App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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Problem with the guidelines 2.1
Where to find guidelines 2.1 in apple store connect ???? My app is getting rejected with the following message: Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need more information about your business model and your users to help you find the best distribution option for your app. Next Steps Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question. Is your app restricted to users who are part of a single company? This may include users of the company's partners, employees, and contractors. Is your app designed for use by a limited or specific group of companies? If yes, which companies use this app? If not, can any company become a client and utilize this app? What features in the app, if any, are intended for use by the general public? How do users obtain an account? Is there any paid content in the app and if so who pays for it? For example, do users pay for opening an account or using certain features in the app?
Aug ’23
Indicates whether to allow multiple companies to release the same app in ABM distribution mode. (The package name is different, but the internal source code is the same.)
The scenario is as follows: I have an app, but I do not release it myself. The customer can customize the name and icon based on the requirements of the company, and then release the ABM by himself. If the package is the same, the accounts of multiple companies can release the ABM at the same time. Is there a risk of rejection? Thank you.
Aug ’23
App Review rejected for macOS app using libnetsnmp
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience to mine with the App Review and how did you approach this. I'm the author of iNetGrapher, a macOS application which uses SNMP to poll network devices or servers (anything that has SNMP Agent functionality) to generate real-time graphs of traffic volumes passing through the network interfaces. I've first released iNetGrapher back in 2013 and there never were any issues related to the fact that I'm using libnetsnmp for the SNMP functionality. A few months ago, my update was rejected and as a reason the App Review team quoted Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements, and told me that my app references non-public or deprecated APIs, specifically: Symbols: _snmp_sess_synch_response _snmp_sess_init _snmp_pdu_create _snmp_free_pdu _init_snmp _snprint_objid _snmp_sess_error _snmp_oid_compare _snmp_sess_open _read_objid _snmp_error _snmp_add_null_var _snmp_sess_close My app 100% does not reference any of these calls directly, however I believe libnetsnmp does. Libnetsnmp is distributed with macOS and is a part of macOS SDK, and I believe the functions with no leading underscore (e.g. snmp_sess_init()) are public API. Internally, libnetsnmp then most likely calls _snmp_sess_init (or other functions), however I have absolutely no control over any of this. I have been banging my head agains the wall, all I'm getting back from the review team and the appeal board is templated response quoting the list of calls they don't like. Would anyone have any idea how to tackle this other than implementing SNMP from scratch? Anyone any experience with anything similar?
Aug ’23
TestFlight and AppStore acceptance of Mobile app built on Xcode 13.2
Hi All, We have an legacy mobile app which has not been worked on by developers for a year or so. Currently, we have a requirement to make code changes to add logging to this mobile app. It is using titanium. When we try to built the app using 13.2 for local/developer testing purpose it is working as expected but doesn't work the same in Xcode 14.x versions. I saw an article mentioning that from April 2023, AppStore/TestFlight builds must be built on 14.x version of XCode, so what are my chances of getting the mobile app to Store/TestFlight if the mobile app is built on XCode 13.x version. will the build be rejected by App Store Review team?
Aug ’23
TestFlight and AppStore acceptance of Mobile app built on Xcode 13.2
Hi All, We have an legacy mobile app which has not been worked on by developers for a year or so. Currently, we have a requirement to make code changes to add logging to this mobile app. It is using titanium. When we try to built the app using 13.2 for local/developer testing purpose it is working as expected when we are using Mac Intel and titanium version 9.3.0 but doesn't work the same in Xcode 14.x versions. I saw an article mentioning that from April 2023, AppStore/TestFlight builds must be built on 14.x version of XCode, so what are my chances of getting the mobile app to Store/TestFlight if the mobile app is built on XCode 13.x version. So will the app be reject from store review if it is built on 13.x version? Points to Note: We are using custom SDK titanium framework with below versions of packages Package version: macOS, version=11.6, Arch: 64 bit Node.js: version= 12.18.3, npm version= 6.14.6 Titanium CLI = 5.4.1 Titanium SDK = 9.3.0 Target Platform = ios SDK path = /users/XX/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/9.3.0
Aug ’23
Can SAAS-developed template apps pass the review and be published?
I am representing a service provider specializing in Saas tool development. We package customized application versions for different clients to meet their unique requirements. However, the code similarity among each version of the application could be as high as 99%, with the main differences lying in branding and client-specific settings. Thus, I inquire if there are any related policies in the App Store that limit our way of developing and submitting applications? If so, could you please provide some solutions or recommended best practices? We highly value the individual needs of each client, and our aim is always to provide the best quality service while complying with the App Store policies.
Aug ’23
How can i get all the AppStore for an app with the "App Store Connect API"?
