





Asset validation failed due to unsupported Xcode or SDK type
Hi! First timer here. I am having trouble uploading to App Store Connect. I uploaded an earlier version a ~week ago, but am now getting an error saying that the asset validation failed because of an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. Not sure how to proceed or what specifically is causing the error. I speculated it was the Spotify iOS SDK, but have every time I got into Project > Package Dependencies > "—" button for the Spotify SDK, Xcode crashes. System: MacOS Sequoia Beta 2 Xcode: 16 Beta 3 (All fully up to date)
How to select a object in usdz by mouse select in 3d view in Reality Composer Pro
I used other software to export usdz files, hoping to further adjust the PBR and other parameters in the model in Reality Composer Pro. Because usdz is a whole, I cannot use the mouse to select a specific model in usdz on the interface. I have to find the models I want to modify one by one in the list on the left. This method of operation is too inefficient. Is there a better way? Or is there a way to disassemble the usdz file into numerous sub-models and texture material files, so that I can select it with the mouse on the interface in Reality Composer Pro and then modify the PBR, which would be much more efficient.
NavigationSplitView freezes
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM I have changed my app to the @Observable-Macro. When using an iPhone (on simulator and on real device) the navigation from a player to the player detail view and back breaks. In the attached video on my GitHub you can see me tapping on both players in the team, but the navigation ist not showing the detail view. What is the reason? Is my usage/understanding of @Observable wrong? Is it wrong to have the selectedPlayer within the PlayerController which is @Observable? And why does it sometimes work and sometimes not? The project can be found here: GitHub Project STEPS TO REPRODUCE Start the App, add one or two demo teams, tap on a team and add two or more demo players. tap a player and then go back, tap the player again and back again. After a while (number of taps is always different), the navigation breaks. See my video attached. PLATFORM AND VERSION iOS Development environment: Xcode 15.4, macOS 14.5 (23F79) Run-time configuration: iOS 17.5,
App Store App Push Notification Delivery Issue
We are experiencing issues with Push Notification delivery for our Lulu Money application (com.lulu.luluone) using Apple ID 1163514668. Upon reviewing the Push Notifications console, we have found that out of the 7.294M Priority Notifications sent in the last 4 weeks, only 1.226M were delivered to the device. The majority of the undelivered notifications, totalling 5.479M, are categorized as "Stored - Device Offline." This issue is negatively impacting our customers, and we need assistance in resolving it to ensure smooth notification delivery.
SceneKit doesn't build, says it needs an output file
I am trying to make an app that uses SceneKit to display some 3D models, but started it up from the regular app format. When I try to build I get this error: shell script build rule for "/somePath/Scene.scn' must declare at least one output file. The .scn is being provided to a view, is that not an output? Or is there some formatting issue that I need to solve.
Folder-level search option in Notes app
Hello Apple team, I would like to request a feature to include a search option within each folder in the Notes app, both on MacBook and iPhone. Currently, the global search function searches all notes, which can be overwhelming when dealing with a large number of notes (I have over 700+ notes). A folder-level search option would allow users to quickly find specific notes within a designated folder, making organization and retrieval more efficient. This feature would be a valuable addition to the Notes app, and I believe it would benefit many users who rely on the app for note-taking and organization. Thank you for considering my request!" Additionally, you can also mention the benefits of this feature, such as: Improved note organization and management Enhanced productivity and time-saving Better user experience and satisfaction By providing clear and concise feedback, you can help Apple understand the value of this feature and consider implementing it in future updates.
Enhance Weather app with Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion options and dual display
I would like to request two enhancements to the Weather app: Add a Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion option directly on the home page, rather than requiring users to access it through the three-dot menu. Consider displaying both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales side by side, without requiring users to choose a conversion option(only if its feasible for your team). This would be particularly helpful for users who are familiar with both scales, such as Asians living in America. Thank you for considering my request!
Display past temperature data for cities in Weather app
Hello Apple team, I would like to request a feature to display the past temperature data (e.g., last 7 days) for each place in the Weather app(Especially past 24 hours of data for any given city ). Just like how it shows future 7-10 days of data. This would allow users to quickly view temperature trends and patterns for users like us to re-member how that day was like,etc,etc. Please consider adding a 'Past Weather' section or a graph that shows the temperature fluctuations over the past week. Thank you for considering my request!
