App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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App Review Delay
Dear App Review: We are an e-commerce shopping software, and we regularly update new features every month. We have been waiting for nearly 10 days for the new update version released on June 19th. Now the review status remains in the review status. According to the experience of the past two years, the review of the updated version usually takes about 2-3 days. We are confused about the extension of this review time and are worried about whether there is any problem with our App, causing the current situation. Our users have been anxiously asking us when to update new features, and they are very eager to use them. Apple ID of the App: 905869418 Looking forward to your reply, thank you!
iOS 17 apps still require 5.5" iPhones screenshots?
I find odd that the App Store Connect still requires 5.5" iPhone screenshots of the iPhone 8 Plus, given that this specific phone is no longer supported by the latest release: iOS 17. I am well aware that the iPhone SE still has a similar screen ratio, and that it is still being supported by iOS 17, but it doesn't have the same pixel requirements (1242 x 2208), which means that in order for my app to be even reviewed (which is an iOS 17+ exclusive), I'm gonna have to create images that will then be upscaled to the right dimensions. Am I missing something here, or is it Apple who missed this detail?
The status of "waiting for review" has been waiting for almost 2 weeks
Dear App Review: We are an image processing software that undergoes regular iterations and updates with new features every month. At present, our updated version has been waiting for almost 2 weeks in the "waiting for review" state. During this waiting process, we have made the following actions but are unable to enter the review process: We requested an expedited review and informed that it was successful, but no progress was made; Contacted "App Review Status" via email; Please inform us that everything is normal and wait for the review; Refused by oneself, resubmit for review; Our users have been anxiously asking us when to update the new features, and they are very eager to use them. Apple ID of the App:6447539504 Looking forward to your reply, thank you!
App Stuck "In Review" for Critical Bug Fix
Hello, We are seeking urgent assistance with our app, which has been stuck "In Review" for 2-3 days now despite an expedited review request. Our app is currently experiencing a critical issue where the subscription screen crashes due to the app being approved while the associated subscription product IDs were rejected without our knowledge. We have since created new subscription product IDs (which have now been approved) and updated our binary to include these updated IDs. However, we just can't get the review for the app to be finalized. This subscription is for a new feature we spent months building and aimed to monetize out of the gate. Instead, we are now faced with many frustrated users who can't subscribe to this feature, which also has a financial impact on our business. After being "In Review" for 36 hours, we removed the app from review and resubmitted it since it seemed to be stuck, but it has been back "In Review" again for the past 20 hours. We have spoken with several Apple Developer Support reps by phone and email, but there hasn't been any change in status. Could anyone provide advice on how to escalate this issue further or any other steps we might take to get urgent assistance? Thank you so much in advance for your help.
App Review Rejection for Guidelines 3.1.1
Hi all, Our app has been rejected several times without any clear explanation of what we need to do. The latest rejection reason is as follows: Guidelines 3.1.1 - In-App Purchase and 3.1.3(c) - Enterprise Services We noticed in our review that your app offers enterprise services that are sold directly to organizations or groups of employees or students. However, these same services are also available to be sold to single users, consumers, or for family use without using in-app purchase. When an organization or group buys access to your app's enterprise services, you don't need to use in-app purchase. But when providing access to an individual user, consumer, or for family use, you should use in-app purchase. To which we responded with: We would also like to clarify our app and business model: 1) Our app is a free app intended for companies, organizations, and business owners. Individual users can sign up for our app, but with some restrictions. We designed it this way so that users can try our app before registering their company or business. 2) In the previous app version, we enabled users to subscribe and unlock more features within our app using our own mechanism. Hence, the review referred to Guidelines 3.1.1. In this version, we have removed the feature so that users cannot purchase any subscriptions. Since users cannot purchase anything from our app, we believe Guidelines 3.1.1 should no longer apply for the app review. But our app is still not approved. Instead, they replied with: We are not able to provide feedback on app concepts or features, but we recommend evaluating your suggestions against the App Review Guidelines, as well as the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, and the Human Interface Guidelines. Can anyone enlighten us why does the reviewer still referring to Guidelines 3.1.1 when there isn't anything that user can purchase from our app? And what do they actually want us to do?
PLEASE HELP!!! Crimean Tatar language!
