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Posts under Xcode tag

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Xcode seems not compatible with the ssh key RSA-SHA2 while trying to git clone from Azure
Since a few days, I'm trying to fetch our private SPM repo hosted on Azure via Xcode but without success. Actually they now accept only ssh key RSA-SHA2-256 or RSA-SHA2-512. So I created a new SSH key, but it seems the problem persists when I try to fetch spm repo or git clone via xcode: "You’re using ssh-rsa that is about to be deprecated and your request has been blocked intentionally. Any SSH session using SSH-RSA is subject to brown out (failure during random time periods). Please use rsa-sha2-256 or rsa-sha2-512 instead. For more details see remote: ERROR_SSH_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER (7) (-20)" Even so I'm choosing the good new ssh key, it seems Xcode is sending wrong information about the new generated ssh key. Anyone is experiencing the same here?
Jun ’24
Xcode beta1 Crash
When you run the app in Xcode16 beta1 + iOS18 beta1 on device app crashing with following error, but simulator is ok Error: dyld[1463]: Library not loaded: @rpath/lib/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/7F968F8F-A134-45DD-95F7-9BF2C1EBBC14/.app/Frameworks/BrazeUI_30A23D419F0B5719_PackageProduct.framework/BrazeUI_30A23D419F0B5719_PackageProduct Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/system/introspection/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/usr/lib/swift/lib/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache), '/private/preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/swift/lib/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib' (no such file),
Jun ’24
Cannot build IPA file from Gitlab-CI
I already posted in StackOverflow but I got no answer. So I'm gonna try here. I'm using Flutter and I've been trying to build .ipa through Gitlab CI and GitLab Runner that will be running on my MacOS machine. But I hit a dead end with this error Error (Xcode): Building for 'iOS', but linking in dylib (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX14.0.sdk/usr/lib/libobjc.A.tbd) built for 'macOS macCatalyst zippered(macOS/Catalyst)' Error (Xcode): Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Encountered error while archiving for device. This error unfortunately cannot be reproduced locally, when I ran this code. The build will be successful and produced IPA file normally. flutter build ipa --release --obfuscate --split-debug-info=build/ios/ipa/debug_symbols --build-number=${CI_JOB_ID:0:8} --export-options-plist ./ios/export.plist which make it incredibly difficult to debug. I tried searching Google and all it shown are result of people trying to build iOS simulator. Their solution was excluding architecture arm64 which obviously wouldn't work in this case. And I already excluding i386 and armv7 architecture. and somehow my Gitlab CI still tried to build with MacOS library instead. I'm not sure if this is one of the causes. But I noticed that every time my GitLab Runner CI reach a new stage. This command is automatically declared : declare -x SDKROOT="/Applications/" Maybe it's related? I honestly don't know what to do now.
Jun ’24
Unsupported SDK or Xcode version (XCode 15.4 running on MacOS 15)
Hello! So I updated my mac to 15.0 Sequoia Developer Beta and couldn't run Xcode 15.4 because of the Mac version mismatch, so I installed Xcode 16 beta and archived my app, but of course I cannot publish it to App Store because Apple doesn't let you do it with beta soft. So, I downloaded Xcode 15.4 (current latest stable build) and managed to run it following this fix: But, now when I create a new archive and submit it for review I am getting: ITMS-90111: Unsupported SDK or Xcode version - App submissions must use the latest Xcode and SDK Release Candidates (RC). For details on currently supported versions, visit: I tried deleting derived data and build folders, building new archives, but to no avail. Has anybody encountered this before?
Jun ’24
Bug? Xcode 16 macOS 15 SDK on macos 14.5 causes Metal Shader Colors to be Wrong
I've been upgrading Xcode consistently for years and have never seen Metal shaders behave differently from one version to another until now. On macOS 14.5, Xcode 16 beta, suddenly several color outputs turn out completely black where there should be color. All validation is on and nothing seems to be wrong (and hasn't been since maybe Xcode version 11). I've attached two screens. The first is the normal color scheme, the second is in Xcode 16. The settings are the exact same. Normal: Buggy with black + transparent colors (so it seems like either colors are overflowing or are all 0s)? Before I file a bug report or code level request, may I have some thoughts on how to debug this? The only clue I have is that I'm using bindless to multiply color texture samples with color values from my vertex struct. But it still fails even if I use hard-coded values for the texture samples, meaning somehow the color values are not being sent to the shader correctly? This is the most stable part of my rendering pipeline, so I'm surprised if the issue is there. Thank you.
