App Review

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App review is the process of evaluating apps and app updates submitted to the App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and follow Apple guidelines.

Posts under App Review tag

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getting rejected by apple review because black screen upon launch for iPad OS16.6
Hi, I am getting rejected on apple review because the tester is seeing black screen upon launch for iPad OS 16.6. I got this rejection before which I fixed info.plist. I tested on physical iPad with OS 16.6 and app looks fine. I resubmit but got rejected for the same reason. Can anyone help out what maybe causing this issue?
Aug ’23
AppStoreConnect review issue.
Greetings everyone! I've recently got my app rejected due to Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance. Exact answer: "We noticed that your app may contain hidden features, functionality, or content. Specifically, your app contains financial transactions without the necessary authorization." My app contains NO hidden functions and surely no financial transactions. It's just aggregating crypto data from public APIs and displaying it in a convenient way. I've tried to explain it to reviewers but had no results. It's still getting rejected for the same reason and they're asking me to provide a new build with the statement "that all features and functions in the app are visible and fully accessible during review", which makes absolutely no sense. What other actions can I pursue? I have already submitted an appeal.
Aug ’23
Crime Reporting Guideline 1.7
My App has beed rejected multiple times for not complying with the Criminal Activity Reporting Guideline 1.7. Essentially, I have to provide a documentation showing partnership with local law enforcement (where ever the app is used). The App, SafeSpot, gives users near real time crime data at their geo but also enables users to "tag" or post a crime they witnessed so other users can stay away. Here's the response i got: Specifically, it is unclear if you have partnered with local law enforcement to respond to the reports of alleged criminal activity. To provide users a safe and reliable experience, apps may only be used to report criminal activity in locations where you have the active involvement of local law enforcement. Next Steps To ensure that your app is partnering with the appropriate institutions, you must provide documentation or evidence of your relationship with local law enforcement wherever your app is distributed. Please attach the documentation. Documentation?? I need examples. Do i go to my local police station :)
Aug ’23
Need help fixing Mac game submission rejection related to windowed mode
Hi there, My Mac game submission was rejected for the following reason and a screenshot is also provided in the message: "Guideline 4.0 - Design We noticed an issue with your app's user interface that contributes to a lower-quality user experience than App Store users expect. Specifically, we found that the content is displayed behind the macOS dock when users changes to Windowed mode. (see screenshot) Next Steps Please revise how windows function in your app so that content properly formats when adjusting the window's size. Resources To learn more about App Store design requirements, see App Store Review Guideline 4 - Design. Learn more about designing for macOS in the Human Interface Guidelines." How to fix this?
Aug ’23
Is it possible to enable In-App Purchases in TestFlight for an unpublished app?
I am working on a new iOS app. It is not ready for publishing yet, but I want to distribute it via TestFlight for some external testing. I have added some in-app purchases to it, but the App Connect says that I must submit them for review together with the new version of the app. The problem is that I don't want to submit app for review yet, I just want to enable in-app purchasing in the TestFlight. Is this not possible or am I missing something obvious?
Aug ’23
"In review" for 4 months
Hello! I realize that mostly other developers are communicating here, however, it's worth trying... Apple ID of our app is 1636352042. We have not been able to release an update for 4 months now. The last update was on April 26. We are constantly facing very long moderation times (weeks, sometimes over a month). Before that there were a few problems on our side - they are fixed now. However, we are still in "In review" status for weeks. The longest uninterrupted wait to test just one version lasted over a month. And in the end we still couldn't stand it and uploaded a new version with corrections in the hope of accelerated moderation. The latest update attempt has been in this status for 6 days. The previous version was in review for more than 2 weeks. We submitted a new version 6 days ago, with some fixes, hoping to guess what the problem is and pass moderation faster. However, we still haven't received any moderation response. We also can't get a call from support for several months - the robot immediately drops our call after connecting to an operator. Or they do not call us at all. I can't even send a written request to Apple Developer support ( anymore. After clicking on "Submit" the button just stops being active and nothing happens. More than 100.000 users use our app on iOS. These are not random people, they are loyal customers of our local brand. We receive a huge amount of negative feedback due to lack of updates, we can't fix even the most critical bugs. While everything is fine on Android. Please step in and help us deal with this, we don't know what to do anymore.
