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Flutter firebase exception on ios testflight
Hi, I have an app that uses a firestore database, throughout testing I had no problems. However, I released my app and it crashes all the time.when i distribute my app to testflight this will working on the 3 ios devices with same version but the app is not working on one device which have also a same version of ios. when i open the app the app will crash and not open. Here is a crash report I have. I am struggling to find resources online on how to interpret it but no solution found, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much for any help, You can see the error here
In-App Update Feature for iOS
Dear Apple Developer Support, I am seeking information regarding the implementation of in-app updates for iOS applications. Specifically, I would like to know if there is an available SDK or method that allows users to update their apps without being redirected to the App Store. This functionality is essential for enhancing user experience and streamlining the update process within the app itself. Thank you for your assistance.
How to test an ARKit app in the simulator (without using ARKit features)
We are building an app that uses ARKit occasionally, but not always. We would like to test the non-ARKit parts in the simulator, since it offers more debugging features (e.g. SwiftUI previews or the Thread Sanitizer). However, we can't even build the app for the simulator, since the simulator SDK does not know about certain classes (e.g. "AnchorEntity"). This also means that none of the SwiftUI previews work, even if the views are not using ARKit. What is the best approach to test such an app in the simulator, without using any ARKit features?
App Transport Security (ATS) blocking https request to valid server, only in production build testflight
Hi, We are developing react native app, and we are having issue with ATS policy in production build distributed to TestFlight internal testing, requests to https are being killed. The preview build ad-hoc distribution is working fine. (I am testing the app on physical device) I will described what I've tried and supply you with logs from different tools. I tried to disable ATS - requests are working enable ATS (no change to default config) - requests are failing with following error Task <55618987-64A8-4C04-9B00-2EFF074D796C>.<1> finished with error [-1022] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1022 "The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=<private>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=<private>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=<private>, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=<private>, NSUnderlyingError=0x30127bb10 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1022}} I tried to check server if it had met ATS requirements and ran ats-diagnostic ./TLSTool s_client -connect * input stream did open * output stream did open * output stream has space * protocol: TLS 1.2 * cipher: ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 * trust result: unspecified * certificate info: * 0 + ecPublicKey 256 ecdsa-with-SHA384 '' * 1 + ecPublicKey 384 sha256-with-rsa-signature 'E6' * 2 + rsaEncryption 4096 sha256-with-rsa-signature 'ISRG Root X1' nscurl --verbose --ats-diagnostics Starting ATS Diagnostics Configuring ATS Info.plist keys and displaying the result of HTTPS loads to A test will "PASS" if URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: returns a nil error. ================================================================================ Default ATS Secure Connection --- ATS Default Connection ATS Dictionary: { } Result : PASS --- ================================================================================ Allowing Arbitrary Loads --- Allow All Loads ATS Dictionary: { NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = true; } Result : PASS --- ================================================================================ Configuring TLS exceptions for --- TLSv1.3 ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.3"; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.2 ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.2"; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.1 ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.1"; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.0 ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.0"; }; }; } Result : PASS --- ================================================================================ Configuring PFS exceptions for --- Disabling Perfect Forward Secrecy ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- ================================================================================ Configuring PFS exceptions and allowing insecure HTTP for --- Disabling Perfect Forward Secrecy and Allowing Insecure HTTP ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- ================================================================================ Configuring TLS exceptions with PFS disabled for --- TLSv1.3 with PFS disabled ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.3"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.2 with PFS disabled ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.2"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.1 with PFS disabled ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.1"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.0 with PFS disabled ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.0"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- ================================================================================ Configuring TLS exceptions with PFS disabled and insecure HTTP allowed for --- TLSv1.3 with PFS disabled and insecure HTTP allowed ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true; NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.3"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.2 with PFS disabled and insecure HTTP allowed ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true; NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.2"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.1 with PFS disabled and insecure HTTP allowed ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true; NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.1"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- --- TLSv1.0 with PFS disabled and insecure HTTP allowed ATS Dictionary: { NSExceptionDomains = { "" = { NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads = true; NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion = "TLSv1.0"; NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy = false; }; }; } Result : PASS --- I am running out of ideas. Also it's hard to test because the preview ad-hoc build is working fine. So only after submitting the app to TestFlight I am having this issue Looking for your response Martin
