App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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App keeps on getting rejected and my responses seems to be ignored
I am having pretty bad experience with App Review process and I was wondering if anyone here could give me a hint how to deal with it. Maybe I am doing something wrong? I have uploaded App over a week ago and from that time I am in this ping-pong discussion. Reviewers reject the app for random reason which is not true I explain why what is written in rejection. For example: app got rejected because "there is no demo video" I reply that there was a demo video attached + youtube video link, but attach it once again so then: app got rejected because "it shows not current version of the app" I reply that it does and attach screenshots from submissions & demo video and it keeps on like that. Now it starts to go even worse because I keep on getting rejects because "it was noticed that I do use persistent background location tracking". The thing is that is completely expected and visible in demo video and I keep on explaining to them that I have features that does require it, attach more screenshots, explain that it's visible in demo video and so on. No matter what I write my responses seems to be ignored and they keep on rejecting it with the same message "To resolve this issue, please revise your app to include features that require the persistent use of real-time location updates while the app is in the background." I believe I do have feature that requires it... How to deal with it?
Jul ’23
Subscription is still waiting-for-review while app update is deplyoed
Hi. A couple of days ago I've released my new iOS app version update including subscription(in-app-purchase). App is successfully updated and deployed on store but App Store Connect says subscription is still waiting-for-review, and users cannot subscribe our paid features. (API says it's an error; invalid product id) On App Store Connect, it says "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below." in subscription section. But there's no clue what am I supposed to do next to fix this. I even have received the E-Mail says app update and subscription is successfully reviewed. I am so confused can anyone help me with this?
May ’24
Encryption export compliance key in plist not read (status is missing compliance in App Store Connect)?
I'm making a watchOS standalone app, Xcode 14.2, watchOS target 9.1. My app, so far, needs 3 values in the info properties: ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption = no, and a couple of health privacy keys. Now, the health privacy keys initially bugged out on upload too, and I figured I had to update my iOS minimum deployment to iOS 15 (seemed the default iOS 13 has some bug or deprecated connection with the info.plist). So I did that, and those privacy keys were uploaded and read correctly by App Store Connect. I thought this would also resolve the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption issue, but lo and behold when I upload a build to TestFlight, compliance is still missing. Can't find any documentation that suggests doing anything more than adding that key, so I'm stumped as to what the issue might be?
Oct ’23
App rejected after review
Apple app review sent me an e-mail wich said that my App was rejected. I'm publishing my app for the first time so i don't know what to do. They sent me this e-mail: Hello, Thank you for submitting your items for review. We noticed an issue with your submission that requires your attention. Submission ID: 4fadb383-a182-41d6-9fbe-247670c58c30 App Name: Dana in Dzintaru 20 We look forward to working with you to resolve the issues with the following items: App Version 1.0 for iOS Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We're looking forward to completing our review, but we need more information to continue. Your app uses the AppTrackingTransparency framework, but we are unable to locate the App Tracking Transparency permission request when reviewed on iOS 16.4. Next Steps Please explain where we can find the App Tracking Transparency permission request in your app. The request should appear before any data is collected that could be used to track the user. If you've implemented App Tracking Transparency but the permission request is not appearing on devices running the latest OS, please review the available documentation and confirm App Tracking Transparency has been correctly implemented. If your app does not track users, update your app privacy information in App Store Connect to not declare tracking. You must have the Account Holder or Admin role to update app privacy information. Resources Tracking is linking data collected from your app with third-party data for advertising purposes, or sharing the collected data with a data broker. Learn more about tracking. See Frequently Asked Questions about the requirements for apps that track users. Review developer documentation for App Tracking Transparency. Guideline 4.3 - Design We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam. The next submission of this app may require a longer review time. Next Steps Review the Design section of the App Store Review Guidelines. Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program. Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review. When creating multiple apps where content is the only varying element, you should offer a single app to deliver differing content to customers. If you would like to offer this content for purchase, it would be appropriate to use the in-app purchase API. Alternatively, you may consider creating a web app, which looks and behaves similar to a native app when the customer adds it to their Home screen. Refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide for more information. Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.