Aug ’23
We ranked #2 for a term for years & now it's #7 with 2-Star apps sitting above us
For the past 2 years my team and have been trying to solve the mystery as to why our app went from sitting at #2 for years for a search term to dropping to #7. We are a small bootstrapped team of 3. Our revenue has dropped over 50% because of this and despite making huge improvements to the app + marketing, I am on the verge of having to lay my team off because of the impact this drop has had on our business. We are the top rated app in our category and have thousands of more reviews than the apps sitting above us. There are apps that have only 3 reviews with 2-star ratings sitting above my app thats has a 4.8 rating with almost 10K reviews. We have good engagement, have the highest conversion in sales compared to all the other apps in our category. We have hired multiple ASO + ad agencies. We've done Meta ads, Search Ads. We've done all the A/B testing. We've tested icons. We've tested keywords, titles and subtitles. influencer campaigns. Creating our own affiliate campaign. Having SEO on our website for the app. We have the search term in our titles. We've updated onboarding to increase engagement (i.e. removing the need to create an account). We are the only app in our category with a presence on social. When our organic downloads started to decrease it was shortly after an app overseas copied tutorials from our app and put them into theirs. I disputed with Apple Legal to get resolved. Apple Legal left it between us and other app to resolve and eventually after getting my lawyer involves, they took them out after some hash communication on their end. I suspect they are doing something shady against us to make our ranking drop? I will also add the ranking only dropped in the USA which is our main market for revenue. On top of this, a new app popped out of nowhere and voilated guideline 3.1.2.a where they were forcing users for written reviews in order to unlock features. It took Apple almost 6 months to resolve this, meanwhile, they were raking up thousands of reviews and jumped in the top 3 apps. Apple eventually got them to release a version of the app without the violation BUT they were able to keep their thousands of reviews? I have an apple rep who does her best to advocate for me and I was even at WWDC23 and talked to the App Store team. They didn't do much or offer any advice on what else I could be doing to get my rankings back up. I'm sick of people that are doing shady shit and getting away with it. Apple is not regulating and it's hurting small businesses that are running their business with integrality. I'm sorry for this long rant, but has anybody else experienced this and were you able to get your ranking back up? I would love to chat and talk solutions.
Aug ’23
Developer account terminated under Section 3.2(f) WITHOUT WARNING NOR EXPLANATION ! Did this happened to you too ?
Did you got a similar letter ? " This letter serves as notice of termination of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement ...Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement.." Fast forward, we are a corporation that spend over 1M on development for our app at apple store. Out of the blue we got this letter and our app was removed within the same day. No warning email prior, No appeal option afterwards. We were banned for a year. We tried to get at least a reply what we did wrong? So far no explanation. We suspect this is either: A campaign from our competitors, trashing our app with tons of neg/positive reviews. (If so, Why is so easy, for bad actors to manipulate Apple Algorithms and to destroy legit apps and why Apple allows it) ? Either someone else complained about our name or logo. (If so, Apple should ask for document, because we hold trademarks of our logos and names). Section 3.2(f) is very murky without clear language. Up to this day we don't know why our business was destroyed in 1 day ! As consequence of our ban, We are loosing legit advertisers like banks, and brands. We are looking forward for our day in court ! Discovery process will solve the mystery of our ban. The most scariest part of our situation, that might be your situation tomorrow, is the uncertainly in the future, that some bot might flag your app for removal and all your time and investment is gone within a day, without any explanation, and without the possibility to speak to a human. Millions of developers are paying $100 per year. This kind of money should be enough to pay at least, for human customer service, to serve the developers community properly. Did this happen to you too ?
Sep ’23
Need clarification on if you can use a 3rd party payment processor when tipping in-app digital content providers
I want to allow users to tip other users inside of my app. Apple says in their guidelines that: Apps may use in-app purchase currencies to enable customers to “tip” the developer or digital content providers in the app. My take is that the word "may" implies that using IAP is an option and not required. If it was required, it would read "Apps must use in-app purchases..." So does this mean you can use a 3rd party payment processor such as Stripe to allow in-app users to tip digital content providers inside the app? TikTok for example uses Stripe to process and distribute tips to to their users. Can anyone clarify this for me?
Aug ’23
How to Politely Discontinue an iOS/iPadOS Mobile App?
Requesting advice on how to politely discontinue a mobile app and in some way let the dwindling user base know that it is “last call” for the app. Apple recommends against a hail and farewell release that announces the end of the app in a new release. Do you just let it dwindle until Apple ejects it for lack up updates and use (apparently after 3 years these days). We have many other apps and don‘t want to alienate our customer base nor disappoint them with just not updating the app until it dies. There must be a better way… Suggestions welcome!
Aug ’23
Can i use emoji in my iOS App?
I want to use emoji like this in my iOS app and release it on the App Store. struct ContentView: View { @State private var move = false var body: some View { VStack { Text("👻") .font(.largeTitle) .position(x: move ? 50 : 400) Button("Move") { withAnimation(.linear(duration: 2)) { move.toggle() } } } } } Are there any other problems with this?(like legal issues, etc.)