Hello, we are in the final stages of developing our app and want to ask for some clarifications. Our app is a non-commercial, educational and free project. It is created in Crimean Tatar language, which may be difficult for you to understand during the checking of application, because it is not available in online translators. Therefore, we want to get information in advance about all the things you need in order to successfully validate on your platform and make our app available to everyone. This is an audio guide about Crimea. The purpose of the app is to provide basic historical knowledge about the architecture and history of the Crimean Tatars. Crimean Tatars are the indigenous people of Crimea and this app is type of a local product. The app is created in the Crimean Tatar language, which is on the UNESCO list of endangered languages. By creating this product we are also trying to support the development of our language. We are very interested in opening access to the application as soon as possible, and we are open to contact and ready to provide the necessary information. Please can you tell us if there is anything else we need to provide when we submit the application for review?
In-App Purchase Review Delaying App Release - Next Steps?
Our submitted binary app version has been approved by Apple reviewers. It's currently pending Developer Release. However, our in-app purchase, which was submitted at the same time, is still under review. Since the newly added in-app purchase hasn't been approved yet, we've decided to hold off on releasing the binary app version. Should we just wait for Apple to approve the in-app purchase, or are there any other recommended actions? Thank you.
Using Stripe instead In app purchase
Hello everyone! By the guidelines we have to use IAP because actual service happens in the application itself: it is an app for scheduling actions. The business problem is that IAP does not allow the refund functionality which is important in-app in case the actual scheduled action will not happen. Is there a way to use Stripe still exactly cos we need to implement refunds in the app?
Dating App Rejected Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam
"Regarding Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam, your app primarily includes dating features that duplicate the content and functionality of similar apps in a saturated category'. Our app is a dating app for anime fans, we feature Tinder-like swiping but have many distinguishing features. Video: Website: We were hoping to launch next week and this is a huge disappointment, we even have a Japanese localization in progress. I think the tester had a bad experience due to swiping without interaction on the seeded profiles -- so I resubmitted so they can experience a=our distinguishing features like our anime recommendation engine. Anyway, is there a way forward? I've filed an appeal, but I would hate to miss launching ahead of Valentine's Day.
App Rejected - Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness
I'm unable to reproduce an issue which only seems to occur on App Review devices. It's mainly stuck at a loading screen when trying to sign in with GameCenter. I'm using Microsoft Azure PlayFab as a game backend. I've tested my game on two iPads and three different iPhone models. They're all able to connect to the server. No debug build was installed on those devices via Xcode. I used the same build which was rejected, freshly installed via TestFlight on the internal test track. Looking at my server logs, I can't even find one single request sent from the App Review device. This can only mean that there is some connectivity issue between their device and the server (e.g. a firewall or proxy). I've also implemented a retry mechanism so in case the request times out, it would try it again and after three retries it would eventually display an error message and further details. How shall I figure this issue out, if the only thing the reviewers provided me is a screenshot of the loading screen?
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage
Our app submission is being rejected with the following error message: TMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. We have thoroughly scanned our code and all dependent libraries for references to UIWebView and found none. looking for help, on how to address this issue
Jun ’24
Help, account got terminated by 3.2(f) and no reply at all.
My app was removed and my account terminated without any notice. Apple indicated that I violated section 3.2(f) of the ADP, but I did not engage in any unlawful or misleading acts in my business practices. So I submitted an appeal to clarify the situation, but there has been no response. I also tried reaching out for help via general email, but still received no reply. Any advice on how to get a response from Apple? It seems my termination was automated, and no human has reviewed my appeal. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Jun ’24
Acceptable location purpose strings
Does anyone have recent experience of what App Review consider acceptable for location purpose strings these days? My map apps simply display a blue spot on the map showing your current location when you turn on the app's location button. That data doesn't leave the app; I'm not selling it to anyone, or doing anything nefarious. For years, I've had concise location purpose strings such as "Your location will be shown on the map". Now, App Review seem to find that inadequate. They say: "One or more purpose strings in the app do not sufficiently explain the use of protected resources. Purpose strings must clearly and completely describe the app's use of data and, in most cases, provide an example of how the data will be used. Next steps: Update the ... location purpose string to explain how the app will use the requested information and provide an example of how the data will be used. " I've just look at what Apple Maps uses as its purpose string, and it's just "Your location is used to show your position on the map, get directions, estimate travel times, and improve search results." I'm only doing the first of those things, so surely "Your location is used to show your position on the map" would get approved, right? Wrong! I have similar issues with the photos purpose string.