Attempt to present * on * from * while a presentation is in progress
Hi I'm new to Swiftui. I want to show a sheet and pass a var to it. In the case below when I tap on a list view it will popup then disappear. But subsequent taps will work as intended. Main view: struct ContentView: View { @State private var selectedMonth = 1 @State private var selectedYear = "2024" let months = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] @State private var isShowing = false var body: some View { List { ForEach (months, id: \.self) { month in HStack { ViewList(month: month, year: selectedYear) } .onTapGesture { isShowing = true selectedMonth = month } .sheet(isPresented: $isShowing){ PopupView(month: selectedMonth, year: selectedYear) .presentationDetents([.large]) } } } .listRowSpacing(2) .listStyle(.grouped) } } ViewList: struct ViewList: View { var month: Int var year: String @State private var selectedMonthText = "Jan" var body: some View { VStack (alignment: .leading) { Text(selectedMonthText + " / " + year) .font(.headline) } .onAppear { switch month { case 01: selectedMonthText = "Jan" case 02: selectedMonthText = "Feb" case 03: selectedMonthText = "Mar" case 04: selectedMonthText = "Apr" case 05: selectedMonthText = "May" case 06: selectedMonthText = "Jun" case 07: selectedMonthText = "Jul" case 08: selectedMonthText = "Aug" case 09: selectedMonthText = "Sep" case 10: selectedMonthText = "Oct" case 11: selectedMonthText = "Nov" case 12: selectedMonthText = "Dec" default: selectedMonthText = "All" } } } } Then my popup: struct PopupView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss var month: Int var year: String @State private var selectedMonthText = "Jan" @State private var imageText = "plus" @State private var items = ["Cat", "Dog", "Bird", "Snake"] var body: some View { Button("Dismiss"){ dismiss() } Text(selectedMonthText + " / " + year) List { ForEach(items, id: \.self) {item in HStack { Text(item) Text("Fed on: ") Text(selectedMonthText) } } } .listRowSpacing(0) .listStyle(.inset) .onAppear { switch month { case 01: selectedMonthText = "Jan" case 02: selectedMonthText = "Feb" case 03: selectedMonthText = "Mar" case 04: selectedMonthText = "Apr" case 05: selectedMonthText = "May" case 06: selectedMonthText = "Jun" case 07: selectedMonthText = "Jul" case 08: selectedMonthText = "Aug" case 09: selectedMonthText = "Sep" case 10: selectedMonthText = "Oct" case 11: selectedMonthText = "Nov" case 12: selectedMonthText = "Dec" default: selectedMonthText = "All" } } } }
Large Title Navigation Bar Problems with Two Views
As has been posted a number of times, the large title navigation bar only collapses on scrolling for the UIView listed first in an .xib or storyboard file. In my case, I have an enclosing view containing 2 Views, a TableView and a CollectionView in an .XIB file. This is connected to a UIKit class. Tapping a button switches between the two views. If the TableView is the first view listed, the navigationbar collapses with scrolling but with the CollectionView listed second, the large title navigation bar doesn't collapse with scrolling. Alternatively, if the CollectionView is the first view listed, the navigation bar collapses with scrolling but with the TableView listed second, the large title navigation bar doesn't collapse with scrolling. I have not been able to figure out a way to enable the collapsable large title navigation bar to work in such a scenario as mine for both views within a container view. Is there a way to do this? I have tested this capability through iOS 17.
NavigationDestination, NavigationLink with List and ForEach Does Not Work
Dear community, I am a new developer and I am building a view (called Root) that has a list of rows where clicking each row navigates to a completely different view. I have a CaseIteratable enum and I list each enum type using ForEach and each enum case navigates to a different view using NavigationLink and NavigationDestination. But the problem is that clicking any of the rows for the first time navigates correctly to the corresponding view. But when I go back to the root view and chose another row, it navigates me to a blank view for less than a sec and automatically navigates back to the root view. Below is the code for reference. I would really appreciate some help and advice here. Thank you very much! struct RootViewNavigationStack: View { @AppStorage("items") private var items = Item.allCases @State private var enableMove = false @State private var rootStackPath: NavigationPath = .init() var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $rootStackPath) { VStack { List { ForEach(items) { item in HStack { NavigationLink(value: item) { ListCell( icon: item.icon, title: item.title) } .disabled(enableMove) if enableMove { withAnimation { Image(systemName: "line.3.horizontal") .foregroundStyle(.secondary) } } } } .onMove(perform: enableMove == true ? moveItems : nil) } } .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { Button { enableMove.toggle() } label: { if enableMove { Text("Done") .bold() } else { Text("Edit") } } } } .navigationDestination(for: Item.self) { item in item.destinationView } .navigationTitle("Root") } } } and this is the Item enum for more info Just kindly ignore the var iconName since it doesnt represent any actual SF Symbol name enum Item: Identifiable, Codable, Hashable, CaseIterable { case view1 case view2 case view3 case view4 case view5 var id: Item { self } } extension Item { var title: String { switch self { case .view1: "View1" case .view2: "View2" case .view3: "View3" case .view4: "View4" case .view5: "View5" } } var iconName: String { switch self { case .view1: "View1" case .view2: "View2" case .view3: "View3" case .view4: "View4" case .view5: "View5" } } var icon: Image { Image(systemName: self.iconName) } @ViewBuilder var destinationView: some View { switch self { case .view1: CarView() case .view2: HouseView() case .view3: MusicView() case .view4: ShoesView() case .view5: BooksView() } } } Once again, would really appreciate someone to help and many thanks 🙏!