Hey there, I want to fetch all the reviews from an app of mine. Seems like the limit is 200 per request. How can I get all the reviews and not just 200? i don't want to scrape the web and prefer to use the API I wasn't able to do that following this guide. this is my code: def generate_token(key_id: str, issuer: str, private_key: str): """this function creates a token to access Apple's App Store API""" # get current and expiration time # note:apple will ban every request with an expiration time > 20 minutes current_time = int(time.time()) expiration_time = current_time + 900 # prepare the jtw headers headers = { "alg": "ES256", "kid": key_id, "typ": "JWT", } # prepare the payload payload = { "iss": issuer, "iat": current_time, "exp": expiration_time, "aud": "appstoreconnect-v1", } # generate the token token = jwt.encode( payload, private_key, algorithm="ES256", headers=headers, ) # print and retutn print(token) return token def app_store_reviews(app_id: str, key_id: str, issuer: str, private_key: str): """this function returns all the reviews of an app on the app store.""" # prepare API request url = f"{app_id}/customerReviews?limit=200" token = generate_token(key_id, issuer, private_key) headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"} # Make the GET request response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # request is successful if response.status_code == 200: reviews_data = response.json() print(reviews_data) # request failed else: print(response.text) Cheers, Flippo
Aug ’23
TestFlight and AppStore acceptance of Mobile app built on Xcode 14.x with Titanium 5.4.0 with sdk 9.3.0
Hi All, We have an legacy mobile app which has not been worked on by developers for a year or so. Currently, we have a requirement to make code changes to add logging to this mobile app. It is using titanium. we are able to build the app using 14.x Xcode version but the Titanium 5.4.0 with sdk 9.3.0 Titanium 5.4.0 is the only version thats currently supporting the build process. If we upgrade it, it is not working in XCode 14.1 version. Question: Do we have any specific requirements for Titanium version and SDK version. Does TestFlight or App Review have any specifications for this. From the official informtaion, app store submission builds must be build on xCode Version 14.x., like that way do we have any restrictions for titanium? Package version: macOS, version=11.6, Arch: 64 bit Node.js: version= 12.18.3, npm version= 6.14.6 Titanium CLI = 5.4.1 Titanium SDK = 9.3.0 Target Platform = ios SDK path = /users/XX/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/9.3.0
Aug ’23
Really weird App rejected message
Hello All, We submitted an app for review and we got the following message . We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as "Rejected" in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. This is our first account and first app. Its a simple job search app with no third party APIs, no ads, no payment services ,no tracking , nothing at all. Its a simple job post and search app. Initially we got rejected stating they could not login to review the app (went back and forth for almost 2 months) and they finally said we can login now we are rejecting as you need to make a small correction on alerts on the app. We did that and then got the above rejection message. We have delayed our launch significantly because of the review process. Some posts are saying to submit for review again. Does that really help? Any insight into this will help us. P.S : Called Apple and there is no outcome from that. Thanks
Oct ’23
App Store and my own Rest API
Hi, I am new to the Forum, so sorry if my question is obvious. I have developed an app which I wish to distribute via the App Store, possibly charge for the app. It talks to a REST API I have developed and host on a publicly accessible server with SSL. Will my App be accepted if it talks to my API, or do I need to make it available to everyone, including documentation etc. I assume I can still restrict access using API Keys and the like? Any help would be most appreciated Rob
Aug ’23
macOS app rejected for Thumbnail extension continuing to run
I received a rejection for "Your app spawns processes that continue running after the user has quit the app." The process in question is the app's Thumbnail extension. When I remove all of my own code from the thumbnail extension, it still continues to run after I exit my app. This is the entirety of the extension's code, which now renders blank thumbnails: import QuickLookThumbnailing class ThumbnailProvider: QLThumbnailProvider { override init() { } override func provideThumbnail(for request: QLFileThumbnailRequest, _ handler: @escaping (QLThumbnailReply?, Error?) -> Void) { let reply = QLThumbnailReply(contextSize: request.maximumSize) { (context: CGContext) -> Bool in return true } handler(reply, nil) } } Presumably Thumbnail extensions continue to run so that Finder (among others) can generate thumbnails as necessary. AFAIK, I have no direct control over the extension's lifecycle. Is this just App Review's mistake? The "Next Steps" are clueless: "You can resolve this by leaving this option unchecked by default, providing the user the option to turn it on." The app uses its own thumbnail extension to render thumbnails for document templates, which may be an uncommon thing.
Aug ’23
App rejected from TestFlight because it crashes immediately for them with a SwiftUI WindowGroup symbol could not be found error?