Jun ’24
TestFlight not working with In-app purchases
Environment react-native-iap: 12.12.2. react-native: 0.72.12. Platforms (physical & simulator): iPhone 11 - OS version 17.4 /// iOS Simulator iPhone 15 Pro Max - OS version 17.4 Description Hello, I am trying to test the purchase of a subscription and an in-app product within my react native app. I have setup the necessary Sandbox account in App Store Connect, created a Store kit file in Xcode that I also synced with the products I created in the App Store Connect dashboard. If I use Xcode to run the app on a physical device (after logging into the sandbox account), I am able to purchase a subscription/in-app product without any issues. If I purchased a subscription on the physical phone I can go into Settings > App Store > Sandbox Account Management and see the purchased subscription, change renewal rate, clear purchase history etc.. If I use the TestFlight build with a physical phone (logging in with the sandbox account) the in app purchases stop working correctly. After purchasing a subscription it is not shown in the Sandbox Account Management, so I am unable to cancel it. Upon trying to purchase another subscription the apple service keeps returning the same exact subscription that I "originally" purchased. How am I supposed to cancel that subscription if it not shown in the sandbox account subscription list? Adding a different sandbox account does not help either, trying to purchase another subscription returns the same subscription that I am unable to cancel. Is there a step in the TestFlight environment that I am missing on setup? Expected Behavior Upon purchasing a subscription in the TestFlight environment on a physical device I should be able to cancel that subscription. Here's an example of what function I am calling on purchasing a subscription: const product = { productId: 'example_monthly_subscription' }; subscribe(product.productId); Any help would be appreciated.
DocC not finding local sources files
Context Hello everyone, I'm a freshly graduate engineer currently learning Swift and Apple ecosystem frameworks as I wish to become an Apple Developer / Engineer. I made a very simple and light Swift package but I cannot build the documentation using DocC. Issue See my project here on github and explanations below. Behavior Building Documentation for my Swift package results in an empty page with only my Package name. Adding a documentation catalog with a start page work but only the start page is displayed after building. None of my structs in any sources files appears in the built documentation. Trying to add symbol linking to my sources files's structs in the start page (using double backquotes) results in the Topic section not built and a warning "MyStruct doesn't exist at '/MyPackage'" What I tried I found multiple information while looking for a solution, so I tried everything. None of my structs / classes have the same name as the package I did not remove the Topics section in the start page of the documentation catalog, neither I removed the Header 2 formatting. My documentation catalog and my sources files lies within MyPackage/Sources/MyPackage/ I compared my starting page and folder architecture with the Sloth demo project I did comment my structs / classes / functions with three slash /// using Xcode shortcut to pre-write documentation Technical Specifications macOS 14.5 MacBook Pro M3 Pro 18Go Xcode Version 15.4 (15F31d) swift-tools-version: 5.10 Images Conclusion I have no idea what else to do and if I am doing something wrong. Any feedback or solution on my issue would be really appreciated as I'm doing my best to learn the best practices to become an Apple developer. Thank you.
Jun ’24
Xcode predictive code don't support China
There are a lot of developers in China who expect to be able to use the very powerful code completion and assist features, but may not be able to do so due to related policies. I wonder if Apple has any plans to help Chinese developers use these features. I wonder if this problem can be solved within this year or Apple will abandon Chinese developers.
