Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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iOS 18 Developer Beta doesn’t wanna recognize on iTunes rather kept asking me to download software for it to work
This is quite an issue I also had for iOS 17 as well, but I accidentally ended the process though and I had to wait till iOS 17 was released. This year with iOS 18, I get the same issue except I did actually download it. It installed and went through as it prompt me to close iTunes before installing it. However, as I open iTunes after it was installed, my hopes weren’t up at all and it gave me another prompt to download it again. The prompt that was given to me is: A software update is required to connect to iPhone. I clicked install and waited for the process to download. However it never did download for some reason, and as I thought it was working, few minutes goes by and I get a new message saying: Installation Failed: Can’t install the software because it is not currently available from the Software Update server. So what now? This also occurs with public beta and developer beta. I know there’s such thing as a mobile framework for it to work but how do I get it to work on iTunes? I’m running High Sierra by the way. Does anyone have a solution to this? I have a backup of my iPhone via iTunes made before I download it in case if I have to downgrade it but it won’t be possible if iTunes won’t recognize my iPhone.
Jun ’24
Mac OS Sequoia keeps crashing at start
Hi! I wanted to have a look at how my app behaves on the Sequoia OS, but for some reason, I keeps crashing at start after the login. The screen freezes, I get a pink (?) screen, and it reboots. I can't use boot modes, none of them seems to work. I event tried to connect my BT keyboard to the iMac with a USB cable, same behavior : none of the start up keeps seems to respond :-/ Any idea on how can I fix this or at least, restore the time machine save ? Thanks!
Xcode 16 Beta: Animatable + non isolated protocol requirement errors.
Here's some simple sample code which produces warnings (or errors if using Swift 6 language mode), annotated with the errors: struct MyEffect: GeometryEffect { var animatableData: CGFloat // ERROR: Main actor-isolated property 'animatableData' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement func effectValue(size: CGSize) -> ProjectionTransform { // ERROR: Main actor-isolated instance method 'effectValue(size:)' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement ProjectionTransform(.identity) } } I run into the same issue with Shape: private struct MyShape: Shape { var foo: UnitPoint = .zero var animatableData: CGPoint.AnimatableData = .zero // ERROR: Main actor-isolated property 'animatableData' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path { print(foo) // ERROR: Main actor-isolated property 'foo' can not be referenced from a non-isolated context return Path() } } It seems that by conforming to these protocols (which share Animatable conformance), all properties within the struct become annotated with @MainActor. Is this a bug?
Jun ’24
visionOS Software Update does not show beta options
Until updating to visionOS 1.2 I had the option under Software Update to select the beta track. I updated to 1.2 today (6/10) in anticipation of updating to visionOS 2.0, but after updating the beta track has disappeared from the Software Update pane. Things I have tried: Logging into developer portal on Apple Vision Pro Toggling "Developer Mode" off and on in "Privacy & Security" pane Pairing Apple Vision Pro with Xcode (both 15.4 and 16 beta) Logging out of and back into iCloud on Apple Vision Pro Rebooting multiple times I have an up-to-date developer account, and have accepted the latest T&Cs. I'm tempted to just let it sit for a few days and see if this is a propagation issue, but it bothers me that I can't resolve this. Anyone have any thoughts?
Jun ’24
Beta Software Profile" has an invalid signature
I have a iPad mini4 with iPadOS 15.8.2. I try to Install iPadOS 17.5 beta 4. But I can't succeed in installing the program. I read the documents related to iPadOS 17.5 beta 4 in Apple Developer Program. According to the instructions, I repeated to install the profile to my mini4 by various ways, but in vain. I made inquiries to Apple Care and Apple Developer Support, but they said they gave me some advices that they could have in their resources. They told me my operations seemed to be correct in order to install the profile related to iPadOS 17.5 beta 4 for the machines with iPadOS 16.3 and earlier. They also basically told me they didn't know why and how on a beta program and to go to Developer Forums and post my problem in Developer Forum. I have also have M2Macbook Pro, iPad9, SE3. "Beta Updates"s appear in Three System Settings but only "Automatic Updates" appears in mini4. It is sure to enter a Developer Mode on my Apple ID. How should I do in order to install the profile for iPadOS 17.5 beta 4 ? Please tell me how.
