Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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watchOS only targets broken in Xcode 15 RC?
Got a little app I am trying to build before launch, I've never built a watch only app, and it requires iOS 17 so I'm a bit stuck. When creating a watch only target, it seems that the template is broken. According to this: There should be a blank iOS app target, that contains the watch app. The problem is once I go to build and upload the app to test flight, I get a bundle that Xcode has no clue what to do with (Because it only contains the watchkit app, and no containing xcode app.) I'm guessing my only hope might be to create a watch only app targetted at iOS 9 with Xcode 14, then migrating to Xcode 15? I'm trying that now, but I guess I have another radar to file unless I'm missing something.
Feb ’24
Problems uploading images to sites with Sonoma 14.4 Beta
Since going in the beta I have had problems uploading images to a WordPress site. This occurs with Safari and Chrome. There is no issue using my iPhone to upload to the same WordPress site and the support team at the hosting service have no issues uploading the same images I fail with using Windows systems. It is not consistent. The same file that has uploaded can later fail to upload after one or more files have failed to upload. Very small images (5-20k) usually upload but larger than that and I start to get fails. When uploading to a different WP site I get uploads succeeding but the images are corrupt. But here aI also gett no issues using my iPhone uploading to the same site.
Feb ’24
How to revert to non beta iOS 17?
Hi everyone, I seem to have a serious problem with slow data download speeds on iPhone 12 Pro. I've updated to latest iOS 17.4 beta - but still have same problem. The beta is also on other iPhone SE v2, but it's not a problem. How do i revert iPhone 12 Pro beta back to non beta version - ideally iOS 17.3.1? Appreciate any help - thanks.
Feb ’24
iOS 17 beta 8 crash UIPrintPanelNavigationController
Hi everyone I started to see crash in iOS 17 beta 8 when try to show UIPrintInteractionController for iOS 16 and less it works fine let vc = UIPrintInteractionController.shared vc.printingItem = pdfFileUrl vc.present(animated: true) { (controller, success, error) in } UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation', reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and [UIPrintPanelNavigationController shouldAutorotate] is returning YES App supported only portrait orientation in AppDelegate func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return .portrait }
Feb ’24
Mac OS beta(sonoma 14.4) Crash when using CGDisplayCreateImage(_: CGDirectDisplayID, rect: CGRect)
In our mac catalyst app we access AppKit api's by using MacOS bundle(plugin). when using CGDisplayCreateImage(_: CGDirectDisplayID, rect: CGRect) method the plugin crashes. Implementation: @objc func windowMoved(_ notification: NSNotification) { guard let win = self.window else { return } let displayId = CGMainDisplayID() let winRect = win.contentView?.convert(qrRect, from: self) var rect = win.convertToScreen(winRect ?? self.bounds) if let screenFrame = NSScreen.main?.visibleFrame { rect.origin.y = screenFrame.height - rect.maxY rect.origin.y += screenFrame.minY + win.titlebarHeight } guard let image = CGDisplayCreateImage( displayId, rect: rect) else { return } guard let qrString = image.detectQRCode().first else { return } // ... } Crash report in printed in console: -[RPDaemonProxy proxyCoreGraphicsWithMethodType:config:machPort:completionHandler:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000500960 ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001931deccc __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000192cc6788 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 CoreFoundation 0x000000019329102c -[NSObject(NSObject) __retain_OA] + 0 3 CoreFoundation 0x0000000193148a80 ___forwarding___ + 976 4 CoreFoundation 0x00000001931485f0 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 96 5 ScreenCaptureKit 0x0000000227d9d95c SLSHWCaptureDesktopProxying + 692 6 SkyLight 0x0000000198b370a8 