Aug ’23
Get all customer Reviews from API
Hello, I'm getting the reviews for my App from this API Endpoint:{id}/customerReviews as explained here The headline of the documentation says: List All Customer Reviews for an App However, the data I get back from the API does not contain all Reviews. By default I get around 50 reviews. If I use the parameter limit I can expand the response to max 200 Reviews. So, my questions: How do I get all reviews as claimed by the documentation?
Sep ’23
Non-Custodial Cryptocurrency Wallet
Hi everyone, We have submitted a non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet and have been working with Apple to have it approved. They have rejected the app based on: Guideline 3.1.5 - Business - Payments - Cryptocurrencies Your app facilitates the transmission of a virtual currency but was not submitted by a corresponding exchange or recognized financial institution. To resolve this issue, please provide documentary evidence demonstrating you have the necessary licenses and permissions to distribute an app with cryptocurrency exchange features in all the locations where your app is currently available. Our response: Our app does not facilitate the transfer of virtual currencies or provide an exchange service. Our app is a non-custodial wallet. We do not store any assets or private keys of users. Our app is just a client (interface) to a decentralized network that helps users generate their own private and public keys and store them on their mobile device. We are not providing any form of regulated service in any jurisdiction. Do we provide an exchange? We don't provide an exchange ourselves. We do have a "buy" button in the app but this links directly to a 3rd party onramp using the Safari browser overlay. If a user wants to do an exchange / buy cryptocurrency they can perform this independently with the regulated onramp. Our app is very similar to other products on the market who also have browser links to 3rd party onramps. Mainly: TrustWallet Spatium Wallet How can we respond to Apple? It would not be feasible to have a legal opinion written by lawyers in X number of jurisdictions. Does anyone have experience with non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets and Apple? Thank you in advance.
Oct ’23
AppStore Preview stuck in "Processing"
I submitted a new App yesterday and included a video preview file for several size devices (6.7, and a copy of 6.7 for 6.5, 5.5 and 12.9). The iPhone files each took 5-10 minutes of processing (where the file icon shows a cloud image) but each eventually worked. The iPad file uploaded fine, but now 18 hours later is still showing a cloud icon. All these uploaded files are about the same size at about 40M. The AppStore will not allow me to submit the App for review due to: Preview File Still Processing! What is my recourse?
May ’24
Game Center leaderboard privacy
I have implemented a standard GKLeaderboard in my app. The leaderboard includes the player's avatar, display name, and the score. I only use functionality provided by GameKit without any custom server functionality. I don't even have an own server. Still, my app got rejected with the following notice: We noticed that your app does not obtain the user's consent prior to uploading users' scores to a global leaderboard. To collect personal data with your app, you must make it clear to the user that their personal data will be uploaded to your server. What should I do here? Do I really have to obtain user's consent before uploading his score to Game Center?
Oct ’23
App Store Review with Social Sign In Demo Account
We're trying to release a social media app that uses social sign in. The two sign in options are google sign in and apple sign in. Our app keeps getting rejected because the testers cannot login to the demo account. Apple requires a 2 factor verification, and google requires a 2 factor verification. At this point, we are stuck. We don't want to go through the process of keeping track of usernames and passwords just for app review. What do we do?
Sep ’23
What is the right way to display user location on map
Hello, I am currently working on an app for a client. The concept is straightforward: the app allows users to view the location of other users on a map, even when they are not actively using the app. However, this feature is limited to a selected group of people, specifically those who have joined the same group as the user. To achieve this, I collect location data in the background. The primary objective of this app is to connect users with nearby individuals who can assist them with tasks or jobs. However, I encountered an issue during the app review process. The review team deemed it inappropriate for deployment because it displays users' locations on a map, without the necessary privacy safeguards in place. Nevertheless, the main purpose of the app is to allow users to be visible on the map, and people who download the app intend to be included in this display. Here is the comment provided by the reviewer: Your app enables the display of nearby users' locations on a map, but does not have the required privacy precautions in place. Additionally, here is the specific requirement: Require users to manually check-in each time they wish to have their location displayed on a map; there should be no option to enable automatic check-ins. If I understand correctly, this means that users would be required to open the app in order to appear on the map. However, this contradicts the purpose of the app, as users prefer to be passively visible without actively opening the app. On the other hand, I have noticed tracking apps like Life360 and others that provide similar functionalities. They display users' locations on a map in near-real-time. What am I missing to ensure the validity of my app? The reviewer mentioned being unable to provide any hints, so I am hopeful that someone here can assist me.
