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Custom proxying with NEDNSProxyProvider
On the [documentation page](Implement a completely custom DNS proxying protocol) it says For example, a DNS proxy provider might: Implement a completely custom DNS proxying protocol I would like to add some filtering logic to the NEDNSProxyProvider (for example, return nxdomain if the flow is not passing the filtering process). Is it possible to implement with NEDNSProxyProvider? It also says that func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyFlow) -> Bool from NEDNSProxyProvider returns a Boolean value set to true if the proxy implementation decides to handle the flow, or false if it instead decides to terminate the flow link. Does it mean that the filtering logic could be added here by just returning false for the flows that are not matching the rules? Because I first tried to handle UDP flows like this in handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEAppProxyUDPFlow) function and form my own packets in connection.transferData, by first passing empty Data object and then by setting RCODE to 3, which is supposedly a nxdomain response code. However, both implementations didn't work: even though I was getting logs about handling failure, the flow was still able to go through. try await flow.localEndpoint as? NWHostEndpoint) let datagrams = try await flow.readDatagrams() let results = try await datagrams.parallelMap { let connection = try DatagramConnection($0) return try await connection.transferData() } try await flow.writeDatagrams(results) flow.closeReadWithError(nil) flow.closeWriteWithError(nil) I am new to NEDNSProxyProvider and my networking knowledge is on a pretty basic level, so I would be very grateful to hear any suggestions. Thank you!
Jun ’24
iOS ImageRenderer Unable to localize text correctly Bug
A simple view has misaligned localized content after being converted to an image using ImageRenderer. This is still problematic on real phone and TestFlight I'm not sure what the problem is, I'm assuming it's an ImageRenderer bug. I tried to use UIGraphicsImageRenderer, but the UIGraphicsImageRenderer captures the image in an inaccurate position, and it will be offset resulting in a white border. And I don't know why in some cases it encounters circular references that result in blank images. "(1) days" is also not converted to "1 day" properly.
Jun ’24
Xcode 15's "Replace Container" feature replaces the container with incorrect permissions?
I recently updated to Xcode 15.0 and seem to be encountering permissions related errors after using the Replace Container function to replace an app container. Similarly, editing the current run scheme and choosing a new App Data container fails with an identical error. It seems like the Documents directory and other similar directories are blocked from being able to write. Here is an example of what appears in the log after replacing the container: Failed to create directory /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A3C32E7A-34F3-4C69-B037-478027F2A4AC/Library/Preferences because of 13. Couldn't write values for keys ( "/google/measurement/app_instance_id" ) in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x280a82760> (Domain:, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: No): Directory needed os_unix.c:47395: (13) lstat(/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A3C32E7A-34F3-4C69-B037-478027F2A4AC/Documents) - Permission denied os_unix.c:47395: (13) lstat(/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A3C32E7A-34F3-4C69-B037-478027F2A4AC/Documents/<redacted>.sqlite) - Permission denied os_unix.c:46898: (13) statfs(/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/A3C32E7A-34F3-4C69-B037-478027F2A4AC/Documents/<redacted>.sqlite) - Permission denied Steps to reproduce: Create a new app and replace -viewDidLoad: with the following. This will write a string to a new file and read that string: NSFileManager * const fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSURL * const documentsDirectoryURL = [[fileManager URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject]; if (!documentsDirectoryURL) { [NSException raise:@"DocumentsDirectoryException" format:@"Application documents directory URL is nil"]; } NSURL * const fileURL = [documentsDirectoryURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"test.txt"]; if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[fileURL path]]) { NSError *error; if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[fileURL path] error:&error]) { [NSException raise:@"DocumentsDirectoryException" format:@"Encountered error removing file: %@",error]; } } NSString * const fileContents = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Date: %@",[NSDate date]]; NSError *error; if (![[fileContents dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] writeToURL:fileURL options:0 error:&error]) { [NSException raise:@"DocumentsDirectoryException" format:@"Encountered error writing to file: %@",error]; } NSString * const writtenFileContents = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:fileURL] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog(@"Written file contents: %@", writtenFileContents); Run the app and observe the log message "Written file contents: ..." Save the app container via Window > Devices & Simulators by clicking the app, clicking the "(...)" button, and then clicking "Download Container..." Use the same procedure in step 3 but instead, click "Replace Container..." and choose the existing app container that was downloaded Run the app again and observe that it fails with the following exception message: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'DocumentsDirectoryException', reason: 'Encountered error writing to file: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “test.txt” in the folder “Documents”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CF1E09C8-7BE2-4D87-8AD2-648AFBE038A5/Documents/test.txt, NSUnderlyingError=0x2831d4d50 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=13 "Permission denied"}}' Is anyone else encountering this issue and can confirm? Are my next steps to create a bug report? Is there a manner to escalating the bug report? This is a pretty core piece of functionality for QA and testing apps.
