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TestFlight app review alternatives for apps that require soft token on login
I'm preparing to submit an iOS app to TestFlight review for the first time, and the app requires at login a soft token, which would require that the Apple Review tester install a separate security app and interact directly via phone call with our security team to establish the token. Due to security restrictions, there is no other way to authenticate in our app (e.g. setting up a 'demo user' that doesn't require soft token). Does anyone have experience with Apple Review given these app login requirements? In your experience, has Apple Review been willing to engage with you to establish a soft token for review, or are there other approaches that have been acceptable to Apple, such as uploading a video recording of the operation of the app? Thank you!
Apr ’21
Approval of app requiring us to "provide documentation of a report or peer-reviewed study that demonstrates your app's use of medical hardware works as described"
Our app's latest update has suddenly been rejected by the reviewer for an existing feature: we allow users to connect to a BP Cuff and Weight Scale - the data from those devices are displayed in the app. The Reviewer is asking us to "provide documentation of a report or peer-reviewed study that demonstrates your app's use of medical hardware works as described". We have provided the passed test cases from our QA tool, but the app is still getting rejected. Any ideas on what this "report" is they are asking for? (We are not in a position to conduct a peer-reviewed study.)
May ’21
Advanced App Clip: 'This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience'
Here's the scenario: 1) I had an app in App Store Connect. 2) I created an Advanced App Clip Experience for the app, using my website URL. 3) For technical reasons, I removed the app and created a new one. 4) For this new app, I tried to create an Advanced App Clip Experience using my website URL, but I get the error message "This URL is already registered as an App Clip Experience.". It seems that the system hasn't released the URL I registered for the first app, despite the app having been removed. Question: How can I register my URL for this new app? Thank you!
May ’21
Cannot remove App Privacy after removing AdMob and tracking
I wanted to remove AdMob from my iOS app, so I remove all traces of AdMob, and make sure that info.plist does not have NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, no external framework used, and no traces of NSUserTrackingUsageDescription in my codes (global search in Xcode not found). However, previous version has setup App Privacy in AppStore Connect. Uploading a new build I can remove all entries in App Privacy except for one (?): Data Types - 1 data type collected from this app: Product Interaction And I cannot remove this one: when selecting not collecting info, I got this error message: Your app contains NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, indicating that you will request permission to track users. You must indicate which data types are tracking users. If this is incorrect, update your app binary and upload a new build to App Store Connect. What shall I do? And what is this Product Interaction tracking? (The rest can all be reset to not tracking except this one.)
May ’21
Apple Developer Admin does not have access to create bundle ID
At, I have the Admin role (but not Account Holder). At first, I had the Developer role. When it got switched to Admin, the buttons on the website that only admins should see (for example, the add app button), still weren't visible to me immediately, but I started seeing more of them within 24h. Now, I can click the add app button (see first screenshot) but when I click the link to add a bundle id (the link is called Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles), it says that I don't have access (see second screenshot).
May ’21
Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle
Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle ***.***.XX [Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal. With error code STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.90161 for id 81c3cef4-fefe-468d-910c-cf7a4b5377a8 Any help? I have tried to create new provisioning profile and identifiers but still get this error when uploading app to the App Store.
Jun ’21
Fetch total number of app downloads or installs counts using API.
Hello everyone, My question is how we can fetch our own apple apps download counts using API. I want to create code which will fetch total number of app downloads or installs of my app. Is there any way to to get this data using API or any other official method. Own app download counts data [since app uploaded - today's date]. Thank you.
Jun ’21
Small business program approval
How long does it take from applying to the Small Business Program to getting it confirmed? Google has a similar program and that whole process took two days. I’ve been waiting for over a month now without recieving any confirmation, information etc. Nada. Wrote to the Apple support and got a generic reply that didn’t really answer anything. It is soon time for a payment from sales and it’s getting really frustrating. Do Apple pay back the difference retroactively?
Jul ’21
TestFlight Automatic Updates
TestFlight automatic updates are not working as I would expect. I have an existing TestFlight installed app on device - say version 1. I've also configured that app for Automatic Updates. I then submit an update to TestFlight, say version 1.1.0. But on device, 1.1.0 does not get installed. Instead it only says Update available and I still need to manually update. Is my understanding incorrect or is this a bug?
