The UIApplication background task mechanism allows you to prevent your app from being suspended for short periods of time. While the API involved is quite small, there’s still a bunch of things to watch out for.
The name background task is somewhat misappropriate. Specifically, beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:) doesn’t actually start any sort of background task, but rather it tells the system that you have started some ongoing work that you want to continue even if your app is in the background. You still have to write the code to create and manage that work. So it’s best to think of the background task API as raising a “don’t suspend me” assertion.
You must end every background task that you begin. Failure to do so will result in your app being killed by the watchdog. For this reason I recommend that you attach a name to each background task you start (by calling beginBackgroundTask(withName:expirationHandler:) rather than beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:)). A good name is critical for tracking down problems when things go wrong.
IMPORTANT Failing to end a background task is the number one cause of background task problems on iOS. This usually involves some easy-to-overlook error in bookkeeping that results in the app begining a background task and not ending it. For example, you might have a property that stores your current background task identifier (of type UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier). If you accidentally creates a second background task and store it in that property without calling endBackgroundTask on the identifier that’s currently stored there, the app will ‘leak’ a background task, something that will get it killed by the watchdog. One way to avoid this is to wrap the background task in an object; see the QRunInBackgroundAssertion post on this thread for an example.
Background tasks can end in one of two ways:
When your app has finished doing whatever it set out to do.
When the system calls the task’s expiry handler.
Your code is responsible for calling endBackgroundTask(_:) in both cases.
All background tasks must have an expiry handler that the system can use to ‘call in’ the task. The background task API allows the system to do that at any time.
Your expiry handler is your opportunity to clean things up. It should not return until everything is actually cleaned up. It must run quickly, that is, in less than a second or so. If it takes too long, your app will be killed by the watchdog.
Your expiry handler is called on the main thread.
It is legal to begin and end background tasks on any thread, but doing this from a secondary thread can be tricky because you have to coordinate that work with the expiry handler, which is always called on the main thread.
The system puts strict limits on the total amount of time that you can prevent suspension using background tasks. On current systems you can expect about 30 seconds.
IMPORTANT I’m quoting these numbers just to give you a rough idea of what to expect. The target values have changed in the past and may well change in the future, and the amount of time you actually get depends on the state of the system. The thing to remember here is that the exact value doesn’t matter as long as your background tasks have a functional expiry handler.
You can get a rough estimate of the amount of time available to you by looking at UIApplication’s backgroundTimeRemaining property.
IMPORTANT The value returned by backgroundTimeRemaining is an estimate and can change at any time. You must design your app to function correctly regardless of the value returned. It’s reasonable to use this property for debugging but we strongly recommend that you avoid using as part of your app’s logic.
IMPORTANT Basing app behaviour on the value returned by backgroundTimeRemaining is the number two cause of background task problems on iOS.
The system does not guarantee any background task execution time. It’s possible (albeit unlikely, as covered in the next point) that you’ll be unable to create a background task. And even if you do manage to create one, its expiry handler can be called at any time.
beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler:) can fail, returning UIBackgroundTaskInvalid, to indicate that you the system is unable to create a background task. While this was a real possibility when background tasks were first introduced, where some devices did not support multitasking, you’re unlikely to see this on modern systems.
The background time ‘clock’ only starts to tick when the background task becomes effective. For example, if you start a background task while the app is in the foreground and then stay in the foreground, the background task remains dormant until your app moves to the background. This can help simplify your background task tracking logic.
The amount of background execution time you get is a property of your app, not a property of the background tasks themselves. For example, starting two background task in a row won’t give you 60 seconds of background execution time.
Notwithstanding the previous point, it can still make sense to create multiple background tasks, just to help with your tracking logic. For example, it’s common to create a background task for each job being done by your app, ending the task when the job is done.
Do not create too many background tasks. How many is too many? It’s absolutely fine to create tens of background tasks but creating thousands is not a good idea.
IMPORTANT iOS 11 introduced a hard limit on the number of background task assertions a process can have (currently about 1000, but the specific value may change in the future). If you see a crash report with the exception code 0xbada5e47, you’ve hit that limit.
Note The practical limit that you’re most likely to see here is the time taken to call your expiry handlers. The watchdog has a strict limit (a few seconds) on the total amount of time taken to run background task expiry handlers. If you have thousands of handlers, you may well run into this limit.
If you’re working in a context where you don’t have access to UIApplication (an app extension or on watchOS) you can achieve a similar effect using the performExpiringActivity(withReason:using:) method on ProcessInfo.
If your app ‘leaks’ a background task, it may end up being killed by the watchdog. This results in a crash report with the exception code 0x8badf00d (“ate bad food”).
IMPORTANT A leaked background task is not the only reason for an 0x8badf00d crash. You should look at the backtrace of the main thread to see if the main thread is stuck in your code, for example, in a synchronous networking request. If, however, the main thread is happily blocked in the run loop, a leaked background task should be your primary suspect.
Prior to iOS 11 information about any outstanding background tasks would appear in the resulting crash report (look for the text BKProcessAssertion). This information is not included by iOS 11 and later, but you can find equivalent information in the system log.
The system log is very noisy so it’s important that you give each of your background tasks an easy-to-find name.