Jun ’24
App crashed with NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException when run from different target and scheme.
Hi, I'm trying to create a new target duplicated from the main target (cdx_ios) called cdx-ios-dev02. I also made a new scheme called cdx-ios-dev02 It can be built just fine however when I run it, it crashed and it throws this exception: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (cdx_ios.AuthObject) for key (root) because no class named "cdx_ios.AuthObject" was found; the class needs to be defined in source code or linked in from a library (ensure the class is part of the correct target). If the class was renamed, use setClassName:forClass: to add a class translation mapping to NSKeyedUnarchiver' This is the class: class AuthObject: NSObject, NSCoding { var accessT1: String = "" var t1Type: String = "bearer" var refreshT1: String = "" var expiresIn: Int = 0 var scope: String = "" var jti: String = "" init(accessT1: String = "", t1Type: String = "bearer", refreshT1: String = "", expiresIn: Int = 0, scope: String = "", jti: String = "") { self.accessT1 = accessT1 self.t1Type = t1Type self.refreshT1 = refreshT1 self.expiresIn = expiresIn self.scope = scope self.jti = jti } convenience init(dic: [String: Any]) { self.init() mapping(dic) } required convenience init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { let t1 = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "accessT1") as? String ?? "" let t1Type = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "t1Type") as? String ?? "" let refreshT1 = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "refreshT1") as? String ?? "" let expiresIn = aDecoder.decodeInteger(forKey: "expiresIn") let scope = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "scope") as? String ?? "" let jti = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "jti") as? String ?? "" self.init( accessT1: t1, t1Type: t1Type, refreshT1: refreshT1, expiresIn: expiresIn, scope: scope, jti: jti ) } func mapping(_ dic: [String: Any]) { accessT1 = ParseUtil.dictionaryValue(dic, "access_token", "") t1Type = ParseUtil.dictionaryValue(dic, "token_type", "bearer") refreshT1 = ParseUtil.dictionaryValue(dic, "refresh_token", "") expiresIn = ParseUtil.dictionaryValue(dic, "expires_in", 0) scope = ParseUtil.dictionaryValue(dic, "scope", "") jti = ParseUtil.dictionaryValue(dic, "jti", "") } func encode(with nsCoder: NSCoder) { nsCoder.encode(accessT1, forKey: "accessT1") nsCoder.encode(t1Type, forKey: "t1Type") nsCoder.encode(refreshT1, forKey: "refreshT1") nsCoder.encode(expiresIn, forKey: "expiresIn") nsCoder.encode(scope, forKey: "scope") nsCoder.encode(jti, forKey: "jti") } } It worked fine on the original target, cdx-ios. Can anybody help me? Thank you.
Jun ’24
App Crash on Testflight
Good day. My app crashed as i launched to testflight. when it is launched on a real devices it crashes here is my crash report. Incident Identifier: 6B2FE0C7-91F8-46D3-90B5-EB96A6809C5C Hardware Model: iPhone12,5 Process: Runner [39554] Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D413442F-1978-4F6F-909C-A09EAE720D44/ Identifier: com.gtirides.appRide Version: 1.0.0 (1) AppStoreTools: 15F31e AppVariant: 1:iPhone12,5:16 Beta: YES Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: com.gtirides.appRide [4745] Date/Time: 2024-06-20 13:07:17.1843 +0100 Launch Time: 2024-06-20 13:07:16.9994 +0100 OS Version: iPhone OS 16.5.1 (20F770750d) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 4.02.01 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000 VM Region Info: 0 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4301684736 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL UNUSED SPACE AT START ---> __TEXT 100668000-100670000 [ 32K] r-x/r-x SM=COW Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [39554] Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 Intercom 0x0000000100e94610 +[ICMIdentityStore hexTokenFromDeviceToken:] + 32 1 Intercom 0x0000000100e946bc -[ICMIdentityStore setDeviceTokenData:environment:failure:] + 80 2 Intercom 0x0000000100ebb320 +[ICMHTTPBridge registerDeviceToken:failure:] + 116 3 Intercom 0x0000000100ea7bdc +[ICMBridge registerDeviceToken:failure:] + 112
Jun ’24
When two memset struct with the same name will crash on ios18 beta1
1.The code structure is as follows: The main project imports an SDK. 2.The main project defines a struct A with a length of 1400 bytes, and the SDK also defines a struct A with a length of 1000 bytes. 3.The SDK does not expose the definition of struct A, but it is used in the implementation of the exposed API in the SDK. 4.In the usage process, the main project first calls the SDK's API, which uses struct A of SDK's and initializes it with memset. Then, in the main project, memset is used again to initialize the struct A declared in the main project. In the above scenario, it works fine on iOS versions lower than iOS18, but on iOS18 beat1, the app crashes randomly, and the crash scenarios are not fixed. We need to know whether iOS18 has made any improvements to the API for operating memory such as memset. Is memory management more stringent? Why do versions below iOS18 not cause problems? Thanks!