Jun ’24
SwiftData ModelContext Fetch Crashing
I'm currently using Xcode 16 Beta (16A5171c) and I'm getting a crash whenever I attempt to fetch using my ModelContext in my SwiftUI video using the environment I'm getting a crash specifically on iOS 18 simulators. I've opened up a feedback FB13831520 but it's worth noting that I can run the code I'll explain in detail below on iOS 17+ simulator and devices just fine. I'm getting the following crash: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'The specified URI is not a valid Core Data URI: x-coredata:///MyApp/XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX' It's almost as if on iOS18 SwiftData is unable to find the file on the simulator to perform CRUD operations. All I'm doing in my project is simply fetching data using the modelContext. func contains(_ model: MyModel, in context: ModelContext) -> Bool { let objId = palette.persistentModelID let fetchDesc = FetchDescriptor<MyModel>(predicate: #Predicate { $0.persistentModelID == objId }) let itemCount = try? context.fetchCount(fetchDesc) return itemCount != 0 }
MacOS 15.0 DB + Xcode 15.4 Not Supported
I am currently on the MacOS 15.0 Developer Beta and successfully installed Xcode 16 beta through Xcodes which renames the Xcode App to Xcode-16.0.0-Beta. I am trying to open Xcode 15.4 (which I just reinstalled and is also renamed appropriately to Xcode-15.4.0) but every time I try to open this version of Xcode I get the following error: This version of Xcode isn’t supported in this version of MacOS The older Xcode versions (15.4 and below) have a slash through their icon and will not open either. I have a few coworkers who have also encountered this issue. Based on an earlier post, it sounds like we should be able to run both side by side on the MacOS beta. Is this indeed the case or is there some issue surrounding this? Earlier post
Jun ’24
Importing json file and displaying POI's in Mapkit using Xcode 15 and swiftUI
Description: I am working on an iOS 17 app using Xcode 15 and SwiftUI. The app involves displaying points of interest (POIs) on a MapView based on user proximity and other factors such as hours of operation. The data for the POIs is stored in a JSON file, which I am trying to import and parse in the project. However, I have encountered several issues: Deprecation Errors: When attempting to use MapAnnotation, I receive deprecation warnings and errors. It seems that MapAnnotation has been deprecated in iOS 17, and I need to use the new Annotation API along with MapContentBuilder. RandomAccessCollection Conformance: Errors related to RandomAccessCollection conformance when using Map with SwiftUI. JSON Import and Parsing: I used Bundle.main.url(forResource: "locations", withExtension: "json") to load the JSON file but faced issues with correctly parsing and mapping the JSON data to my model objects. What I Need: Guidance on how to correctly use the new Annotation API and MapContentBuilder for displaying POIs on a MapView in iOS 17. Best practices for importing and parsing JSON files in SwiftUI, especially for dynamically updating the MapView based on user proximity and other criteria like hours of operation. Any relevant code snippets or examples would be greatly appreciated. Example of What We Tried Model: swift Copy code struct POI: Codable, Identifiable { let id: Int let name: String let latitude: Double let longitude: Double let hours: [String: String] } Loading JSON: swift Copy code func loadPOIs() -> [POI] { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "locations", withExtension: "json"), let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { return [] } let decoder = JSONDecoder() return (try? decoder.decode([POI].self, from: data)) ?? [] } Map View: swift Copy code import SwiftUI import MapKit struct ContentView: View { @State private var pois: [POI] = loadPOIs() @State private var region = MKCoordinateRegion( center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.7128, longitude: -74.0060), span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.05, longitudeDelta: 0.05) ) var body: some View { Map(coordinateRegion: $region, annotationItems: pois) { poi in MapAnnotation(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: poi.latitude, longitude: poi.longitude)) { VStack { Text( Circle().fill( 10, height: 10) } } } } } Issues Encountered: MapAnnotation is deprecated. Errors related to RandomAccessCollection conformance. Any advice or solutions for these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jun ’24
Swift Assist
Hi, I'm testing out Xcode 16 beta and I have a couple of questions: Is Swift Assist only available on Sequoia? I see that predictive code completion is per, but I tried the beta on Sonoma and I'm not seeing it Regarding Swift Assist - I understand that code is only used to process requests and never stored on servers, and Apple will not use it to train machine learning models. However, my company's security team may still decide that using Swift Assist is too much of a risk. How can we disable it across multiple developer machines? Thank you!
Jun ’24
Extensions and Widget localizations
Hi community: I'm experiencing an issue in iOS 17 where the Widgets and Extensions use the local device language instead of the app language (preferred languages displayed on the app settings). This issue was reproducible in iOS 16.1, but then was solved. Now it is back on iOS 17 and iOS 17.1 In terms of code, Locale.current in the app returns the language preference selection, even you can use bundle.main.preferredlanguages and get the first one (because there's a repetition from 2 to 3 times the same value) But in whatever extension, the app's preferred language cannot be got, it always returns the system's preferred language. @eskimo, Is it a known issue? Also, Xcode 15.3 shows 0 files localized when you use the strings catalog. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Jun ’24