For more system log hints and tips, see Your Friend the System Log.
iOS 13 introduced the Background Tasks framework. This supports two type of requests:
The BGAppRefreshTaskRequest class subsumes UIKit’s older background app refresh functionality.
The BGProcessingTaskRequest class lets you request extended background execution time, typically overnight.
WWDC 2020 Session 10063 Background execution demystified is an excellent summary of iOS’s background execution model. Watch it, learn it, love it!
For more background execution hints and tips, see Background Tasks Resources.
Share and Enjoy
Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Revision History
2023-06-16 Added a link to my QRunInBackgroundAssertion post.
2022-06-08 Corrected a serious error in the discussion of BGProcessingTaskRequest. Replaced the basic system log info with a reference to Your Friend the System Log. Added a link to Background Tasks Resources. Made other minor editorial changes.
2021-02-27 Fixed the formatting. Added a reference to the Background Tasks framework and the Background execution demystified WWDC presentation. Minor editorial changes.
2019-01-20 Added a note about changes in the iOS 13 beta. Added a short discussion about beginning and ending background tasks on a secondary thread.
2018-02-28 Updated the task name discussion to account for iOS 11 changes. Added a section on how to debug ‘leaked’ background tasks.
2017-10-31 Added a note about iOS 11’s background task limit.
2017-09-12 Numerous updates to clarify various points.
2017-08-17 First posted.
I've implemented a VPN app with Packet Tunnel Provider for MacOS and iOS.I have two questions regarding the Extension's sleep/wake functions:1. If the VPN configuration is set with disconnectOnSleep = false, and at the extension I'm sending keep-alives every X seconds, What would happen when the device enters sleep mode? Will it keep sending keep-alive (because the VPN is configured with disconnectOnSleep=false) ?2. If the VPN configuration is set with disconnectOnSleep = true, and also isOnDemandEnabled = true. When the device enters sleep mode, do I need to disconnect the VPN myself? Or the OS would take care of it? And if I should disconnect it myself, the on-demand won't try to turn it on again (because the on-demand) ?
One question I often see on DevForums and in my day DTS job is if a Core Data object managed by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer can be shared with other iCloud users.
The answer is yes but you need to do it using CloudKit API directly because NSPersistentCloudKitContainer doesn’t support CloudKit shared database (CKContainer.sharedCloudDatabase) today.
Assuming you have a Core Data object, let’s say a document, that you’d like to collaborate with your colleagues:
You are the document owner and can use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to fully manages the document and synchronize it across your devices.
You can grab a CloudKit record associated with your document from NSPersistentCloudKitContainer using record(for:) or recordID(for:), and share it to your colleagues using UICloudSharingController. See our Sharing CloudKit Data with Other iCloud Users - sample for how to share a CloudKit record.
After accepting the sharing, your colleague, as a participant, can view or edit the shared document. The document resides in the participant’s CloudKit shared database and you have to manage it with your own code.
When your colleague edits and saves the shared document, the changes go to the owner’s private database, and eventually synchronize to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer on the owner side.
As you can see, you need to implement #2 and #3 with your own code because NSPersistentCloudKitContainer can’t manage the data in the participant's shared database. If you have any difficulty after going through the above sample code, you can contact Apple’s DTS for help.
I am trying to follow the guidance for testing a Local Experience, as listed in the Testing Your App Clip’s Launch Experience - documentation. I have successfully created my App Clip target, and can confirm that running the App Clip on my device does launch the App Clip app as I expected. Further, I can successfully test the App Clip on device, by setting the _XCAppClipURL argument in the App Clip's scheme.
I would like to test a Local Experience. The documentation states that for testing Local Experiences;
To test your app clip’s invocation with a local experience, you don’t need to add the Associated Domains Entitlement, make changes to the Apple App Site Association file on your web server, or create an app clip experience for testing in TestFlight. Therefore, I should be able to configure a Local Experience with any desired domain in Settings -> Developer -> Local Experience, generate a QR code or NFC tag with that same URL, and the App Clip experience should appear. I have taken the following steps;
Built and run my App Clip on my local device.
In Settings -> Developer -> Local Experience, I have registered a new experience using a URL prefix
Set my Bundle ID to com.mycompany.myapp.Clip, which exactly matches the Bundle Identifier, as listed in Xcode, under my App Clip target.
Generated a QR code which directs me to
In theory, I believe I should be able to open the Camera app on my device, point the camera at the QR code, and the App Clip experience should appear. However, I received mixed experiences. 50% of the time, I receive a pop-up directing me to open in Safari, the other 50% of the time, no banner or action occurs whatsoever.
Is this an issue anyone has faced before, or have I pursued these steps out of order?
i thought it is impossible to have CallKit show system UI for outgoing calls. but then i saw this:
"For incoming and outgoing calls, CallKit displays the same interfaces as the Phone app..."
how do i present it though? or is this a documentation error?
Hi, I have pretty trivial problem. So, I am trying to use URLSession network request but I am getting errors.
This code is in the shared file that works when I run it as app, but when I run it as AppClip it is not working. Running on the simulator is working even as AppClip.