SLSHWCaptureDesktop + 488 7 SkyLight 0x0000000198b3b1ac SLSDisplayCreateImage + 252 8 MacPlugin 0x0000000112e0d374 $s9MacPlugin14MZMacQrScannerC11windowMovedyySo14NSNotificationCF + 1500 9 MacPlugin 0x0000000112e0d714 $s9MacPlugin14MZMacQrScannerC11windowMovedyySo14NSNotificationCFTo + 52 10 CoreFoundation 0x000000019315eb1c __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 148 11 CoreFoundation 0x00000001931f2db8 ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88 12 CoreFoundation 0x00000001931f2d00 _CFXRegistrationPost + 440 13 CoreFoundation 0x000000019312d648 _CFXNotificationPost + 768 14 Foundation 0x0000000194249434 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 88 15 AppKit 0x00000001969ffbfc -[NSWindow _setFrameCommon:display:fromServer:] + 2056 16 AppKit 0x0000000197475080 -[NSWindow _windowMovedToRect:dueToMoveEvent:] + 184 17 AppKit 0x0000000196ae8630 -[NSWindow _windowMoved:] + 832 18 AppKit 0x0000000196ae82a4 -[NSWindow _internalHandleAppKitDefinedEvent:] + 152 19 AppKit 0x0000000196ae8074 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 528 20 AppKit 0x0000000196ae7c90 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 284 21 AppKit 0x00000001971adda8 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 1800 22 UIKitMacHelper 0x00000001acb964f8 -[NSApplication(UINSApplicationSwizzling) _uinsSwizzledSendEvent:] + 252 23 AppKit 0x0000000196dfb954 -[NSApplication _handleEvent:] + 60 24 AppKit 0x00000001969afd24 -[NSApplication run] + 512 25 AppKit 0x0000000196986fa4 NSApplicationMain + 880 26 AppKit 0x0000000196bd9798 +[NSWindow _savedFrameFromString:] + 0 27 UIKitMacHelper 0x00000001acb82198 UINSApplicationMain + 972 28 UIKitCore 0x00000001c2ea2924 UIApplicationMain + 148 29 MyApp-DEBUG 0x00000001049d2d04 main + 64 30 dyld 0x0000000192d020e0 start + 2360 This is working fine in all previous version but crashing in macOS beta 14.4 and 14.4.1.
Feb ’24
FinanceKit - authorization process is not entitled error
I'm currently experimenting with the latest Xcode beta 15.3 (15E5194e) and attempting to integrate FinanceKit]( into my project. However, I've encountered a persistent issue where the app crashes upon attempting to read or request authorization, accompanied by the following error message: FinanceKit/FinanceStore+FinancialDataAuthorization.swift:52: Fatal error: Process is not entitled Upon investigation, I've found no evident entitlements for FinanceKit, despite exploring options like Apple Wallet. Furthermore, I thoroughly examined the info.plist for relevant privacy values but found nothing pertinent. Here's the code snippet that triggers the fatal error, whether it's the request or read function: I don't see anything in entitlements for FinanceKit (I tried Apple Wallet and that didn't make a difference). Additionally, I checked for relevant privacy values for the info.plist but again didn't see anything relevant. Here is the code to reproduce the error (note calling either function will result in the same fatal error): import FinanceKit import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() requestFinancePermission() // readFinancePermission() } private func requestFinancePermission() { Task { do { let status = try await FinanceStore.shared.requestAuthorization() } catch { print("Error: \(error)") } } } private func readFinancePermission() { Task { do { let status = try await FinanceStore.shared.authorizationStatus() } catch { print("Error: \(error)") } } } } I'm seeking clarification on whether FinanceKit is currently usable or if there are additional steps needed for proper integration. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Feb ’24
CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex not generating cgImage on 17.4
CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex function isn't generating cgImage for majority of the images on iOS 17.4 OS version. It works if I pass in option kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize, but doesn't work if this key is missing. This function works with and without kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize in stable OS versions. Is this a new change in iOS 17.4 beta versions?