Jun ’24
Can't install from TestFlight
I'm trying to test an app on Testflight and having problems. I've uploaded my app to App store connect successfully and I've added my external testers to the new build. It's in the "waiting for review" stage. When I go to TestFlight, I see the new build, as expected (I'm an internal tester). When I tap "install" I get the following error: Could not install ______. The profile can't be installed. Try again. Is this a problem on my end or apple's? The same build of the app works fine when I hit the "run" button in XCode.
Jun ’24
Is it required to update photo metadata to set 1 for Orientation?
I've had an app that edits photos in your library since the PhotoKit API was released in iOS 8. I know it was required if you preserve photo metadata you had to change the value of Orientation to 1 (up), otherwise PhotoKit would fail to perform the asset change request. When I remove this code, I'm seeing Orientation is getting changed to 1 automatically both at root and in the TIFF dictionary (tested with iOS 18). I wanted to confirm this is expected behavior, the system does this for us now? If so, can I remove this code for iOS 15+, or was it a recent iOS version this started happening? Thanks!
Jun ’24
ShareLink with custom UT type not opening in my app
Hey all, my first time posting on these forums as I've finally become completely stumped. I'm working to implement a ShareLink to share data between users on my app, and have gotten pretty far (file saves, sends correctly), but am having significant issues getting the link to open in my app when sharing by email and not getting any action at all when tapping a shared link in iMessage. I'll go through my setup below: I have declared my new UTType, and created my new model which conforms to transferable here: struct transferTemplate: Codable { var id: UUID = UUID() var name: String = "TempName" var words: [String] = ["word1","word2"] } extension transferTemplate: Transferable { static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation { CodableRepresentation(contentType: .oltemplate) } } extension UTType { static var oltemplate: UTType { UTType(exportedAs: "com.overloadapp.oltemplate") } } I have declared the document type in my info.plist: <key>CFBundleDocumentTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <string>Template Session</string> <key>LSHandlerRank</key> <string>Owner</string> <key>LSItemContentTypes</key> <array> <string>com.overloadapp.oltemplate</string> </array> </dict> </array> I have declared the Exported Type Identifier: <key>UTExportedTypeDeclarations</key> <array> <dict> <key>UTTypeConformsTo</key> <array> <string>public.json</string> </array> <key>UTTypeDescription</key> <string>Template Session</string> <key>UTTypeIconFiles</key> <array/> <key>UTTypeIdentifier</key> <string>com.overloadapp.oltemplate</string> <key>UTTypeTagSpecification</key> <dict> <key>public.filename-extension</key> <array> <string>oltemplate</string> </array> <key>public.mime-type</key> <array> <string>application/json</string> </array> </dict> </dict> </array> I've also included the "LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace" boolean to True in the PLIST. My physical ShareLink setup is: @State private var transferred: transferTemplate = transferTemplate(name: "NameTemplate", words: ["One","Two"]) ... ShareLink(item: transferred, preview: SharePreview("Share your template", image: Image("tanLogo"))) Heres where the above code gets you: ShareLink brings up the share sheet and allows you to send the file (with the .oltemplate file extension). Sharing via iMessage will send a file, but within iMessage, the file cannot be opened at all. By email, the file can be opened but does not show any information. If you open the ShareSheet within the email attachment, you can manually choose to open the file in my app. If the file is saved to "Files", it will open my app when it is tapped (work as intended). Heres what I have tried to fix this: Modifying the Exported File Type "Conforms to" value. Ive used, public.text, public.json. Including and not including the mime type I've scoured forums trying to solve this issue, and it doesn't seem like there is a clear cut solution for this issue. I appreciate any help you can provide! Please let me know if I can include any more helpful information.