Here is the code (pretty trivial):
let session = URLSession.shared
let url = URL(string: "")!
let task = session.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { _, response, error in
I am getting this error:
2020-11-20 19:35:05.189273+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633304] [Client] Updating selectors after delegate removal failed with: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service on pid 92 named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service on pid 92 named was invalidated from this process.}
2020-11-20 19:35:05.363730+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.1:3] connectx(8 (guarded), [srcif=0, srcaddr=<NULL>, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.364100+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.1:3] connectx failed (fd 8) [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.364195+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.368229+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.2:3] connectx(8 (guarded), [srcif=0, srcaddr=<NULL>, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.368424+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.2:3] connectx failed (fd 8) [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.368484+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.370781+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.3:3] connectx(8 (guarded), [srcif=0, srcaddr=<NULL>, dstaddr=], SAE_ASSOCID_ANY, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, SAE_CONNID_ANY) failed: [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.370989+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [connection] nw_socket_connect [C1.3:3] connectx failed (fd 8) [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.371054+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] [] nw_socket_connect connectx failed [65: No route to host]
2020-11-20 19:35:05.372142+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Connection 1: received failure notification
2020-11-20 19:35:05.372241+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Connection 1: failed to connect 1:65, reason -1
2020-11-20 19:35:05.372291+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Connection 1: encountered error(1:65)
2020-11-20 19:35:05.374764+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633300] Task <3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F>.<1> HTTP load failed, 0/0 bytes (error code: -1004 [1:65])
2020-11-20 19:35:05.383016+0100 ExampleAppClip[14703:4633299] Task <3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F>.<1> finished with error [-1004] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, NSUnderlyingError=0x282ecc5a0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(
&#9;&#9;"LocalDataTask <3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F>.<1>"
), NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}
Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1004 "Could not connect to the server." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, NSUnderlyingError=0x282ecc5a0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1004 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=65, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(
&#9;&#9;"LocalDataTask <3C72DFED-F839-4BD2-9FE2-CC0B8BB7090F>.<1>"
), NSLocalizedDescription=Could not connect to the server., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1})
I regularly see folks having problems importing cryptographic keys, so I thought I’d write down some hints and tips on how to recognise and import the various key formats. This post describes how to import each type of key. A companion post, On Cryptographic Keys Formats, discusses how to recognise the format of the data you have.
If you have questions about any of this stuff, put them a new thread in Privacy & Security > General. Tag your thread with Security or Apple CrytoKit, or both!, so that I see it.
Finally, if you want to see a specific example of these techniques in action, see Importing a PEM-based RSA Private Key and its Certificate.
Share and Enjoy
Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Importing Cryptographic Keys
Apple platforms support 5 different key types:
RSA (Security framework only)
SECG secp256r1, aka NIST P-256 (Security framework and Apple CryptoKit)
SECG secp384r1, aka NIST P-384 (Security framework and Apple CryptoKit)
SECG secp521r1, aka NIST P-521 (Security framework and Apple CryptoKit)
Curve 25519 (Apple CryptoKit only)
This post explains how to import each type of key. If you’re not sure what type of key you have, or how its encoded, or you run into weird problems and suspect that you might be using the wrong key type or encoding, read On Cryptographic Keys Formats.
Note This post focuses on APIs available on all Apple platforms. Some Mac-specific APIs can import other formats.
The Security framework uses the SecKey type for all key types that it supports.
Apple CryptoKit has a different approach: It uses different types for different key types, which helps catch common programming mistakes at compile time. There are 4 top-level enums:
P256, for SECG secp256r1
P384, for SECG secp384r1
P521, for SECG secp521r1
Curve25519, for Curve 25519
Each of those enums contains a KeyAgreement enum and a Signing enum, where you express the intended purpose for your key. In this post I always use Signing but the code will work the same if you choose KeyAgreement.
Finally, in each of those enums you’ll find both Public and Private types; these are structs that represent a specific public or private key.