Feb ’24
App Freezes with AVPlayer Inside NavigationStack on iOS 17.2 beta
I've encountered a critical issue while testing my app, which is available on the App Store, on the iOS 17.2 beta (iPhone SE simulator). The app freezes and becomes unresponsive. Currently, I haven't found a workaround, which means my app is completely non-functional and untestable on iOS 17.2 beta. The app supports iOS 15.2 and later versions, and it has been working fine from iOS 15.2 through iOS 17.1. The problem only occurs on the iOS 17.2 beta. I have been able to reproduce the issue with the sample code provided below. ■ Test Environment: macOS: 14.0 (23A344) Xcode Version: 15.1 beta (15C5042i) iPhone SE 3rd generation (simulator): iOS 17.2 (21C5029e) ■ Steps to Reproduce: Prerequisites: Prepare an audio file, such as an m4a or mp3, and add it to the Bundle Resources. 1 Launch the sample code provided below. 2 Tap on any row's NavigationLink. After tapping, when the program attempts to access the AVPlayer, the following log is displayed in Xcode: CA_UISoundClient.cpp:1127 Device = 0 HALPlugInManagement.cpp:396 HALPlugInManagement::RegisterPlugIns: loading in-process plug-ins AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x600000285600> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46 CA_UISoundClient.cpp:1203 renderer = 0x600000011f90, synchronizer: 0x0, repeat: 0, vol: 1.00 3 Tap the Navigation's Back button at the top left. Depending on the timing, there may be no response when pressing the button (screen). Approximately 15 seconds later, the following log is displayed, and the screen becomes responsive again as it returns to the previous view. AQMEIO.cpp:198 timed out after 15.000s (0 0); suspension count=0 (IOSuspensions: ) MEDeviceStreamClient.cpp:467 AQME Default-InputOutput: client stopping after failed start: <CA_UISoundClientBase@0x104015d00>; running count now 0 CA_UISoundClient.cpp:293 CA_UISoundClientBase::StartPlaying: AddRunningClient failed (status = -66681). changing items while animating can result in a corrupted navigation bar 4 If the issue does not reproduce, quit the app and then return to step 1. In the sample code, whether the issue occurs or not may depend on the timing of screen transitions, scrolling, and tapping. (The issue might occur with a high probability if you tap 'back' during a screen transition animation.) On the production app in question, the issue occurs 100% of the time. ■ Sample code import SwiftUI import AVFoundation @main struct iOSAppHangSampleApp: App { @StateObject var model = ContentModel() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { if #available(iOS 17, *) { NavigationStack { ContentView() .environmentObject(model) } } else { NavigationView { ContentViewIOS15() .environmentObject(model) }.navigationViewStyle(.stack) } } } } @MainActor class ContentModel: ObservableObject { private let player = AVPlayer() @Published var playbackDuration: TimeInterval = .zero func load() { let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "YourAudioFilename", withExtension: "m4a")! // Change to your audio. let avassetURL = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: [AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey: true]) let avPlayerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: avassetURL) self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: avPlayerItem) self.playbackDuration = avPlayerItem.asset.duration.seconds } } @available(iOS 17, *) struct ContentView: View { @EnvironmentObject private var model: ContentModel private let urls: [URL] = { (0..<50).map { URL(fileURLWithPath: "\($0)")} }() @State private var selected: Int? var body: some View { List(selection: $selected) { ForEach(urls.indices, id: \.self) { idx in let _ = urls[idx] NavigationLink(value: idx) { Text("\(idx)") } } } .navigationDestination(item: $selected) { idx in Content3View() .environmentObject(model) } } } @available(iOS 15, *) struct ContentViewIOS15: View { @EnvironmentObject var model: ContentModel let urls: [URL] = { (0..<50).map { URL(fileURLWithPath: "\($0)")} }() @State var selected: Int? var body: some View { List() { ForEach(urls.indices, id: \.self) { idx in let _ = urls[idx] NavigationLink(tag: idx, selection: $selected) { if selected == idx { Content3View() .environmentObject(model) } } label: { Text("\(idx)") } } } } } struct Content3View: View { @EnvironmentObject private var model: ContentModel var body: some View { Text("duration: \(model.playbackDuration)") .onAppear() { model.load() } } } ■ Investigation The sample code has been tested on the iPhone 17.0 simulator, 15.2 simulator, and an iPhone 17.1 real device, but the issue only appears on the 17.2 beta. Also, when replacing NavigationStack with NavigationView in the sample code, the issue does not seem to occur on iOS 17.2. I'm not sure about the relationship between the back navigation and toolbar inside NavigationStack, but it might be related to the following content in the iOS 17.2 Release Notes. Resolved Issues * Fixed: Resolved a possible Swift access conflict crash that could occur with toolbar items. (113992797) This issue also brings to mind the randomness associated with NavigationView / NavigationStack that I've observed. iOS 16.4 NavigationStack Behavior Unstable SwiftUI NavigationView pops back when updating observableObject ■ if anyone has found a workaround, please let me know. I have not been able to confirm whether this issue occurs only on the Simulator, but it is preventing me from continuing to test on iOS 17.2 beta since the app is completely non-functional. If this is an issue with iOS 17.2 beta, I hope for a resolution before the official release of iOS 17.2.
