) 19 DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation) 20 IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 21 closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.dependencyPackagesDidUpdate(packages:graphHasErrors:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 22 closure #1 in OS_dispatch_queue.dvt_sync<A>(execute:) (in DVTFoundation) 23 thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 24 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 25 __58-[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:]_block_invoke (in DVTFoundation) 26 -[DVTModelGraphTransactionScope performTransaction:] (in DVTFoundation) 27 -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation) 28 DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation) 29 IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.dependencyPackagesDidUpdate(packages:graphHasErrors:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 30 SPMWorkspace.packageGraphActionFinished(_:) (in SwiftPM) 31 closure #3 in SPMWorkspace.processPackageGraphActionsInBackgroundIfNeeded() (in SwiftPM) 32 swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) (in libswift_Concurrency.dylib) 33 swift_job_runImpl(swift::Job*, swift::SerialExecutorRef) (in libswift_Concurrency.dylib) 34 _dispatch_main_queue_drain (in libdispatch.dylib) 35 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF (in libdispatch.dylib) 36 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ (in CoreFoundation) 37 __CFRunLoopRun (in CoreFoundation) 38 CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) 39 +[DVTKVOConditionValidator waitForCondition:sourceObject:keyPathAffectingConditionBlock:timeout:] (in DVTFoundation) 40 -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool waitForRemoteSourcePackagesToFinishLoading] (in Xcode3Core) 41 -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool _resolveInputOptionsWithTimingSection:] (in Xcode3Core) 42 -[Xcode3CommandLineBuildTool run] (in Xcode3Core) 43 XcodeBuildMain (in libxcodebuildLoader.dylib) 44 -[XcodebuildPreIDEHandler loadXcode3ProjectSupportAndRunXcode3CommandLineBuildToolWithArguments:] (in xcodebuild) 45 -[XcodebuildPreIDEHandler runWithArguments:] (in xcodebuild) 46 main (in xcodebuild) 47 start (in dyld) bash: line 1: 4274 Abort trap: 6 xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -project /Volumes/workspace/repository/***.xcodeproj -scheme '***' -derivedDataPath /Volumes/workspace/DerivedData -hideShellScriptEnvironment Error Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 134
Release app to production with Xcode 16 beta and MacOS 15 beta
I've updated my mac to Sequoia (MacOS 15) beta, my iPhone to iOS 18 beta, and Xcode to Xcode 16 beta. Only then, I realized I couldn't publish app updates with Xcode beta (error in AppStore Connect). I tried using the non-beta Xcode version but got "Invalid Binary" during app review: ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit: I really need to publish updates and I can't wait for September. I can't downgrade my devices because that would require me to erase both my Mac and my iPhone (for testing), which is not something I can do. Is there any option I didn't think about? How can I publish app updates in the current situation? It really should be more explicit before updating that you can't release updates with the beta versions...