Undo PEM Encoding
Writing a full-featured PEM parser is tricky. It is, however, relatively straightforward to undo the PEM encoding of a known simple PEM file. For example, if you have this file:
% cat p256-private-key.pem
Decode it like so:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "p256-private-key.pem")
guard let pem = try? String(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
let pemBase64 = pem
.split(separator: "\n")
guard let pemData = Data(base64Encoded: String(pemBase64)) else {
… handle error …
debugPrint(pemData as NSData)
// prints:
// <30818702 01003013 06072a86 48ce3d02 0106082a 8648ce3d … d4bb56da 91c7>
Import RSA Keys
Use SecKeyCreateWithData to import an RSA key. If you have an RSAPublicKey structure like this:
% xxd -p rsa-public-key.der
% dumpasn1 -p -a rsa-public-key.der
00 CF 24 3C 32 4B 26 24 70 13 16 48 61 4B 62 EE
9C 52 AF 43 31 9C 24 98 A7 C1 6B A9 79 0B B3 A8
81 F9 60 F7 B0 30 3F 8F 49 E8 6F ED D6 81 3B E5
FA 88 83 93 55 D0 44 26 DF 00 50 DB B7 71 EB 68
37 73 B7 DD 92 99 49 69 50 93 F9 10 C8 DC DB 63
36 74 DE 98 6A DA 8D 64 3E 0E 81 9B 7C D5 AB 3B
DE 43 72 10 37 97 47 2D C8 43 A2 71 16 99 E2 1A
4A FD DE ED 9F 62 81 03 16 90 34 57 34 2C 34 5A
35 EB B2 F0 6D A0 19 FE D2 AF A5 6E 78 56 6E 75
A0 D7 12 84 9A E2 55 15 5D 93 04 34 83 18 93 06
11 B3 B4 F1 15 3D 77 EE 59 70 F0 76 29 9C 54 8C
8A FF F5 31 57 20 50 48 AD E2 6D 40 93 0A F2 EC
C9 6D 4F 77 E8 59 15 23 B7 67 FA 3C DB C4 5A 8A
21 03 39 C4 A5 56 CE A2 E0 DF A3 EE 81 9B 62 E4
63 F7 5D 87 A5 3C 2F BD 1B BC B8 EC 8F E2 E8 00
0C E3 72 35 FA 90 31 13 C7 B3 7D 9C 2A 8B 39 C5
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "rsa-public-key.der")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(keyBytes as NSData, [
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
] as NSDictionary, nil) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// <SecKeyRef algorithm id: 1, key type: RSAPublicKey, version: 4, block size: 2048 bits, exponent: {hex: 10001, decimal: 65537}, modulus: …, addr: …>
Note You don’t need to include any other attributes in the dictionary you pass to SecKeyCreateWithData. Specifically, many folks think that they need to pass in the kSecAttrKeySizeInBits attribute. This isn’t the case; SecKeyCreateWithData will work out the key size from the key data.
If you have an RSAPrivateKey structure like this:
% xxd -p rsa-private-key.der
% dumpasn1 -p -a rsa-private-key.der
00 CF 24 3C 32 4B 26 24 70 13 16 48 61 4B 62 EE
9C 52 AF 43 31 9C 24 98 A7 C1 6B A9 79 0B B3 A8
81 F9 60 F7 B0 30 3F 8F 49 E8 6F ED D6 81 3B E5
FA 88 83 93 55 D0 44 26 DF 00 50 DB B7 71 EB 68
37 73 B7 DD 92 99 49 69 50 93 F9 10 C8 DC DB 63
36 74 DE 98 6A DA 8D 64 3E 0E 81 9B 7C D5 AB 3B
DE 43 72 10 37 97 47 2D C8 43 A2 71 16 99 E2 1A
4A FD DE ED 9F 62 81 03 16 90 34 57 34 2C 34 5A
35 EB B2 F0 6D A0 19 FE D2 AF A5 6E 78 56 6E 75
A0 D7 12 84 9A E2 55 15 5D 93 04 34 83 18 93 06
11 B3 B4 F1 15 3D 77 EE 59 70 F0 76 29 9C 54 8C
8A FF F5 31 57 20 50 48 AD E2 6D 40 93 0A F2 EC
C9 6D 4F 77 E8 59 15 23 B7 67 FA 3C DB C4 5A 8A
21 03 39 C4 A5 56 CE A2 E0 DF A3 EE 81 9B 62 E4
63 F7 5D 87 A5 3C 2F BD 1B BC B8 EC 8F E2 E8 00
0C E3 72 35 FA 90 31 13 C7 B3 7D 9C 2A 8B 39 C5
44 B6 94 71 6A 94 60 89 FD 0A EB 3F BB 2E 3A 51
08 EC B2 B1 86 46 6D 8D 58 90 4A 4B A9 22 13 C7
E9 DD CC CC 59 74 FC 27 5C 3F A4 F9 FF 2C CB 81
6C 3F 99 64 62 0D F9 87 08 27 CA 7A F4 03 4F 32
F5 E4 0C 50 51 21 15 1A 71 BB B1 61 B0 41 E6 8B
6E 01 59 36 39 01 A6 3B 1F BC C6 C3 86 6D A3 12
7B F5 1E 84 12 5E BE 45 2C 8A 7A 51 31 02 DC 0D
FC 61 33 1A 28 26 FB CB 44 52 D8 8A AA 0F 43 CC
FE 43 6E 15 54 F9 5B DD 88 3C 41 E7 E8 52 9F AC
D7 55 6B A5 39 AF 3E 08 3E 71 43 DD F8 63 7F 67
B5 9E EA 49 4B 02 39 6F F5 08 9A 19 64 48 DC 8F
7E B2 36 D2 F9 2A 33 58 D0 D6 F5 AF 14 43 20 54
00 BB D2 75 8D 3E C7 CB 20 8C 11 7D 78 D6 84 09
F9 87 FD 6E 43 A9 3A 26 96 1C 10 C0 5F 85 45 88
21 59 4D 24 2F 81 06 85 6C 39 3F 3B 97 1C AE 1B
FC 20 31 9E 37 14 7B 22 D2 D2 17 9E D5 84 4E 81
00 F2 7C 96 E8 4D 6F F8 14 C5 69 96 A0 E1 43 FA
85 10 6D 74 E2 EA A8 48 34 7D 86 81 BB CC 39 6D