Jun ’24
IOS : App rejected for violating location new Guidelines
Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness Your app did not load its contents and the activity indicator spun indefinitely when we tapped "Don't Allow" when prompted for permission to use current location. If location information is required, it is necessary to display a notification or alert indicating this requirement. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise your app to either enable functionality when a user opts out of providing location information or include an alert that this information is required. Resources For more information on Location Services, please review the section, "Determining Whether Location Services are Available" in the Location and Maps Programming Guide. For a networking overview, review About Networking. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We’re looking forward to reviewing your app, but we were unable to sign in with the following demo account credentials you provided in App Store Connect: User name: 8015965494 Password: 8015965494 To avoid delays in App Review, it is essential to provide the App Review team with access to your app's full features and functionality with every submission. Next Steps Please provide the username and password for a valid demo account on the App Review page of App Store Connect that provides full access to your app's features and functionality or include a demonstration mode that shows all of the features and functionality available in your app. Note that we cannot use a demo video showing your app in use to continue the review. Resources Watch a video from App Review with tips for preventing common rejections. Learn how to share information with App Review when submitting your app for review. Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage The app encourages or directs users to allow the app to access the location. Specifically, the app directs the user to grant permission in the following way(s): A custom message appears before the permission request, and to proceed users press a "Configure Location Access" button. Use words like "Continue" or "Next" on the button instead. Permission requests give users control of their personal information. It is important to respect their decision about how their data is used. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please revise the permission request process in the app to not display messages before the permission request with inappropriate words on buttons. If necessary, you may provide more information about why you are requesting permission before the request appears. If the user is trying to use a feature in the app that won't function without access to the location, you may include a notification to inform the user and provide a link to the Settings app.
Jun ’24
Unsupported SDK or Xcode version (XCode 15.4 running on MacOS 15)
Hello! So I updated my mac to 15.0 Sequoia Developer Beta and couldn't run Xcode 15.4 because of the Mac version mismatch, so I installed Xcode 16 beta and archived my app, but of course I cannot publish it to App Store because Apple doesn't let you do it with beta soft. So, I downloaded Xcode 15.4 (current latest stable build) and managed to run it following this fix: But, now when I create a new archive and submit it for review I am getting: ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit: I tried deleting derived data and build folders, building new archives, but to no avail. Has anybody encountered this before?
Jun ’24
xCode - ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version
When I try to upload an app to the AppStore, I receive following feedback: I had Xcode 16 with visionOS installed. Because of the feedback, I switched back to Xcode 15.3 with visionOs 1.0. I archived it again and tried to upload the app again. But I still receive the same feedback. I also tried, but it seems that there is no such property for visionOS in the info.plist I do not have any further ideas...
Jun ’24
Where to answer the app distribution questions during an app review
I got the feedback from app review that I need to clarify a few things about my add distribution. Here is the what apple told me to do. Where do I put the answers for these questions at? Also, let's say I pick unlisted app as the category, where do I put this information? Here is what Apple asking me to do We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need more information about your business model and your users to help you find the best distribution option for your app. Next Steps Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question. Is your app restricted to users who are part of a single company? This may include users of the company's partners, employees, and contractors. Is your app designed for use by a limited or specific group of companies? If yes, which companies use this app? If not, can any company become a client and utilize this app? What features in the app, if any, are intended for use by the general public? How do users obtain an account? Is there any paid content in the app and if so who pays for it? For example, do users pay for opening an account or using certain features in the app? Resources Learn more about app distribution options on Apple Developer.
Jun ’24
Almost two weeks of "Waiting for Review" with no real updates
A regular update to our game have been in review for almost two weeks. These updates normally take a day or less. Is this a general problem or just our game? We have iOS users complaining about the lack of new content. They are comparing to their friends on other platforms. Other platforms now have almost 3 weeks worth of updates that iOS have not gotten. iOS users are slowly losing faith and there is nothing we can do. When can we expect for review times to return to normal?
Jun ’24