Feb ’24
Both internal testing and external testing in TestFlight
I have two release trains going in TestFlight: The App Store version v1.0(0) with bug fixes v1.0(1), v1.0(2), etc. The next feature version with additional functionalities of the app v1.1(0), v1.1(1), v1.1(2), etc. Is there any way to have v1.0(x) be for internal testing, and have v1.1(x) be for external testing? I really need to start external testing the next release of the app in TestFlight, while also bug fixing the current version of the app in TestFlight. Thanks!
Feb ’24
iOS 16.0 beta 7 broke Text(Date(), style: .timer) in SwiftUI widgets
Hi, In my apps, the recent iOS 16.0 beta 7 (20A5356a) broke the .timer DateStyle property of the Text view, in a SwiftUI widget. In previous OS and beta, Text(Date(), style: .timer) was correctly displaying an increasing counter. In iOS 6.0 beta 7, Text(Date(), style: .timer) does not update anymore, (and is offset to the left). The other DateStyle (like .offset, .relative, ...) seems to update correctly. Anyone noticed that (very specific) problem ?
Feb ’24
Sonoma 14.4 Notes crash
Notes crashes 2 seconds after opening with the log `Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000120c50008 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000120c50008 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [23832]`
Feb ’24
External Testers and Groups - App review Guidelines
For external testing through testflight, there is app review process. Link: Planning to submit an app for external testing. However, the backend of the App is an test environment. Is that ok for the **external testing app review process **. The test environment is behind IP restriction. a. Can we provide VPN credentials to apple team for app access and complete the **external testing app review process ** OR b. Does apple team have any IP addresses, that can be add it to our testing environment.
Jan ’24
watchOS 10 - WKInterfaceController title alignment
Hello. In our existing watchOS application developed in Objective-C (not SwiftUI), we used to set the title property of each screen of the application (in Interface Builder or in the Objective-C code). The title was displayed on the top left corner (while the time was displayed on the top right corner) => The two information were on the same line, which left a large part of the screen for the interface without a need for scrolling We have built the application for watchOS 10 (with watchOS 10 Beta 7 SDK) and tested it on watch OS10 Beta 7 on an Apple Watch => the title is displayed on the right, behind the time => It uses two lines and the interface available for the application screens is much reduced. Is there any solution to set the alignment of the title to the left in order to make it appear on the same line as the time, as on watchOS 9? Thanks in advance for your answer Best regards.
Jan ’24
Error in installing enterprise build from XCode15 beta to iOS 17 beta OS device
After updating the os to iOS17 beta, not able to install the enterprise app through ipa, it throws error Error installing '//Downloads/-Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa', ERROR: Error Code=3002 "Failed to install the app on the device." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600019bcc750 {Error Code=3000 "The item at -Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa is not a valid bundle." UserInfo={NSURL=file:////Downloads/-Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa, NSLocalizedDescription=The item at -Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa is not a valid bundle., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to read the bundle.}}, NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to install the app on the device., NSURL=file:///Downloads/-Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa} Kindly update on this. Do any code side changes have to be done for this to fix these issue?