iOS18 beta2: NavigationStack, Views Being Popped Automatically
This is a report of an issue that appears to be a regression regarding NavigationStack. I have been aware of an issue where views are being automatically popped within NavigationView / NavigationStack since iOS 15, and it seems to be reoccurring in iOS 18.0 beta2. Below is the reproducible code. Additionally, in my environment, this problem does not occur iOS 18 simulator, but it does happen on an iPhone XS Max(real device) with iOS 18 beta 2. Environment: Xcode: Version 16.0 beta (16A5171c) iOS: 18.0 (22A5297f) iPhone: XS Max (real device) import SwiftUI @main struct iOS16_4NavigationSample2App: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { NavigationStack { NavigationLink { ContentView() } label: { Text("Content") } } } } } enum Kind { case none, a, b, c } struct Value: Hashable, Identifiable { let id: UUID = UUID() var num: Int } @MainActor class ContentModel: ObservableObject { @Published var kind: Kind = .a @Published var vals: [Value] = { return (1...5).map { Value(num: $0) } }() init() {} } struct ContentView: View { @StateObject private var model = ContentModel() @State private var selectedData: Value? @State private var isShowingSubView = false @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss init() { } var body: some View { if #available(iOS 16.0, *) { List(selection: $selectedData) { ForEach(model.vals) { val in NavigationLink(value: val) { Text("\(val.num)") } } } .navigationDestination(isPresented: .init(get: { selectedData != nil }, set: { newValue in if !newValue && selectedData != nil { selectedData = nil } }), destination: { SubView(kind: model.kind) }) } } } struct SubView: View { init(kind: Kind) { print("init(kind:)") } init() { print("init") } var body: some View { Text("Content") } } This code was shared in a different issue [iOS 16.4 NavigationStack Behavior Unstable].
TabSection always show sections actions.
I'm giving a go to the new TabSection with iOS 18 but I'm facing an issue with sections actions. I have the following section inside a TabView: TabSection { ForEach(accounts) { account in Tab( , systemImage: account.icon, value: SelectedTab.accounts(account: account)) { Text( } } } header: { Text("Accounts") } .sectionActions { AccountsTabSectionAddAccount() } I'm showing a Tab for each account and an action to create new accounts. The issue I'm facing is that when there are no accounts the entire section doesn't appear in the side bar including the action to create new accounts. To make matters worse the action doesn't show at all in macOS even when there are already accounts and the section is present in side bar. Is there some way to make the section actions always visible?
IOS BroadcastExtension
Hello, I'm new here, I was developing a screen recording extension for an IOS application, I used the RPSBroadcastSampleHandler livekit as a basis, in tests a few months ago it worked, but after the long wait for publishing authorization the extension stopped working, I noticed which is not just mine but screen sharing from Google Meet, Zoom Mettings and others also don't work, I tested it on iPhone 14 pro and iPhone 6s, nothing worked, the option to select the extension appears but when clicking "start sharing" nothing happens and after a few seconds the sharing button returns to "start sharing", the same behavior in all tested apps, does anyone know what happens? Did you change the way you record and no app has updated? Internal error in IOS? Nothing logs in terminal just doesn't work.
Hello, I‘ve started developing an App not to long ago on Xcode and I have noticed that I can’t see any progress or like preview of what I have coded so far and it’s starting to concern me. I have Xcode version 15.5 and I am coding with swift, everything works fine there is no error or anything preventing it to run but when I try to preview the only thing I see when I launch the Simulator and I open my app the only thing I see is a white page. Can someone please help me.