85 FC B5 1D 31 8F 54 3A D2 50 90 FE 08 7E 0E 1E
E0 20 2F 2E E8 67 4E 58 60 9C 22 CC 56 E3 05 C5
C5 5B 01 6D 0C A4 5C 84 7A C8 8B 59 DD 8A 59 73
88 B0 9D 7D 5F 86 E2 CD F6 0C B7 66 0D 94 A5 E4
E6 F5 39 50 6A 6A AC DF 67 FB 94 58 B0 16 A6 3D
72 39 21 29 EF F5 FA A2 10 A1 73 9D 94 8E F0 45
00 DA AF 65 E6 51 38 2B AE D7 53 22 2A B5 3D FB
2F 79 EF 96 C6 BD EC 1C 28 22 E5 B8 40 59 00 CF
92 03 B2 A0 E0 15 D1 20 42 CC 9E 68 6B BF 3E 5D
2D 73 2E D7 45 E2 A1 CC 17 87 63 7B 8F 14 72 7D
D5 DA 11 26 1D 3A 7C BE 35 21 29 6F 26 9C DF 2A
16 EA 29 74 A7 10 B1 4F 3E 61 48 4D 25 80 FE F9
C5 BF 49 65 A7 A9 EE 60 55 A8 C2 78 67 60 94 08
7E F1 64 3E 81 AB 17 30 7C A4 0B 79 16 6B 69 3F
3E D4 63 71 9B A6 F8 7B C1 4F 03 95 79 E8 D8 3F
A4 2B 08 4F 47 88 04 F5 7C D4 DE 46 9F BA FD 92
EB 10 AE 98 C9 CF 84 52 3C 47 E5 5A A3 F6 DA AF
2E 07 AB BA D2 11 AD BA 92 9A 3D A2 01 BE DC 28
AF D4 E5 C1 91 D0 DB 0E C9 69 BA 06 3A 33 C5 48
D4 A2 69 FA D7 83 6A E4 67 15 1A 1F 48 B5 D7 62
B4 85 7E 3D A4 98 58 66 A3 FC 23 22 B5 2B AB DE
2D C9 57 09 73 0D D6 F2 42 33 27 D0 77 5C F0 43
00 C4 F1 43 36 C9 9C 69 92 BB 2E 8E 4D A2 0D E0
C2 1F F1 4A 7B 4F 9D 6C BA 24 BB 77 54 D4 12 EB
DC 96 E1 EF 09 FF FB E7 2E E1 72 23 9E 2D 8C 2F
83 F8 00 8E 34 CC E6 63 94 29 04 C9 C8 D0 64 4F
B9 20 FB 62 B4 DD F0 6B A8 13 66 6A 48 7E EC 67
CE 5D 31 DA 71 7E 92 00 48 B0 79 D9 A8 55 E4 CA
F2 70 D3 DB ED C4 16 FE C1 06 0B A5 3D 8C 77 A4
B3 16 17 EE 46 FE DB 12 7A 9D 8E 0B 8D CA 4B ED
0C 2F E6 43 BF C8 C8 1B 39 F1 A5 74 C7 51 D2 C5
EE 0C E8 36 A7 72 19 73 50 F2 F0 A6 A4 D5 24 87
90 A0 CD F0 C2 5A 69 A8 83 4D 64 5E A3 C9 6E E7
40 D9 5A DE EA 68 92 59 AC 4C E3 6A 73 10 C8 6C
9C 35 44 1F DD 96 FF 8C EC 89 A6 5F 8C 86 66 BB
C2 A4 2C D2 A5 8E 70 B1 E8 B2 26 9E D6 30 7C 5A
21 43 CB D4 1D E4 68 2D EA 4A 38 8A 7C 8D 2F 40
88 E9 A2 00 8F A9 86 F9 B0 E9 2F A5 17 EC C7 7B
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "rsa-private-key.der")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(keyBytes as NSData, [
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
] as NSDictionary, nil) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// <SecKeyRef algorithm id: 1, key type: RSAPrivateKey, version: 4, block size: 2048 bits, addr: …>
Finally, an oft-forgotten feature of SecKeyCreateWithData is that it can undo a SubjectPublicKeyInfo wrapper. So, if you have an RSA public key wrapped in a SubjectPublicKeyInfo like this:
% xxd -p public-key-rsa.der
% dumpasn1 -p -a public-key-rsa.der
OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
BIT STRING, encapsulates {
00 BC E7 36 00 6D 9B 0A 2A 49 50 8F 32 E8 D6 6F
2B 26 23 62 63 A4 76 F5 A2 EA F6 AF 34 F0 05 5B
12 B3 BE A5 F5 A6 2F 3A AB 82 27 4C 3E 3B 21 D1
5C C7 41 10 0C 67 0D D7 68 7D 9C 7E 5C 01 2D 95
BF 51 77 99 30 87 DF 44 1C 99 44 D1 0D FF 07 67
AB FD 6E 41 2D F2 79 E4 E5 18 B9 05 E5 58 2F 96
7B 6B 2A 64 EE AE EF 71 2C 59 42 68 FB FF 9C C2
E6 38 33 EB FF B7 F0 0C 61 FD 72 24 AE 23 28 04
7E 13 BB B9 04 89 9E 9A D5 C9 F4 4C FF F5 CD 9A
2D F5 A5 B6 29 BE C6 05 D6 EC DC E5 DA CB A4 0C
B1 19 69 5F 7C 3D BD 19 E6 FC D8 6A 13 70 0D FE
68 18 D1 89 4A CA 91 72 A1 E8 57 54 06 41 97 1F
7D 7C 95 33 AE E2 04 7C 16 C1 C4 F1 25 E8 30 B2
7D 5E 80 D4 45 C2 FE 09 FA 55 86 EE 0B B1 05 80
0F D1 E8 48 9E 44 B2 F1 23 EE EF 1C CE EB EB 1B
A2 D0 94 92 39 44 18 1C 51 32 08 C1 F3 7F CA 31
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "public-key-rsa.der")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(keyBytes as NSData, [
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
] as NSDictionary, nil) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// <SecKeyRef algorithm id: 1, key type: RSAPublicKey, version: 4, block size: 2048 bits, exponent: {hex: 10001, decimal: 65537}, modulus: …, addr: …>
Import SECG Keys with Security Framework
If you’re working with Security framework, use SecKeyCreateWithData to import an SECG key. If you have a secp256r1 public key in X9.63 format:
% xxd p256-public-key.dat
00000000: 0497 47e9 81aa b8ea 71a2 55cd 9a15 6285 ..G.....q.U...b.