CloudKit and SwiftData not syncing on MacOS
I have a simple app that uses SwiftUI and SwiftData to maintain a database. The app runs on multiple iPhones and iPads and correctly synchronises across those platforms. So I am correct setting Background Modes and Remote Notifications. I have also correctly setup my Model Configuration and ModelContainer (Otherwise I would expect syncing to fail completely). The problem arises when I run on a Mac (M1 or M3) either using Mac Designed for iPad or Mac Catalyst. This can be debugging in Xcode or running the built app. Then the app does not reflect changes made in the iPhone or iPad apps unless I follow a specific sequence. Leave the app, (e.g click on a Finder window), then come back to the app (i.e click on the app again). Now the app will show the changes made on the iPhone/iPad. It looks like the app on the Mac is not processing remote notifications when in the background - it only performs them when the app has just become active. It also looks like the Mac is not performing these sync operations when the app is active. I have tried waiting 30 minutes and still the sync doesn't happen unless I leave the app and come back to it. I am using the same development CloudKit container in all cases
Crash on TextField
A crash when Use UITextfield to display special characters "美҈̛̍̐̃͒̑́̌̆̾̒̿̒̚̚҈҉̵̶̸̷̷҇̒́̎͐͊̎̑̆́̓̽͂̊͋̑͛͑̈́̉̄̿́̏̽̎̓̋̓́̀̿͒͗͐̇҇͌̏͛͐̈́̑̀̏̏̋̏͑̊͋̈́̉̃̀̉͌̾̍͐͊̃́̉̍̈̎̒̊̉̚̕̚͠͝͠ 】". the system is iOS 16.3.1 and iOS 17.5.1 0 CoreFoundation ___exceptionPreprocess + 164 1 libobjc.A.dylib _objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation _blockForLocation 3 UIFoundation -[NSTextLineFragment _defaultRenderingAttributesAtCharacterIndex:effectiveRange:] + 104 4 UIFoundation ___53-[NSTextLineFragment initWithAttributedString:range:]_block_invoke + 72 5 CoreText TLine::DrawGlyphsWithAttributeOverrides(CGContext*, __CFDictionary const* ( block_pointer)(long, CFRange*), void ( block_pointer)(CTLineDecorationType, void const*, bool, double, double, double, int, CGPoint, CFRange)) const + 424 6 UIFoundation __NSCoreTypesetterRenderLine + 368 7 UIFoundation -[NSTextLineFragment drawAtPoint:graphicsContext:] + 164 8 UIFoundation -[NSTextLineFragment drawAtPoint:inContext:] + 88 9 UIFoundation -[NSTextLayoutFragment drawAtPoint:inContext:] + 244 10 UIKitCore __UITextCanvasDrawWithFadedEdgesInContext + 256 11 UIKitCore -[_UITextLayoutFragmentView drawRect:] + 228 12 UIKitCore -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) drawLayer:inContext:] + 508 13 QuartzCore CABackingStoreUpdate + 252 14 QuartzCore ___ZN2CA5Layer8display_Ev_block_invoke + 64 15 QuartzCore -[CALayer _display] + 1636 16 QuartzCore CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 416 17 QuartzCore CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double, double*) + 464 18 QuartzCore CA::Transaction::commit() + 648 19 QuartzCore CA::Transaction::flush_as_runloop_observer(bool) + 88 20 UIKitCore __UIApplicationFlushCATransaction + 52 21 UIKitCore __UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84 22 UIKitCore _schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 172 23 UIKitCore _runloopSourceCallback + 92 24 CoreFoundation _CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION + 28 25 CoreFoundation ___CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 176 26 CoreFoundation ___CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 244 27 CoreFoundation ___CFRunLoopRun + 828 28 CoreFoundation _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 29 GraphicsServices _GSEventRunModal + 164 30 UIKitCore -[UIApplication _run] + 888 31 UIKitCore _UIApplicationMain + 340 32 UIKitCore _keypath_get_selector_hoverStyle + 11024
iOS Shortcuts Error Codes/Status
I’ve two automations set. Send a notification when battery rises above 80% Set Always ON display off on apple watch (via Shortcuts Automation, everyday at 12 a) For these aforementioned shortcuts I get the following errors frequently, on my Lock Screen, Wha is INCExtensionErrorDomain error 1307 and Remote execution timed out error? And how can these errors be mitigated?
iOS18 can not upgrade
我在更新到iOS 18 Beta 2时遇到了以下问题。我遇到了严重的系统错误,所以我选择通过iCloud备份我的iPhone,然后擦除并重置iPhone,最后从iCloud恢复数据。然而,我现在面临一个严重的问题:我在开发人员应用程序中登录了我的帐户,但我在设置中看不到测试版的更新部分。我怎样才能解决这个问题?
NSHostingView Not Working With Swift 6.0
I recently compiled my macOS App with Swift 6 in Xcode 16 (was using Swift 5 previously) and noticed that AppKit Integration doesn't appear to be working as before. All my instances of NSHostingView which allow me to add a SwiftUI View to an AppKit NSWindow view controller no longer respond to mouse input anymore. All my NSHostingView instances display but refuse to accept any user interaction. Has anyone else noticed this and is there a workaround to get NSHostingView to once again be able to accept user/mouse events with Swift 6?
Sandbox: bash(5261) deny(1) Issue in Xcode
I'm a complete newbie to building an App, this project is a GUI that interacts with an LLM AI service, it's mostly html, javascript, python. I have something that works in a web browser, and mostly works in Android Studio, but in Xcode there are numerous issues. It's my understanding this is something to do with permissions. I have asked an AI which suggested various things that haven't worked, such as reinstalling Cocoapods, and disabling SIP. Are you smarter than an AI, or at least better informed? If so, suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Sandbox: bash(5261) deny(1) file-read-data ........./ios/App/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-App/Pods-App-frameworks.sh
Issue with 24-hour time format in UIDatePicker and possible workarounds
Dear Apple Support Team, I am currently developing a control in my app that uses UIDatePicker for time input. To ensure that the time display format is consistently in 24-hour notation regardless of the region, I have set the locale of UIDatePicker to ‘systemLocale’. However, while this worked as expected up to iPadOS15, displaying the time in 24-hour format, it has switched to a 12-hour format from iPadOS16 onwards. I am wondering if there have been any changes in the behavior of UIDatePicker’s locale between the updates from iPadOS15 to iPadOS16? Additionally, I would like to know if there are any workarounds to this issue that do not involve modifying the program. In other words, is there a way to revert back to the 24-hour format without changing the code? Any information you could provide on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.