I have been stuck on this problem for like a week at this point and I cannot figure it out at all. I'm sure it's a simple problem to fix, but I've researched up and down and can't find a solution. To make matters worse, I also cannot recreate the crash the reviewers are experiencing. The app works on my device fine, both from building from Xcode and from downloading from TestFlight internal testing. The app works fine on all the simulators as well. It's an Apple Watch only app with a target dependency of watchOS 10. Here's the excerpt from the crash log: "termination" : {"code":4,"namespace":"DYLD","indicator":"Symbol missing","details":["(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)"],"flags":518,"reasons":["Symbol not found: _$s7SwiftUI11WindowGroupV7contentACyAA04LazycD7ContentVyqd__GGqd__yc_tcAGRszAA4ViewRd__lufC", "Referenced from: <654E1AA3-D932-32BB-AE35-3AA14E191C79> \/Volumes\/VOLUME\/*\/Wrist Notes Watch\/Wrist Notes Watch App", "Expected in: <CD8389BE-8133-355B-A2BD-DEE38FBB1732> \/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/SwiftUI.framework\/SwiftUI"]}, Any help would be much appreciated, I have pretty much exhausted all ideas to fix it that I could think of.
Aug ’23
作成したアプリをApple Storeに公開する際のヘッダーの設定方法について
Apple Storeで公開したいのですが、WindowsのPCでヘッダー画像を設定する方法がわかりません。 コンテンツとしては添付画像の画面でヘッダー画像を設定したいのですが、設定方法を調べたところXcodeでのアップロード方法しか出てきません。 Xcode が Mac ではしか使用できないため、Windows の PC でのヘッダー画像の設定方法を逆に考えましたらご教示いただければ幸いです。 →あるいは Windows ではアップロードできない場合はその旨をご教示いただけますと幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ※Apple Developer Program サポートにお問い合わせいただいたところ明確な回答をいただけず、こちらから聞いてほしいと高く評価していただいた形です。
Aug ’23
Submission Rejected, Apple Reviewer Thinks I'm Copying My Own Game
Hi there, I am a solo game developer. I released my game Space Menace on Steam on November 12, 2022. Now I'm trying to publish it on the Apple App Store. I recently submitted my game to the App Store. On August 16, my game was rejected and I received a message that my game used a trademark term or popular app name "Space Menace", and I am copying an existing game. I asked for more details about the violation of these guidelines. On August 20, I received a response that my game included content from the Space Menace game. But I am the developer of the game Space Menace on Steam and other websites. How do I prove that I am the owner and developer of this game on Steam? Today, I send them screenshots of my Steam game page where they can see the word "admin" in the upper right corner. I don't want to receive another answer after 4-5 days and again they reject it without explaining exactly what they want as proof. That's why I'm asking here for help. Has anyone ever had a similar situation. This is the message for guideline violation: "Regarding 4.1, your app includes content that resembles Space Menace without the necessary authorization. To resolve this issue, it would be appropriate to demonstrate your relationship with any third-party brand owners represented in your app."
Aug ’23
App rejected 4.2.2 guideline
Hi, I'm trying to submit the first version of my app to the app store but it keeps getting rejected citing the 4.2.2 guideline: We noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. Although this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store. This is simply not the case. The app has 3 main features: Input feeds where users can choose between 3 different types of sources Websites (rss feeds) Youtube channels Users (other users's output feeds on the platform) Output feeds where users can create posts (text and image) Library (where users can save and search content for later reference) Supporting these, there are other functionalities like managing the input & output feeds, managing the library folders, accepting or rejecting follow requests, managing the profile, etc.. The output feeds clearly satisfy the requirement as they are not links, images or content aggregated from the internet but provide the functionality to create content in the app itself. Furthermore users can comment and like on the output feed posts. The app uses multiple iOS native functionalities like: Lazy stacks to optimize performance Caching Navigation Tab bar Photo picker Push notifications and yet it keeps getting rejected and the screenshots provided are only from the input feeds without reference to the output feeds - posts, comments (the social features in the app) Any suggestions how to proceed?
Aug ’23
Unable to submit app update due to missing Game Center entitlement...even though it's present
After using the developer console without issues for quite a while now, I'm suddenly unable to submit an update to one of my games because App Store Connect thinks it is missing the Game Center entitlement. It gives the following message when trying to submit the update for review: You must add the key in Xcode. The first submission I tried to make was indeed missing the capability somehow - I went back and fix this with another build, but the error remains still. I have added the Game Center capability and my entitlements file has the following lines: <key></key> <true/> I did find this StackOverflow post describing the exact same issues from fairly recently - 14 hours ago as of the time of writing - so I'm wondering if this is a bug. Wondering if anyone has encountered this and if there is a workaround.
Nov ’23