Undocumented changes in WebKit API in Xcode 16 break apps
Be warned! When developing your app in Xcode 16 be careful!!! The new SDK has changes that cause builds on Xcode Cloud and other non-beta Xcode to have bugs (EVEN WITH IOS TARGET SET LOWER). This wasted 2 days of development time, but in WKNavigationDelegate, the webView(_:decidePolicyFor:decisionHandler:) method has a new type signature that will ONLY work in the latest SDK. The change was that the decisionHandler now has a @MainActor attribute. This causes Swift to recognize that it "almost" meets an optional requirement and suggests that you change it. If you change it, it will cause builds to not include the optional method.
Screen Sleep Issue When Removing Vision Pro
Hello VisionOS Developer Community, I am currently working on a demo application for VisionOS, tailored for the Vision Pro. In my application, I have implemented a feature to prevent the screen from sleeping using the following code: UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true This works perfectly on iOS, ensuring the screen remains active regardless of other system settings. However, I've run into a snag with VisionOS. Even with isIdleTimerDisabled set to true, the screen still sleeps when I take off the Vision Pro.
How to detect that WiFi has no internet connection?
In some cases the user connects to a WiFi network that doesn't have internet access. The OS itself is able to display a warning in System Settings: However, in my app NWPathMonitor reports that the WiFi path is satisfied. How could I detect that the internet access is not working while WiFi is connected? I could try to connect to my own servers and report failures to the user, but that takes a long time to receive the timeout error. I cannot reduce the timeout, because maybe the user is on a very slow network and long loading time might be expected. But iOS can detect that there is not internet within a few seconds and display a warning, so I wonder how does Apple implement it in System Settings and if there is something I can implement in my app.
Failed to install the app on the device
We currently try to run tests on 4 physically attached iPhones all on ios 17. When tests are concurrently running we occasionally get failures that look like this: Testing failed: Failed to install the app on the device. SwiftUITests-Runner encountered an error (Failed to install or launch the test runner. (Underlying Error: Failed to install the app on the device. (Underlying Error: Connection with the remote side was unexpectedly closed : { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "XPCErrorDescription" => { length = 22, contents = "Connection interrupted" } }. Unhandled error domain IXRemoteErrorDomain, code 6)) I noticed that when relying on xcodebuild to install the target app and test runner it cannot install concurrently/parallel on all 4 devices but instead does each device sequentially causing the test to hang. The same behavior can be exhibited when trying to install an app concurrently on 4 different phones with xcrun devicectl as well. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Trigger a test with xcodebuild on 4 different phones at the same time where xcodebuild also needs to install the target apps. Currently using Xcode15.2 and iOS 17.5.1
Peculiar EXC_BAD_ACCESS, involving sparse matrices
Helo all, Currently, I'm working on an iOS app that performs measurement and shows the results to the user in a graph. I use a Savitzky-Golay filter to filter out noise, so that the graph is nice and smooth. However, the code that calculates the Savitzky-Golay coefficients using sparse matrices crashes sometimes, throwing an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I tried to find out what the problem is by turning on Address Sanitizer and Thread Sanitizer, but, for some reason, the bad access exception isn't thrown when either of these is on. What else could I try to trace back the problem? Thanks in advance, CaS To reproduce the error, run the following: import SwiftUI import Accelerate struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { Button("Try", action: test) } .padding() } func test() { for windowLength in 3...100 { let coeffs = SavitzkyGolay.coefficients(windowLength: windowLength, polynomialOrder: 2) print(coeffs) } } } class SavitzkyGolay { static func coefficients(windowLength: Int, polynomialOrder: Int, derivativeOrder: Int = 0, delta: Int = 1) -> [Double] { let (halfWindow, remainder) = windowLength.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: 2) var pos = Double(halfWindow) if remainder == 0 { pos -= 0.5 } let X = [Double](stride(from: Double(windowLength) - pos - 1, through: -pos, by: -1)) let P = [Double](stride(from: 0, through: Double(polynomialOrder), by: 1)) let A = { exponent in { pow($0, exponent) } } var B = [Double](repeating: 0, count: polynomialOrder + 1) B[derivativeOrder] = Double(factorial(derivativeOrder)) / pow(Double(delta), Double(derivativeOrder)) return leastSquaresSolution(A: A, B: B) } static func leastSquaresSolution(A: [[Double]], B: [Double]) -> [Double] { let sparseA = A.sparseMatrix() var sparseAValuesCopy = sparseA.values var xValues = [Double](repeating: 0, count: A.transpose().count) var bValues = B sparseAValuesCopy.