00000010: 8c40 6006 f1e4 1826 0d31 e1a7 7f6c 2b35 .@`....&.1...l+5
00000020: a9a3 132f 232d b003 51d9 d800 3487 d4ee .../#-..Q...4...
00000030: 5284 7990 313d aa7c 721f 88d4 bb56 da91 R.y.1=.|r....V..
00000040: c7 .
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "p256-public-key.dat")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(keyBytes as NSData, [
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
] as NSDictionary, nil) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// <SecKeyRef curve type: kSecECCurveSecp256r1, algorithm id: 3, key type: ECPublicKey, version: 4, block size: 256 bits, y: …, x: …, addr: …>
Note I’m using secp256r1 as an example. The code in this section will work for the other SECG key types, secp384r1 and secp521r1.
And if you have a secp256r1 private key in X9.63 format:
% xxd p256-private-key.dat
00000000: 0497 47e9 81aa b8ea 71a2 55cd 9a15 6285 ..G.....q.U...b.
00000010: 8c40 6006 f1e4 1826 0d31 e1a7 7f6c 2b35 .@`....&.1...l+5
00000020: a9a3 132f 232d b003 51d9 d800 3487 d4ee .../#-..Q...4...
00000030: 5284 7990 313d aa7c 721f 88d4 bb56 da91 R.y.1=.|r....V..
00000040: c798 6a7a 91cb b5f4 f816 36e8 1aaf f083 ..jz......6.....
00000050: 5a77 1dc6 6865 c407 a8e8 4469 cf6a b8a4 Zw..he....Di.j..
00000060: 77 w
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "p256-private-key.dat")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(keyBytes as NSData, [
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
] as NSDictionary, nil) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// <SecKeyRef curve type: kSecECCurveSecp256r1, algorithm id: 3, key type: ECPrivateKey, version: 4, block size: 256 bits, addr: …>
Import SECG Keys with Apple CryptoKit
Apple CryptoKit can import SECG keys in three different ways:
X9.63 raw key bytes
DER encoding
PEM encoding
If you have a secp256r1 public key in X9.63 format, import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "p256-public-key.dat")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let publicKey = try? P256.Signing.PublicKey(x963Representation: keyBytes) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// PublicKey(impl: CryptoKit.CoreCryptoNISTCurvePublicKeyImpl<CryptoKit.P256.CurveDetails>(keyBytes: […]]))
Note I’m using secp256r1 as an example. The code in this section will work for the other SECG key types, secp384r1 and secp521r1.
If you have a secp256r1 private key in X9.63 format import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "p256-private-key.dat")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = try? P256.Signing.PrivateKey(x963Representation: keyBytes) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// PrivateKey(impl: CryptoKit.CoreCryptoNISTCurvePrivateKeyImpl<CryptoKit.P256.CurveDetails>(key: CryptoKit.SecureBytes(backing: CryptoKit.SecureBytes.Backing)))
CryptoKit can also import a DER-encoded SECG key. For example, it can import the following using the init(derRepresentation:) initialiser:
% xxd -p public-key-p256.der
% dumpasn1 -p -a public-key-p256.der
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
04 2C 21 F3 70 49 D4 46 4A FB F0 18 13 C5 1A 4E
1E F7 A8 10 1D 2A A1 2B 6A 88 96 35 BC 7C 37 E9
01 1B FD D5 40 06 FD EB DA EF 0D 86 A6 D6 62 56
13 47 98 2C 95 27 60 13 D1 C1 CD 2D 78 65 AF F0
% xxd -p private-key-p256.der
% dumpasn1 -p -a private-key-p256.der
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1)
OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7)
OCTET STRING, encapsulates {
98 6A 7A 91 CB B5 F4 F8 16 36 E8 1A AF F0 83 5A
77 1D C6 68 65 C4 07 A8 E8 44 69 CF 6A B8 A4 77
[1] {
04 97 47 E9 81 AA B8 EA 71 A2 55 CD 9A 15 62 85
8C 40 60 06 F1 E4 18 26 0D 31 E1 A7 7F 6C 2B 35
A9 A3 13 2F 23 2D B0 03 51 D9 D8 00 34 87 D4 EE
52 84 79 90 31 3D AA 7C 72 1F 88 D4 BB 56 DA 91
Finally, CryptoKit can import a PEM-encoded SECG. For example, it can import the following using the init(pemRepresentation:) initialiser:
% cat public-key-p256.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
% cat private-key-p256.pem
Mapping SECG Keys between Apple CryptoKit and Security Framework
If you need to map an SECG key from Apple CryptoKit to Security framework, or vice versa, use the X9.63 format.
