Navigate the App Store landscape. Share strategies for app submission, distribution, marketing, and user acquisition. Discuss best practices for getting your app discovered and downloaded.

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Blank page when logging into App Store Connect
When I sign into App Store Connect, I am taken to this URL: The page shows a gray activity spinner for a few seconds, then is blank. I have tried on multiple computers and multiple browsers, over the past few weeks, with the same result. I have lodged a developer support request, but it hasn’t been resolved yet. It’s been holding up our App Store submission for a couple of weeks now. Any ideas of things I could try, or has anyone else had this issue and had it resolved ?
Mar ’22
Help making existing IOS Application on Mac
Looking to make my existing IOS application available on Mac. I have done all of the steps as best I can determine across all the articles tools and topics for Xcode/App Connect/Transporter. I have no builds to upload in the MacO/S apps part of Apple Connect. The app runs fine in the simulator for Mac OS and I have managed to export an executable which I might be able to send to someone outside of the App Store but haven't tried/tested. Transporter won't load the exported (notarized? supposedly) file into Xcode because its already got a build with the same number. I targeted Standard Architecture option, which says should run on Intel or ARM, - I am not clear on which OS I should have selected to target to make that happen. Any hints to a concise todo list to make it happen would be good. My observation is that most of the examples in the various documentation are either MacOS Store oriented or Xcode on IOS for details. The high level information describes the planned/expected support but doesn't match the tools examples
Mar ’22
Is anyone able to get Unlisted Apps approved? We have summited and been waiting over 4 weeks
Following the process here: We submitted our app for review early Feb via the request form and have had no response. We have emailed asking for status updates and been told they cannot track the progress. We have attempted to get callbacks to resolve this issue and they don't even call us. Is there anyway to get actual support from someone who knows what they are doing? Has anyone actually got an unlisted app onto the store?
Mar ’22
TestFlight takes long to send to Internal Testers
Normally uploading, processing and sending a TestFlight would take up to 30 minutes. But recently it slowed down to ~2 hours before the test app is actually send out to testers. Status updates from 'Processing' to 'Ready to Submit' still happens within 30 minutes, as usual. However nothing is send out to testers until 1-2 hours later. The 'Groups' column remains empty until the TestFlight is actually send. When trying to manually select a group the default 'Internal Group' is disabled. I guess because it knows it has to send to them and is busy trying to. Has anything changed in this process? And has anyone experienced the same or not? Useful either way.
Mar ’22
Should deleted testers be counted in maximum number of testers calculation?
I've reached maximum number of testers for my app. That's why I've deleted all testers from TestFlight to clean testers list and invite new and old testers again by public link. But deleted testers are still count in "All testers", but in "Deleted testers" filter. And the error "You’ve added the maximum number of external testers for this app" still occurs. Is this how it's supposed to work or is this a bug?
Apr ’22
Authentication on ``
Hi, I've tried to authenticate this endpoint with the JWT token as described in the documentation, but it's not working. I know this endpoint is not documented, but gathering the beta feedback and being able to extract it to some ticket system (e.g. GitHub board) would be a really helpful option for us. Does anyone know how we can authenticate this one?
Apr ’22
Register device unexpected status
When we use register api to register our device, I got response that status is PROCESSING/INELIGIBLE why? response like: { "type": "devices", "id": "XXXXX", "attributes": { "addedDate": "2022-04-20T22:57:51.000+00:00", "name": "XXXXX", "deviceClass": "IPHONE", "model": "iPhone 13 Pro Max", "udid": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "platform": "IOS", "status": "PROCESSING" }, "links": { "self": "***" } }
Apr ’22
Bogus 4.3.0 Rejections - Need Help!
Since April 1, 2022, the App Review Team and App Review Board have been consistently rejecting my app, the reason being, "Guideline 4.3 - Design We continue to find that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam." This is 100% false because my app has unique features not found on other apps on the App Store. The strange part is the supposedly similar apps don't even offer the features that my app offers yet those apps are able to get their app submissions approved. I should also mention those apps were published after mine. I have provided screenshots, video demos, source code, spoken to App Review team and they are still rejecting the app because of 4.3.0. It appears they are overlooking the information I've been providing and responding with generic responses. Should I file a complaint with the BBB? It's evident that selective bias and unfair treatment is happening with the App Review Team and App Review Board. I've exhausted all options and I need advice on what to do next. I've spent too much money and effort to have the app stuck in this endless cycle of rejections.
Apr ’22
Why is app store displaying Chinese developer names in non-Chinese markets?
I'm Chinese and I get that develpers in China must have their legal Chinese names submitted as a required step during registration. But why the hell is my Chinese name displayed in a non-Chinese market as my developer name? Please at leave give us an option to display English names on global markets. (In case you don't know, Chinese names can be translated to English via pinyin, it's a 1-to-1 mapping. Any Chinese names have their corresponding English names via pinyin) I also called Apple today, they said that it's due to regulations. Again, I get that. But displaying Chinese as developer names in non-Chinese markets just dont make any sense.
