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Give users access to content, services, or premium features in your app on an ongoing basis with subscriptions, a type of in-app purchase.

Posts under Subscriptions tag

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How do I add an initial price to a newly created subscription?
There does not seem to be an easy way to add an initial price (or customer price) to a blank subscription whether that is during creation or updating after. I have been successful in initiating a price change after I set a random price first by hand, but even after following Apples guidelines, I seem to be using the wrong endpoint or json data to give the subscription a new price from an empty one. I am trying to use this endpoint to add a price point with all of the possible territories. PATCH{id} A price change will work if the price has been previously set and POST is called but, setting the initial price with the api is the issue. Any Information would be helpful. Thanks!
Auto-renewing Subscription Updates not Arriving
This is a copy of a reply to this post. I'm posting as new in the hope someone might have more up-to-date information, as I'm pulling out what little hair I have left. I'm using Storekit 2, testing in Xcode with a local Storekit config file. I have created a very minimal system to investigate this issue. I have a SwiftUI-based window using SubscriptionStoreView, and my app set up with the usual listener. I have four types of auto renewing subscription, configured in the local Storekit config file. With my app running, I subscribe to the lowest-level subscription I offer, via the SubscriptionStoreView. Notification of the inital purchase arrives, but subsequent auto-renewals do not trigger any action in my listener for Transaction.updates. They arrive as expected in the Transaction Manager. Radio silence in my listener. If I upgrade one subscription (via my SubscriptionStoreView) I see this reflected in the UI immediately, and also in the Transaction Manager, but the update that arrives in Transaction.updates refers to the old subscription, and has the isUpgraded flag set to false. Also, can anyone remind me what the grey warning triangle next to entries in the Transaction Manager means. I'm assuming it means unfinished, as that's what the sidebar indicates. Can the testing system really be this broken, or am I wildly off the mark? Unless I'm doing something fundamentally wrong this all seems extremely flakey, but happy to be proved wrong. I find this all rather unsettling if I can't test reliably, and am concerned that I my app may end up in this situation if I use storekit 2:
Need guidance regarding subscriptions
Hello fellow developers, I'm releasing my first app which I worked on for a whole year. And the only thing left to resolve on App Review, is this: **Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions Your app uses auto-renewable subscriptions, but it does not clearly describe what the user will receive for the price. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the details of your subscription to clearly describe what the user will receive for the price.** I've tried multiple reiterations of how my app offers my two subscription options: Monthly or Annually. The whole app is only available through paid subscriptions. Meaning the user can only see the 'login' screen, 'FAQ' screen, 'create account' screen, and 'choose subscription' screen without a subscription. I'm attaching an image of the 'choose subscription' screen which is the problem of the app review. I've described the features the user will benefit from. And both subscriptions are visible with price and time period. Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to some much needed help. Sincerely, Empatia developer
Cannot create a subscription via App Store Connect
I'm working on Testflight build of the app. I've removed the subscription I created previously to create it again, but this time I'm unable to create a subscription withing a group. It says "An error has occurred. Try again later" Checking the network console, I'm getting a strange issue I've never seen before. { "errors" : [ { "id" : "a76b3891-f791-48a7-a7e9-3fec528c1202", "status" : "409", "code" : "ENTITY_ERROR.SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION_NOT_ALLOWED", "title" : "You cannot create new subscription.", "source" : { "pointer" : "/data/id" } } ] } I've tried re-inviting myself to the organization and waiting for a day. I also have full admin rights in the organization. Has anybody encountered anything similar? Subscription creation worked for me before
Identifying users using app in different platforms (iOS and macOS) and different bundle ids
I am trying to grant access to users that subscribe to premium on the iOS app also to users that use the macOS version. The iOS and macOS version are two separate apps with different BundleIDs, same Team ID. I can't create a App bundle because they are part of different platforms. I know that I could ask the user for a login so I could recognize the user from the authentication, but I would like to avoid this step. Is there any ID i can use to identify users between different platforms?
Why does it ask me to $ upgrade my iCloud storage every time I upgrade my iOS, even though I’m on a paid APPLE ONE FAMILY subscription plan?
Keep being asked to upgrade to iCloud+ every time there’s a iOS update, even though I’m on a family plan. It disconnects me and my family and tries to upsell us every time again. We have to manually switch back. Very deceptive and pretty sketchyz adding that since the iOS 18 beta upgrade, I have also been unable to get back onto my family plan for iCloud+ storage. The option to use the family plan has now completely disappeared and my only option is to buy another plus package which obviously isn’t required since I already subscribe to Apple One. Hopefully a fix for this comes out soon. It’s hijacking our phones now and won’t let us back up any materials even though I’ve paid for the extra space. Apple, you really need to look into the way it kicks people off their family plan storage every time there’s an iOS upgrade as well because for some people, I’m sure they are clicking on your buy more space button, since it’s much more prominent than finding the back door way to rejoin the family plan. If that’s an intentional way to trick people into getting an upsell you’re going to end up with lawsuits. It’s not a very cool UX experience.