Jun ’24
Sort user library assets by date captured instead of recently added
Is it possible to sort the user library assets by date captured? The Photos app in iOS 18 lets you choose between Date Captured and Recently Added and I want to offer that same choice in my app. This seems to always sort them by creation date (which I believe is the same as recently added): let assetCollection = PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections(with: .smartAlbum, subtype: .smartAlbumUserLibrary, options: nil).firstObject! let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(in: assetCollection, options: PHFetchOptions.imageMediaType())
Jun ’24
An error occurred try to load the resource: The issue only occurs when the download modal display and the image fetching for the pop-up are conducted simultaneously.
Problem Details : In the case of iOS, the image to be displayed in the pop-up message within the TypeScript application does not appear during file download. An error occurred trying to load the resource when attempting to fetch the image (in the case of Safari). The image does not appear in Edge or Chrome either, besides Safari. The image is displayed correctly on Windows 10, 11, Mac Ventura, Mac Sonoma, and Android. Neither svg format nor png format images are displayed. Only in the case of iOS, a download modal appears in Safari (In Edge and Chrome, a different display asking whether or not to download appears, which is different from the modal). The issue only occurs when the download modal display and the image fetching for the pop-up are conducted simultaneously. If you delay the display of the download modal from the timing of fetching the image for the pop-up (apply a wait), the image can be fetched. Verification Environment: iOS v.17.5.1 Safari 604.1 iOS v.17.3 Safari 604.1 IOS v.17.4.1 Chrome 126.0.6478.54 IOS v.17.4.1 Edge: 125.0.2535.72 Consideration and Request: Based on the problem details, I am considering that this issue might be a bug in iOS. I would like to know from experts whether this event is a bug or a specification of iOS. If there is any information about similar events occurring, I would like to know. If there are any solutions, hints, or advice, I would appreciate it if you could provide them. If additional information is required from me, I would like to be contacted. Thank you for your cooperation.
Jun ’24
iOS App udp and local network permission
Recently, my application was having trouble sending udp messages after it was reinstalled. The cause of the problem was initially that I did not grant local network permissions when I reinstalled, I was aware of the problem, so udp worked fine after I granted permissions. However, the next time I repeat the previous operation, I also do not grant local network permissions, and then turn it back on in the Settings, and udp does not work properly (no messages can be sent, the system version and code have not changed). Fortunately, udp worked after rebooting the phone, and more importantly, I was able to repeat the problem many times. So I want to know if the process between when I re-uninstall the app and deny local network permissions, and when I turn it back on in Settings, is that permissions have been granted normally, and not fake, and not required a reboot to reset something for udp to take effect. I'm not sure if it's the system, or if it's a similar situation as described here, hopefully that will help me find out
Jun ’24
USDZ with vertex color
Hello, I have a USDC file with vertex color (WITHOUT textures), and it displays perfectly in Preview. If I package it in a zip (without compression) and rename the resulting file to USDZ, I can see it without any issues in AVP and Mac. However, if I send it to an iPhone, the vertex color does not display. Is there anything else I need to do besides packaging the USDC without compression in a ZIP? Thank you very much.
Jun ’24
How to communicate with smart card readers conncetd to USB-C port in iOS?
Hello All, I am new to iOS development and would like to detect the smart card readers connected to USB-C port on iOS (16+) devices. The smart card reader is a custom hardware and not MFi certified. So as per my understanding, I cannot use ExternalAccessory.framework without MFi certification. Correct? How else can I achieve this? Does TKSmartCardSlotManager works for this purpose (or is it only for NFC devices?)? Is there any example for how to use this interface? I couldn't find any example for this as a starting point... Thanks in advance.