Aug ’23
Problem with submitting an application for review.
Can you tell me if anyone has experienced the same problem? We can't solve it since last Wednesday, and it's really slowing down the release process. We uploaded 6.7", 6.5", 5.5", 12.9" (twice) screenshots in 18 languages to App Store Connect, as well as videos for each type of device. Added text metadata. Added assembly. Clicked the "Add for validation" button. The "The following objects are required to run the application. Still loading screenshots." And this problem is not fixed till now. (we also tried removing all added languages, leaving only English - to no avail; another attempt was to leave only English-language screenshots and compress their size - also no success) We have written to Apple support, but I understand that this will be the longest possible process. Maybe someone knows faster ways to solve the problem?
Aug ’23
App rejection - Code promotion
Context: I am working on an iOS application designed for viewing comic books. This app features both a free and a paid tier (utilizing in-app purchases). We are keen on providing our users with an option to enter a code. Upon entering this code, users gain premium access to the content without any contractual commitment. This means that once the validity period expires, the premium access ends, and the user would need to subscribe contractually to continue. Our company fits under the App Reader category as specified in 3.1.3(a) (Link) What We've Done: We introduced a custom field in our application, allowing users to input a code. This code is sent to our backend, where it is cross-referenced with our database to ascertain its validity. If verified as valid, the user unlocks their right to the premium content. The Issue: Our application was rejected upon submission, seemingly contradicting section 3.1.1 of Apple's Guidelines (Link). Specifically, the passage stating: Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, cryptocurrencies, and cryptocurrency wallets, etc. Apple's Recommendation: We were advised either to remove the feature entirely or to utilize the code offer functionality available on App Store Connect. We had considered this, but it only applies to auto-renewable subscriptions (Link). Hence, it doesn't fulfill the condition we laid out in our context. Our Proposed Solution: Given our predicament, we're seeking validation on an alternative to avoid further costs that might result in another rejection. In order to identify our users (who are also paper format subscribers), we are contemplating the addition of a mandatory email field above our code field. Do you believe this would be sufficient?
Aug ’23
App crashes in review but works in Simulator
My app crashed for the second time in review but works in simulator. It crashes on launch in their case and I cannot understand why. Has anyone experienced this before? This is their response: We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue. Review device details: crashlog-4DBE4887-AA02-4574-A3C3-9A450D8673B1.txt crashlog-6DD96649-66A9-4935-8FD5-B046DA8E8D8A.txt Device type: iPhone OS version: iOS 16.6
Aug ’23
Reviewer cannot connect to server that app's using
Hello, Recently, I try to submit a new update version of my app and it keeps being rejected by Apple's reviewer. The reviewers got error message of Error: cannot connect to server. We hold a server for data and my app connects to the server to get required data. My testers didn't run into errors when testing our app with Testflight. I doubt there is network issue from Apple reviewers to my server but I can't how to resolve it. I have a test RESTful API but Apple reviewers refused to do a connection test that is out of app. I also sent an appeal but still being said rejection was valid. I've been rejected over 10 times. However, I passed a review of a version just before this one two days before. I didn't modify any codes about connections. It's weird. I wonder if anyone has same experience and the way to resolve it. Thank you.
Sep ’23
App Store Guidelines - Adult content
Hello! As far as I know, the App Store does not allow the display of adult content in apps. I have a question about whether it's possible for me to highlight in the app that "This user content has been filtered for the protection of minors and due to App Store policies." Additionally, I want to draw attention to the fact that "To view all content, please log in through a web browser." And on the website, I would provide an option to view adult content (of course, after age verification). Is this a feasible solution and does it comply with the App Store guidelines? (Imagine it as if the Facebook app doesn't display adult content, but if someone opens from a web browser, then adult content would be accessible.) Essentially, I'm completely filtering out adult content within the app. However, I'm also indicating where it can be accessed. Is this acceptable? I definitely don't want to encounter any issues during the app's release. Thanks, Adrian
Aug ’23
Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t all
Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the public (GM) versions of Xcode 11 or later, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren’t allowed. This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Xcode or the latest seed release found on the releases tab in News and Updates
Aug ’23
Export Compliance Information
Hi! I made a timer app and I want to beta test the app using TestFlight but when I'm uploading the app I need to make a choice out of 4 options for the Export Compliance Information. I can't figure out what option I need to choose. The options: Encryption algorithms that are proprietary or not accepted as standard by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.) Standard encryption algorithms instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple's operating system Both algorithms mentioned above None of the algorithms mentioned above Any advice? Thanks!
Sep ’23