Sep ’23
Universal links not working only during App Review
Hi, I am running into a strange issue where my universal links work fine on devices when using USB, simulators and TestFlight, it works with no problem on all test environments But once I submit it for App Review, they don't work. And I have no way to replicate it. At some point they get it working somehow but every resubmission the process repeats where I go back and forth for days until they finally get it working. Anyone run into this strange issue or has a clue what might be going on?
Oct ’23
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage _CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock
Hi, our app build suddenly got rejected: ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/AmazonIVSPlayer.framework/AmazonIVSPlayer: _CMTimebaseCreateWithMasterClock. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at Our build's today at 0 AM GMT+0 is still passing the automatic review, but our build at 3 AM GMT+0 got this error. Our build both includes AmazonIVSPlayer.framework, but somehow got treated differently. Is there any change of rule from Apple side?
Aug ’23
App Rejection caused by wrong country connection
I am facing multiple App Store rejections like this one: _We are still experiencing the same issue. Specifically, your app content did not load properly. Please review the details below and complete the next steps. _ I have explained them that they see white pages because the app is intended to work only in Belgium, so with every connection outside of Belgium the app would not load the data or the user would not be able to login and connect. After their answer: _Thank you for providing this information. We will continue the review, and we will notify you if there are any further issues._ They answer: _We have started the review of your real-money gambling app, but we were unable to successfully access your app's full features and functionality. In order for us to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that grants App Review full access to all features and functionality in your app. It is also acceptable to include a demonstration mode that exhibits your app’s full features and functionality. _ providing the same screenshots as before. Clearly they are not using a vpn to Belgium or a connection to it. Every try of me asking which connection are they using if futile as they won't reply directly. The app works properly as I tested on every device. Any advice on how to let them understand that is only a matter of network?
Jul ’23
App rejected due to improper use of HKWorkoutSession
Hello everyone. My app has been rejected in App Store review multiple times due to improper use of HKWorkoutSession, but I see no way around this, and I haven't gotten any feedback from Apple telling me how I can get around this, they just say to remove it because the intended use of HKWorkoutSession is to read fitness data, which they say I am not doing. My app is designed to help induce lucid dreams, and it uses constant heart rate readings to do this. It reads the user's heart rate throughout the night (that is, the app is running for around 8 hours). Thus it needs to run as the frontmost app, and it needs to run for 8 hours continuously without user input. The only way I know of to do this is by using HKLiveWorkoutBuilder and HKWorkoutSession. Extended run time sessions do not work because of the 1 hr time limit. I would really appreciate any help with this problem. It is frustrating that Apple's review is providing no suggestions and will not accept my app if it uses HKWorkoutSession, which is essentially the backbone of the app. Thank you.
Jul ’23
App Preview upload stuck at this file has been uploaded and is processing
Hey, I'm having trouble uploading an App Preview. It gets stuck at the part where it says, "this file has been uploaded and is processing." I've made sure that the video meets all the recommendations, like the mp4 format, resolution (886x1920), frame rate (30), and keeping it within 30 seconds in length... Any ideas what might be going wrong? Thanks in advance
Jul ’23
Electron app failed app review on OS 13.4
Hi, I recently submitted an electron application to the app store, and the review failed Guideline 2.1 for App Completeness because it's crashing on macOS 13.4. I'm unable to replicate the issue on my machine (the app works without crashing a 13.5 M1 and 10.14 x64). I'm using electron-builder to build the app, codesigning with the codesign command, and then building the pkg with productbuild. The error logs we were given are proving to be very hard to decipher for me - I've attached an abridged version of one of the .ips files (since we can't upload ips files) we were given. Thanks to anyone who can help! I can provide more info/logs if needed. 2023-07-17-132102 Abridged
Jul ’23