Jun ’24
In App Purchases (Subscription Issue)
Hello, We are facing an issue with our customers on in-app purchasing. One of our customers tried to get a yearly subscription on 23rd May 2024 but could not succeed due to a billing error. But on 19th June 2024, his subscription was purchased automatically for 1 year, and the package expiry date shows 19th June 2025. So why did Apple charge to customer after 1 month without any intimation? Can anybody help here? Thanks
Jun ’24
Subscriptions for teams (in-app purchase)
Is it possible - in appstore - to create a subscriptions model similar to what microsoft teams and google workspace has for team memberships? We want to have a subscription price per user per month (or year). Administrator should be able to add additional users (and add a subscription for the new users) - It doesn't seem to be possible - only option is to have prefix subscriptions with 5 users, 10user, 15 users etc. (we've also looked into consumables - but the lack the option to be reoccurring payments) Thanks in advance?
Jun ’24
Exceptions to the App Store Subscription Fee for Non-Profits?
I am working with a non-profit organization on creating an app for the App store. They have a membership service that provides access to certain parts of their website after paying a yearly membership fee. I am aware of the fact that apple takes 30% from subscriptions in the first year and then 15% in following years. I am also aware of the fact that Apple makes exceptions for fundraising/donations. I am wondering if there is precedent for Apple making exceptions to this 30%/15% fee for subscriptions (not fundraising/donations) for non-profits. In other words, these subscriptions don't count as donations, but the revenue is going directly to a non-profit. Does anyone have information about this?
Jun ’24
Parent Gfit In-App Subscription to their Child
Our app has a parent account that can view their child's account activity for the free version but we have in-app subscriptions and trying to figure out how the parent can choose to purchase or pay for their child's in-app subscription from their apple Id account. Gifting? Family Sharing? Redeem Code? All keep showing up in my research but I am struggling with how to best execute this? Any advie or insight is helpful!!
How to distinguish between subscription purchases made through the app and directly from the App Store
We are wondering if it is possible to distinguish between purchases made through our app and those made directly from the App Store in the subscription process. Does the API information such as Server notifications v2 and Get All Subscription Statuses contain information that can distinguish between these cases? If not, we are thinking of using the appAccountToken included in JWSTransaction to distinguish between them. We are aware that appAccountToken is set when an appAccountToken or applicationUsername is given to an app when purchasing a subscription. Therefore, we believe that the appAccountToken of JWSTransaction is not set when you purchase a subscription directly from the App Store. We think that by setting the appAccountToken for purchases made through our app, we can distinguish whether the subscription was purchased directly from the App Store or not, but is this an appropriate way to do so? Please let us know if there is a case where the appAccountToken is set even if the subscription was purchased directly from the App Store.
Auto-Renewable Subscription proration
Hello, I studied this and this documents and I find certain contradiction with this discussion. Could you help me out, please? I set up my subscriptions this way: , where Pro (annual or monthly) offers most of the features and Mobile Pro (annual or montly) least of the features. Do I get it right, that: Upgrading: to annual: What happens here? to monthly: [link] The customer’s prorated payment from lower level subscription is refunded to the original payment method. They’re charged for the higher level subscription, which goes into effect immediately. Downgrading: both annual and monthly: [link] They’re charged for the lower level subscription on their next renewal date. They continue using their current subscription until then. Crossgrading: to annual: What happens here? to monthly: [link] ...the crossgrade goes into effect on the customer’s next renewal date. They continue using their current subscription until then. Thanks.
Jun ’24
IAP subscriptions for multiple logins
Good Afternoon Apple .... I am developing a takeway app, which allows business owners to register their takeway, then allow customers and staff, and allow their staff access to the account they have created. I would use IAP subscription to allow tiered monthly access, ie $10 for 1 user, $20 for 2, etc. I have a server back-end which would be used to record the IAP subscription to allow the extra staff to log in via web or android. The complication comes in with the case of a 'serial entrepreneur'. I use the model of '1 company, 1 email'. so, my entrepreneur registers 2 accounts, for 2 separate take-aways. Company A has 1 user, company B has 2 users. In this scenario, I would want the entrepreneur to log into company A, purchase a 1-user mobthly subscription, switch to company B, and then purchase a 2-user supscription. the subscriptions would therefore be separate. The registration would use my own login mechanism, so the entrepreneur would be using the same apple Id on the same iPhone. i wish to avoid the scenario 'entrepreneur registers company B, purchases a 2-user monthly subscription, then registers company A, and automatically gets another 2 users. Whilst I could likely code this to work, my questino is whether the app store would accept it ? the guidelines don't really seem to elaborate on this scenario. if necessary i could make the entrepreneur purchas a 3-user monthly subscription that is shared across his 2 logins, but I would like to avoid this if possible. regards, Phil
Jun ’24
Apple Developer Program membership has expired
I am writing to seek assistance with renewing my Apple Developer Membership. Unfortunately, I do not see the renew button in my Apple Developer account, and it is showing the message "Your Apple Developer Program membership has expired." Previously, the payment was made using an Apple ID of a developer who is no longer working with us. As a result, I am unable to renew the membership with the current setup. Could you please assist in mapping the subscription to my preferred Apple ID: [?????????????] ? Your support in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Jun ’24
Retrieving Zip/Postal Code from Subscriptions and In-App Purchases
Hi, I'm currently working on a application on the server-side that is attempting to generate analytics from our application's user's subscription and in-app purchases. One of the pieces of information that we need is the purchaser's zip/postal code for financial reporting. I noticed Google provides this information in their monthly earnings reports, but Apple seems to omit this field. That being said, is possible to obtain a purchaser's postal/zip code through an api, server notifications, or anything?
Jun ’24