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { valuesPtr in let a = SparseMatrix_Double( structure: sparseA.structure, data: valuesPtr.baseAddress! ) bValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { bPtr in xValues.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { xPtr in let b = DenseVector_Double( count: Int32(B.count), data: bPtr.baseAddress! ) let x = DenseVector_Double( count: Int32(A.transpose().count), data: xPtr.baseAddress! ) #warning("EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown below") print("This code is executed...") let status = SparseSolve(SparseLSMR(), a, b, x, SparsePreconditionerDiagScaling) print("...but, if an EXC_BAD_ACCESS is thrown, this code isn't") if status != SparseIterativeConverged { fatalError("Failed to converge. Returned with error \(status).") } } } } return xValues } } func factorial(_ n: Int) -> Int { n < 2 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1) } extension Array where Element == [Double] { func sparseMatrix() -> (structure: SparseMatrixStructure, values: [Double]) { let columns = self.transpose() var rowIndices: [Int32] = { column in column.indices.compactMap { indexInColumn in if column[indexInColumn] != 0 { return Int32(indexInColumn) } return nil } }.reduce([], +) let sparseColumns = { column in column.compactMap { if $0 != 0 { return $0 } return nil } } var counter = 0 var columnStarts = [Int]() for sparseColumn in sparseColumns { columnStarts.append(counter) counter += sparseColumn.count } let reducedSparseColumns = sparseColumns.reduce([], +) columnStarts.append(reducedSparseColumns.count) let structure: SparseMatrixStructure = rowIndices.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { rowIndicesPtr in columnStarts.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { columnStartsPtr in let attributes = SparseAttributes_t() return SparseMatrixStructure( rowCount: Int32(self.count), columnCount: Int32(columns.count), columnStarts: columnStartsPtr.baseAddress!, rowIndices: rowIndicesPtr.baseAddress!, attributes: attributes, blockSize: 1 ) } } return (structure, reducedSparseColumns) } func transpose() -> Self { let columns = self.count let rows = self.reduce(0) { Swift.max($0, $1.count) } return (0 ..< rows).reduce(into: []) { result, row in result.append((0 ..< columns).reduce(into: []) { result, column in result.append(row < self[column].count ? self[column][row] : 0) }) } } }
Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "An unknown error occurred"
Hello everyone, I am trying to implementing the In-App Purchase in one of my iOS App and I am getting the following error when I test it into iPhone, but when I test the same app into the iPad I didn't get any error and it works properly. Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "An unknown error occurred" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=An unknown error occurred, NSUnderlyingError=0x282da9860 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x282d02940 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=203 "Bag Load Failed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to retrieve p2-product-offers-batch-limit because we failed to load the bag., NSLocalizedDescription=Bag Load Failed, NSUnderlyingError=0x282d02af0 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=203 "Bag Load Failed" UserInfo=0x2836ca380 (not displayed)}}}}}}
iOS 18 Translation API availability for UIKit
After reading the documentation for TranslationSession and other API methods I got an impression that it will not be possible to use the Translation API with UI elements built with UIKit. You don’t instantiate this class directly. Instead, you obtain an instance of it by adding a translationTask(_:action:) or translationTask(source:target:action:) function to the SwiftUI view containing the content you want to translate So the main question I have to the engineers of mentioned framework is will there be any support for UIKit or app developers will have to rewrite their apps in SwiftUI just to be able to use the Translation API?
Does SystemMemoryReset related to my Application abnormal exit?
Hello, we are currently developing a VPN application. Recently, we have encountered several cases where the Network Extension process terminates unexpectedly. We cannot find any related crash logs on the device, but we can find system SystemMemoryReset logs. The timestamps in these logs closely match (with millisecond accuracy) the times when our VPN process terminated unexpectedly. We have a few questions: 1.How is the SystemMemoryReset event generated, and can this event be avoided? 2.When a SystemMemoryReset occurs, can it cause our VPN background process to be killed or the system to reboot? 3.If the background process can be killed, what conditions need to be met for this to happen, and what methods can we use to prevent the VPN background process from being killed? 4.Based on these logs, does our application have any related issues (the process name is CorplinkTunnel)? Do you have any suggestions for modifications? SystemMemoryReset-2024-06-25-232108.log SystemMemoryReset-2024-06-29-025353.log SystemMemoryReset-2024-07-01-024655.log