Jan ’24
iOS 17.3 Beta
Since the 1st of January, out of nothing my test device starts to behave like it did during the test of iOS 17 beta 5. The device doesn't find any wifi network anymore and most of the time it disables the functionality completely. The button to toggle on wifi is inactive and can't be changed. So I went thru some post and tried a lot of stuff. I reset the network, not help I tried to remove the networks that could be the issue, remove = ok, but no solution I tried to inactivate the reverse proxy stuff, seems it wasn't even activated. But quite difficult to get there, cause most of the time no window is shown Airdrop doesn't work, but it suggests me to activate wi-fi, but no luck I can't set on the Cellar Data to use it when the wi-fi connection is to bad I did a downgrade to iOS 17.3 beta, cause yes, I was able to do the update before the withdraw of Apple for the version iOS 17.3 beta2 and at the beginning the wifi seemed to work, the device saw multiple wifi networks, but wasn't able to connect to them. And after that the device came back to the situation as before. So it was of short moment, but I was able with a lot of lag, to see the different wi-fi settings, and they seemed all good to me. As there is no wi-fi, on cellar data (4G/5G), I can not do a backup for the amount of data. The problem is that the device is to full and to slow (66GB of the 250GB the device has) to complete versus the MacBook or iCloud. Any suggestion would be great, if there is none, I will do like the last time and do a full restore, with a backup from some time ago.
Jan ’24
iOS 17 beta 5 - Wifi - No networks detected - Slow on opening wifi settings screen
I have updated my iPhone 14 pro max to the iOS 17 beta 4 and since then I can't connect anymore to our wifi network(s). The second device with the same iOS does it well. The faulty device, takes a while before opening the wifi-settings screen, and doesn't show any wifi network. Sometimes it shows mobile devices nearby as hotspots. But even to those I can't connect. In the console you see a kind of endless loop of the wifid process. After a while the device reboots by him selves and as long as you don't do any action on the wifi settings, he remains working. It is true that the device is very slow in case of network action. I did already a network reset, updated in the meanwhile to beta 5. Again a network reset, but the issue remains. Tell me what you need to have as logging to be able to back trace the issue. I don't really have the intention to do a reset of the device as it is a beta device. And I want to see if the issue can be solved by updates or manual intervention on some settings. Another strange behaviour is the fact that when I go into the list of my known networks, it is still filled up, even after a network reset. And when you manually delete an entry it remains. Which makes me think that it could be related to the keychain. If this last is the case, how can I check this.
Jan ’24
Crashes with associateToEnterpriseNetwork with null values for SSID
FB12755685 Sent a feedback through feedback assistant and wanted to elaborate more over here. Our application configures and connects to wireless networks using CoreWLAN. We started seeing crashes while connecting with the latest Beta versions of Sonoma. The crashes showed EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0) which led me to believe it might be a CPU architecture issue due to the mention of i386 but that was completely wrong. Turns out the error is due to: *** CFRetain() called with NULL *** CFRetain.cold.1 [CWInterface associateToEnterpriseNetwork:identity:username:password:error:] + 127 Sample code to consistently reproduce the crash on Sonoma CWInterface* interface = [CWInterface interfaceWithName:@“en0”]; NSError *scanError = nil; NSSet* testNetworks = [interface scanForNetworksWithName:@“SSIDName” error:&amp;testScanError]; CWNetwork* network = [testNetworks anyObject]; NSError* connectionError = nil; BOOL connected = [interface associateToEnterpriseNetwork:network identity:identityRef username:nil password:nil error:&amp;connectionError]; //&lt;--crash here The associateToEnterpriseNetwork function expects a CWNetwork object. In the Beta versions of macOS Sonoma, the CWNetwork object has (null) values in the ssid field. This causes a cold CFRetain runtime error when trying to associate to the network. If we can detect a broadcasting "SSIDName" SSID and try to associate to it, we will always crash on the last line. The reason for the crash seems to be due to a difference in how the CWNetwork objects are handled in Sonoma. Sonoma: &lt;CWNetwork: 0x6000036cb590&gt; [ssid=(null), bssid=(null), security=WPA2 Enterprise, rssi=-53, channel=&lt;CWChannel: 0x6000036fce90&gt; [channelNumber=1(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}], ibss=0] Ventura: &lt;CWNetwork: 0x6000010ffa60&gt; [ssid=Chris640, bssid=(null), security=WPA2 Enterprise, rssi=-45, channel=&lt;CWChannel: 0x6000010ffca0&gt; [channelNumber=1(2GHz), channelWidth={20MHz}], ibss=0] Is my assumption that the crash is due to the (null) in the SSID field correct?
Jan ’24