Imagine that you’re working in Security framework but you need to import a PEM key. SecKeyCreateWithData will not accept an SECG key in PEM format; it requires that the key be in X9.63 format. CryptoKit can import a PEM key but you want to continue using your existing Security framework code. Fortunately there’s a way out of this bind:
Import the PEM key using Apple CryptoKit.
Get the X9.63 representation.
Create the Security framework key from that.
For example, the following routine imports a PEM secp256r1 private key and returns a SecKey object:
func createSecKeyWithPEMSecp256r1Private(_ pem: String) throws -> SecKey {
let privateKeyCK = try P256.Signing.PrivateKey(pemRepresentation: pem)
let x963Data = privateKeyCK.x963Representation
var errorQ: Unmanaged<CFError>? = nil
guard let privateKeySF = SecKeyCreateWithData(x963Data as NSData, [
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
] as NSDictionary, &errorQ) else {
throw errorQ!.takeRetainedValue()
return privateKeySF
To go the other way, from Security framework to CryptoKit, call SecKeyCopyExternalRepresentation to get the X9.63 representation of the key and then create a CryptoKit value using the init(x963Representation:) initialiser.
Importing Curve 25519 Keys
Apple CryptoKit supports Curve 25519 keys. If you have the raw bytes of a Curve 25519 public key:
% xxd curve25519-public-key.dat
00000000: 910b f46f 0c0d c836 878f a708 60fd de21 ...o...6....`..!
00000010: 9d5f 6265 0a83 a7c5 923d 2ab7 4b81 76c5 ._be.....=*.K.v.
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "curve25519-public-key.dat")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let publicKey = try? Curve25519.Signing.PublicKey(rawRepresentation: keyBytes) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// PublicKey(baseKey: CryptoKit.Curve25519.Signing.CoreCryptoCurve25519PublicKeyImpl(keyBytes: […]))
If you have the raw bytes of a Curve 25519 private key:
% xxd curve25519-private-key.dat
00000000: 9fd9 0805 255b ae86 a6c3 035b 2de8 37e9 ....%[.....[-.7.
00000010: 29ea 792e a11f d466 e67e d0b2 65c0 a999 ).y....f.~..e...
Import it with this code:
let u = URL(fileURLWithPath: "curve25519-private-key.dat")
guard let keyBytes = try? Data(contentsOf: u) else {
… handle error …
guard let privateKey = try? Curve25519.Signing.PrivateKey(rawRepresentation: keyBytes) else {
… handle error …
// prints:
// PrivateKey(baseKey: CryptoKit.Curve25519.Signing.CoreCryptoCurve25519PrivateKeyImpl(key: CryptoKit.SecureBytes(backing: CryptoKit.SecureBytes.Backing)))
Revision History
2025-02-04 Added a link to Importing a PEM-based RSA Private Key and its Certificate. Made other minor editorial changes.
2021-05-23 First posted.
We had push notifications and associated domains capabilities to our app but something happened either with my certificates or Xcode and they disappeared and can't add any capabilities anymore.
Our App ID, certificate and provisioning profile are all correct and contain the correct capabilities.
I have been playing around with the new AsyncImage Api in SwiftUI
I am using the initialiser that passes in a closure with the AsyncImagePhase, to view why an image may not load, when I looked at the error that is passed in if the phase is failure, the localised description of the error is "Cancelled" but this is happening before the view is being displayed.
I am loading these images in a list, I imagine I am probably doing something which is causing the system to decide to cancel the loading, but I cannot see what.
Are there any tips to investigate this further?
I am getting following error from one of the pod frameworks while running the app (Build is a success).
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN5swift34swift50override_conformsToProtocolEPKNS_14TargetMetadataINS_9InProcessEEEPKNS_24TargetProtocolDescriptorIS1_EEPFPKNS_18TargetWitnessTableIS1_EES4_S8_E.
Referenced from: X framework
Expected in: frameworks/DeviceKit.framework/DeviceKit
mac OS 10.15
Xcode 12.4
React native 0.63
cocoapods: 1.10.1
I'm playing library items (MPMediaItem) and apple music tracks (Track) in MPMusicPlayerApplicationController.applicationQueuePlayer, but I can't use the actual Queue functionality because I can't figure out how to get both media types into the same queue. If there's a way to get both types in a single queue, that would solve my problem, but I've given up on that one.