May ’24
Unable to view artifacts from Xcode Cloud build in Xcode - getting 501 error message
I'm trying to download artifacts from some recent Xcode Cloud builds. In both Xcode and App Store Connect I'm getting errors. Xcode says: "Error Fetching Test Results: API Invalid status code: 501. App Store Connect says: "artifacts could not be found." FB13773789 - Xcode Cloud: Service returning 501 in Xcode when trying to view artifacts of successful build from minutes ago I have tried several projects to rule out project specific issues and it is happening to all of my Xcode Cloud enabled projects. Both Xcode 15.3 and 15.4 beta exhibit this behavior. Is anyone else running into this issue? I noticed it yesterday, and it continues into this morning.
May ’24
XCode 15.4 Simulators wont install.
Simulators will not install. Run destinations all empty. Can't even run on device. XCode 15.4 beta Sonoma 14.4.1 Intel Mac 16" MBP Attached screenshot of error. iOS 17.5 beta 2 (21F5058d) "Not compatible with XCode 15.4 beta" No run destinations appear. Not even 17.4 device that is plugged in. This all worked yesterday after initial XCode upgrade to 15.4 beta. Now all destinations are missing, even though they appear as installed in the 'Platforms' window. (yes I have rebooted and restarted XCode).
May ’24
Is it acceptable to create a custom TestFlight badge for an app and utilize it?
I've published my app on TestFlight and enabled the public beta link, allowing users to try out the app and provide feedback. I'm considering creating a custom TestFlight badge (Like this - for my app, linking it to the public beta link, and embedding it on my website. Is this an acceptable practice?
Apr ’24
Will a "fake" paywall pass Apple Review?
What I mean by "fake" here is some sort of button which will state "Buy a pass for 4.99$" and then, once you click it, it will tell you that the app is still in early phase and so the pass is actually free. Reason for wanting this: We'd like to test the willingness to pay without going through the hassle of setting up everything related to having real in-app purchases.
Apr ’24
When do Pre-order analytics become available?
My app was recently approved and I have been trying to watch metrics so I an adjust my marketing campaign. When I go to the Apple Developer analytics dashboard there isn't anything there and its been almost a week since releasing my pre-order. The only message I see is "Not enough Data: Data is displayed when a certain number of data points become available." When will this data become available and how many data points are needed until I can begin tracking? On the Google Play Console I was able to see when I had as little as 2 pre-registered users.
Mar ’24
iOS 17 crash on UIDocumentInteractionController 'Print' option
When showing PDF document in UIDocumentInteractionController and when tap on share button > Print, app crash. Below is the crash log *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation', reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and [UIPrintPanelNavigationController shouldAutorotate] is returning YES' It's a iPad app supporting Landscape orientation only. And its in Objective C.
Feb ’24
Could not install [App] The requested app is not available or doesn't exist.
I made the app file in xcode validate the app and then I shared it only in test fligth when I wanted to test it on my iphone 14 Plus device the following message appears try uploading other builds same thing happens with the other two apps I've been two weeks trying to solve this bug or problem, I searched for information on google but what appears is from 2014 how much appstore had the name of itunes Connect, I have asked in other forums and ddicen to wait a while that is normal but I think it takes a long time. If someone has gone through this and put you solve agadeceria you can help me
Feb ’24
Problems uploading images to sites with Sonoma 14.4 Beta
Since going in the beta I have had problems uploading images to a WordPress site. This occurs with Safari and Chrome. There is no issue using my iPhone to upload to the same WordPress site and the support team at the hosting service have no issues uploading the same images I fail with using Windows systems. It is not consistent. The same file that has uploaded can later fail to upload after one or more files have failed to upload. Very small images (5-20k) usually upload but larger than that and I start to get fails. When uploading to a different WP site I get uploads succeeding but the images are corrupt. But here aI also gett no issues using my iPhone uploading to the same site.
Feb ’24