Jun ’24
coreml convert flatten to reshape, but npu does not support reshape
I have a model that uses ‘flatten’, and when I converted it to a Core ML model and ran it on Xcode with an iPhone XR, I noticed that ‘flatten’ was automatically converted to ‘reshape’. However, the NPU does not support ‘reshape’. howerver, I got the Resnet50 model on apple models and performance it on XCode with the same iphone XR, I can see the 'flatten' operator which run on NPU. On the other hand, when I used the following code to convert ResNet50 in PyTorch and ran it on Xcode Performance, the ‘flatten’ operation was converted to ‘reshape’, which then ran on the CPU. ? So I dont know how to keep 'flatten' operator when convert to ml model ? coreml tool 7.1 iphone XR ios 17.5.1 from torchvision import models import coremltools as ct import torch import torch.nn as nn network_name = "my_resnet50" torch_model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True) torch_model.eval() width = 224 height = 224 example_input = torch.rand(1, 3, height, width) traced_model = torch.jit.trace(torch_model, (example_input)) model = ct.convert( traced_model, convert_to = "neuralnetwork", inputs=[ ct.TensorType( name = "data", shape = example_input.shape, dtype = np.float32 ) ], outputs = [ ct.TensorType( name = "output", dtype = np.float32 ) ], compute_units = ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, minimum_deployment_target =, )"my_resnet.mlmodel") ResNet50 on Resnet50.mlmodel My Convertion of ResNet50
Jun ’24
Predicitive Text is presenting suggestions in incorrect language when 3rd party keyboard is installed
I'm the developer of a third-party keyboard app, Snippety - Snippets Manager, which is designed for using snippets rather than regular typing. One of my users has encountered a strange issue: after installing my keyboard (even when it is not actively in use), the predictive text bar starts showing suggestions in Polish. This happens despite the Polish language not being installed on the device. The issue resolves as soon as my keyboard is uninstalled from the system settings. Interestingly, my application (including the keyboard) does not support the Polish language, nor is Polish specified anywhere in the app. The app was developed and published from macOS in English. This seems to be an iOS bug. The only language-related configuration in my keyboard is the PrimaryLanguage key in the Info.plist file, which I set to "mul" because the keyboard is not intended for typing. I also tried setting it to "mis", but the issue persists. The video presenting this issue on an iPhone 15 simulator running iOS 17.5: Info.plist for my keyboard: My project settings: Steps to reproduce: Configure iOS to use English language only, with English keyboard Enable predictive text feature in the system Install Snippety keyboard Use the regular keyboard & start typing "dzie" Actual result: Polish predictions appear even though the Polish language is not installed or declared by the keyboard. Expected result: The predictive text should present predictions based on system settings. What is even more weird, I discovered that when I add the keyboard in system settings, it automatically installs Polish language in the system settings. I even changed PrimaryLanguage to "de" (German) in Info.plist but it still installs Polish. See: Any ideas what could be wrong? I also created a ticket: #FB13949087 I also found a similar issue from 2018 (O_O) reported here:
Jun ’24
Running application on 17.4 Simulator from Xcode 16.0 beta is crashing due to missing SwiftUICore.framework
Hi, I have a project that is pretty complex and includes mostly UIKit/Swift code with some SwiftUI added on top. I also have some SPM modules and internal Cocoapods libraries linking in. The project builds fine with the latest release version of Xcode (15) and runs on 17.4 simulator. WIth Xcode 16.0 Beta however, the project builds and runs fine on iOS 18 simulators, however there is a specific crash that happens at startup on iOS 17.4 simulators. Please see crash log below with the name of my application redacted: dyld[91294]: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore Referenced from: <14C085D7-ECA8-3287-8038-5DE320ADCEBD> /Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/C23AA8A9-8475-4EE2-86B3-136A0EBCC362/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/95A49FCF-A7E3-4A8B-93F1-C4CDDBA74B60/ Reason: tried: '/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxx-fglltpkbphqqjzgdgdadysinonmq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file), '/Users/xxxxxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxxxx-fglltpkbphqqjzgdgdadysinonmq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/PackageFrameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file), '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21E213/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/SwiftUICore.framework/SwiftUICore' (no such file) It seems like for some reason Xcode is building the app thinking there would be a SwiftUICore.framework on device, but since this framework is new in iOS 18 and does not exist on iOS 17.4, the system is unable to find it and crashes. I have the min deployment target set to iOS 14.5, so I'm not sure why Xcode would make the assumption that SwiftUICore.framework will be available for linking on runtime. Interestingly, I cannot reproduce this same issue on a clean project created using Xcode 16 and targeting min deployment of iOS 15. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding specific build settings to check and see where the issue might be coming from. Thanks
Jun ’24