Jul ’21
Disk Write Exception
My test flight application crashed while doing a disk writing operation. I saw the following error in crash log 1073.76 MB of file backed memory dirtied over 705 seconds (1522.14 KB per second average), exceeding limit of 12.43 KB per second over 86400 seconds\ After a little bit of research I found from Apple documentation that System will throw an exception if disk writes from the app exceeds a certain limit in 24 hours window [ But the threshold is not documented. But looking at the crash log we can reverse calculate this threshold as 12.43KB * 86400 ~ 1 GB Does this means that iOS application won't be able to write data more than this limit (1 GB) per day?
Aug ’21
(App Store rejected because invalid symlink)ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link
When I submitted to the MacOS Apple Store, it was rejected, and the following error was prompted, what should I do (I used a third-party build and signature, and did not use XCode) Dear Developer,We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "CollDesk" 1.0.0 (1.0.0). Please correct the following issues, then upload again.ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link 'com.colltech.desk.pkg/Payload/' resolves to an invalid location. Make sure that the symbolic link does not resolve to itself, and that the location exists and is contained within the app bundle.ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link 'com.colltech.desk.pkg/Payload/' resolves to an invalid location. Make sure that the symbolic link does not resolve to itself, and that the location exists and is contained within the app bundle.ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link 'com.colltech.desk.pkg/Payload/' resolves to an invalid location. Make sure that the symbolic link does not resolve to itself, and that the location exists and is contained within the app bundle.ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link 'com.colltech.desk.pkg/Payload/' resolves to an invalid location. Make sure that the symbolic link does not resolve to itself, and that the location exists and is contained within the app bundle.ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link 'com.colltech.desk.pkg/Payload/' resolves to an invalid location. Make sure that the symbolic link does not resolve to itself, and that the location exists and is contained within the app bundle.ITMS-90332: Invalid Symbolic Link - The symbolic link 'com.colltech.desk.pkg/Payload/' resolves to an invalid location. Make sure that the symbolic link does not resolve to itself, and that the location exists and is contained within the app bundle.
Aug ’21
TestFlight for Mac shows "Not Available for Testing"
Hi team, recently after apple made TestFlight available for Mac. We want to test our mac App using testFlight for Mac. So we uploaded a new build and it got approved by Apple, But when we go to TestFlight section of it, We see status as "Not Available for Testing". The screenshot is attached below. The current state of the build is "Pending Developer Release" Please advise what could be causing the issue? Also, Is there any minimum requirement of Xcode version for a build to be test-flight ready for Mac. Example: It should be build using Xcode13 only and Xcode12 builds will not be supported for testFlight Beta Mac?
Sep ’21
ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization stopped working in iOS 15
I'm currently in the process of submitting in the App Store, and then after I tested my build in iOS15, it stopped displaying the prompt for ATT, I also tried it to other lower versions and it worked. Is there any way to fix this? if #available(iOS 14, *) { ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization { status in }} I also checked the current app store build version, and it also doesn't work. Some people are currently experiencing this kind of issue in Reddit.
Sep ’21
Regarding App Tracking Transparency popup and GDPR consent Promt
Hi Team, One of our client app got rejected, stating that "We noticed your app includes a GDPR prompt and an App Tracking Transparency permission request, but they are implemented in a way that might confuse the user." Attached is the screenshot of the mail we got from apple. But according to the user privacy and data use article , on this link Attached is the screenshot , it's mentioned App Tracking Transparency takes precedence on GDPR consent popup. but in the mail we received that we should not show the App Tracking Transparency popup if in GDPR Consent form we have rejected the permission. Please make it clear what action items need to be done. since statement in email we received and in article mentioned above. it's conflicting. Please tell clear action items for this.
Oct ’21
App Store Notifications v2 - Verifying a signature
I have started implementing support for the new App Store Server notifications (version 2): I am not sure how to prevent a possible mad-in-the-middle attack when using those notifications. The decoded header that I get for notifications in the Sandbox environment is missing the "kid" field that is used to identify the key used to generate a signature. Yes, I understand the the whole entire certificate chain is available in the "x5c" field and it could be verified by itself. However, this does not guarantee that a notification was signed by Apple. This approach (with no specific key, with a certificate chain in x5c) works fine when verifying a receipt on device with StoreKit 2 but it does not work when getting a notification on a server.
Oct ’21