May ’22
Section 11.2 (Termination) states: Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA) violation
Hi All, Today I have got one mail from Apple as follows We are writing to inform you that your company is not in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (PLA). Section 11.2 (Termination) states: (g) if You engage, or encourage others to engage, in any misleading, fraudulent, improper, unlawful or dishonest act relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting the nature of Your Application (e.g., hiding or trying to hide functionality from Apple’s review, falsifying consumer reviews for Your Application, engaging in payment fraud, etc.). Be aware that manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews or search index may result in the loss of your developer program membership. Please address this issue promptly. Here, what steps should I take to resolve the issue? If anyone has faced this type of issue earlier, please guide me to the solution
May ’22
Wrong price for in-app purchases
There is an issue with the price-setting on in-app purchases. The interface for setting the price of an IAP is out of sync with what is actually set. For instance, I changed the price to $6.99 and in the app it displayed $7.99. Later I changed it to $5.99 and the app displayed $6.99. I think the frontend is setting the wrong value in the backend (database).
May ’22
iCloud share link opens the wrong app on App Store
Hi everyone, we recently integrated UICloudSharingController to share cloudkit records on one of our apps, but we noticed while testing that the icloud share link opens the wrong app on App Store if we invite a participant who has not the app installed on his device. We thought it was because for another our app (app store opens the download page for this app) we basically duplicated the same coredata/cloudkit implementation, forgetting maybe some cloudkit references of the first app and indeed we noticed a wrong icloud container assignment for the second app, which essentially had two containers, the correct one (its own) and the one of the first app (the wrong one). So, we fixed the problem, every app has his own container now and only his own, and we updated the provisional profiles as well, in order to have the correct icloud containers entitlements. Unfortunately the problem persists and after check everything else (containers, app groups, PersistentStoreDescriptions etc.) we don't have any more ideas. What else should we check? Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Some more detail of the issue: If we have the app installed on the device the icloud share link opens the right app. The same icloud share link works properly on Mac Catalyst (the App Store opens the correct app page if we don't have the app installed). The problem is only on iOS.
May ’22
Unable to Add for Review
I don't know why I'm getting this error: The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. My macOS version is macOS Monterey 12.4 (21F79) and my XCode version is Version 13.4 (13F17a). I'm not running any beta software at all and I'm only using public releases.
Jun ’22
Apple Review is Rejecting app for have tracking in privacy.
Some apps have been rejected because they have user tracking in privacy, but the new version of the app no longer has tracking function. When I try to remove user tracking from privacy, the following message appears "Your app contains NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, indicating that you will request permission to track users. To update this information on your app's product page, you must indicate which data types are tracking users. If this is incorrect, update your app binary and upload a new build to App Store Connect." We no longer has the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription on binary/build. I've already sent several resources to apple informing the situation but they keep rejecting with the same message: "The app privacy information you provided in App Store Connect indicates you collect data in order to track the user, including Physical Address. However, you do not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before tracking their activity." I am not able to update my app. Has anyone been through this situation? Thanks.
Jun ’22
Test Flight Rejection : ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage
Today, I'm getting Test Flight builds rejected with the following reason: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in MyRedactedAppName: _isKeyDown, _modifiedInput, _modifierFlags, handleNotification:, isPassthrough, onSuccess:, removeValuesForKeys:completion However, I'm uploading the exact same code (working on a CI/CD pipeline) as I did last Thursday and that build passed. Pretty sure this is on the Apple side of things. Anyone else seeing this today? I know a few folks have had similar rejections since June 6, when things got updated for WWDC. Some seem to have been resolved by Apple, but I've tested this twice today and received the same result.
Jun ’22
Programmatically press "delete" or "cmd + v" in sandboxed app
Im working on a small text snippet / lorem ipsum app as a side project and the idea is, for instance, whenever and wherever user types "lorem10" I'd like to print/paste 10 random lorem ipsum words. Eg. "lorem10 " -> ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do") For that to be possible I need to, Programmatically press "delete" key to remove the trigger string ("lorem10"). Programmatically press "cmd + v" for pasting the result string. This is possible, even in sandbox! But it requires accessibility permission. For instance I can simulate "delete" key press like this: func delete() {     let eventSource = CGEventSource(stateID: .combinedSessionState)     let keyDownEvent = CGEvent(       keyboardEventSource: eventSource,       virtualKey: CGKeyCode(51),       keyDown: true)     let keyUpEvent = CGEvent(       keyboardEventSource: eventSource,       virtualKey: CGKeyCode(51),       keyDown: false)     let loc = CGEventTapLocation.cghidEventTap     //Triggers system default accessibility access pop-up     keyDownEvent?.post(tap: loc)     keyUpEvent?.post(tap: loc)   } My question is essentially if this is allowed in Mac App Store? Because requesting accessibillity permission like this is not allowed in sandbox: func getPermission() { AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions([kAXTrustedCheckOptionPrompt.takeUnretainedValue():true] as CFDictionary). } But I can simulate one short "shift" or "cmd" key press for instance, and trigger the pop-up inside a sandboxed app and get around this it seems. Is this a bug? I really hope I can release my app in the Mac App Store, but doing so I just want to be sure Im not using any bug that might get removed in the near future.
Jun ’22