Because I can't use a queue, I have to be able to detect when a song ends so that I can put the next song in the queue and play it. The only way I can figure out to detect when a song ends is by watching the playBackState, and I've actually got that pretty much working, but it's really ugly, because you get playBackState of paused when a song ends, and when a bluetooth speaker disconnects, etc.
The only answer I've been able to find on the internet is to watch the MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChange, and when that fires, and the nowPlayingItem is NIL, a song ends.. but that's not the case. When a song ends, the nowPlayingItem remains the same. There's got to be an answer to this problem, right?
I've just downloaded "Additional Tools for Xcode 13" after today's release, and installed "Network Link Conditioner.prefPane" on my macOS Big Sur 11.6 (20G165).
But it just don't work. Every time I try to open it an error appeared.
Dose the tool only support macOS Monterey which Xcode 13.0 (13A233) dose not support?
BTW, the workaround for me is using the tool in "Additional Tools for Xcode 12.5"...
XCode 13 is super slow, build time is 10~20 times longer than Xcode 12。The worst release ever.
Did something change on face detection / Vision Framework on iOS 15?
Using VNDetectFaceLandmarksRequest and reading the VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D to detect eyes is not working on iOS 15 as it did before. I am running the exact same code on an iOS 14 and iOS 15 device and the coordinates are different as seen on the screenshot?
Any Ideas?
Use Case
If you have a ContentView that displays a pausable view based on a
@State private var presentSheet = false
property that is also used to present a
.sheet(isPresented: $presentSheet)
the property is sent to the PausableView(isPaused: presentSheet) as a normal property, the body of the ContentView and the body of the sheet is being redrawn when the sheet is dismissed
the property is sent to the PausableView(isPaused: $presentSheet) as a @Binding, the body of the ContentView and the body of the sheet is NOT redrawn when the sheet is dismissed
Is this normal behavior?
The ContentView body makes sense to change, but is the sheet's body also supposed to be redrawn when the sheet is not presenting anymore after dismiss?
Sample Project
A sample project created in Xcode 13 is available here: I noticed the same behavior on iOS 14 and iOS 15.
There are also 2 animated gifs showing the 2 different behaviors in the GitHub project.
The relevant code is in ContentView.swift:
import SwiftUI
struct DismissingView: View {
@Binding var isPresented: Bool
var body: some View {
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
} else {
print("DismissingView: body draw")
return VStack {
Button("Dismiss") { isPresented.toggle() }
Text("Dismissing Sheet").padding()
struct PausableView: View {
var isPaused: Bool
// @Binding var isPaused: Bool
private let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
@State private var counter = 0
var body: some View {
Text("Elapsed seconds: \(counter)")
.onReceive(timer) { _ in
counter += isPaused ? 0 : 1
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var presentSheet = false
var body: some View {
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
} else {
print("ContentView: body draw")
return VStack{
Button("Show Sheet") { presentSheet.toggle() }
Text("The ContentView's body along with the .sheet() is being redrawn immediately after dismiss, if the @State property `presentSheet` is used anywhere else in the view - e.g. passed to `PausableView(isPaused:presentSheet)`.\n\nBut if the property is passed as a @Binding to `PausableView(isPaused:$presentSheet)`, the ContentView's body is not redrawn.").padding()
PausableView(isPaused: presentSheet)
// PausableView(isPaused: $presentSheet)
.sheet(isPresented: $presentSheet) {
DismissingView(isPresented: $presentSheet)
.background(BackgroundClearView()) // to see what's happening under the sheet
I'm using TestFlight to test an app with payment/subscription functionality. I created sandbox accounts in AppStore Connect accordingly to be able to test the subscriptions. I'm logged in with the sandbox account.
When I try to subscribe in the App the wrong account (this is my actual real AppleID) is used for the subscription although it is recognized that this is just a sandbox subscription.
I tried:
logging off/on into the sandbox account
creating a totally new sandbox account
trying to trigger the payment with no logged in sandbox account
The result is always: in the payment popup it is stated that the purchase account will be my original AppleID and not a sandbox account.
How can I switch the accounts? Is this a bug at Apple's side somehow?
I have an existing AppKit-based Mac app that I have been working on for a few years. For a new feature, I wanted to have the app opened by a different app, so I setup the URL scheme under CFBundleURLTypes in my Info.plist, and adopted this delegate callback:
- (void)application: (NSApplication *)application openURLs:(nonnull NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls
Now when I invoke the URL from the 2nd app, it opens my app correctly, BUT this delegate method isn't called. What's interesting is that if I make a totally new app with a URL scheme and adopt this delegate method, it gets called without a problem!
SO what about my original project could be responsible for this 'opensURLs' method to not be called? I've been searching for a solution for a couple of days without any luck. The macOS app's target has a Deployment Target of 10.15 and I'm running this on macOS12.0 with Xcode 13.
since iOS 15 I've repeatedly noticed the console warning »ARSessionDelegate is retaining X ARFrames. This can lead to future camera frames being dropped« even for rather simple projects using RealityKit and ARKit. Could someone from the ARKit team please elaborate what causes this warning and what can be done to avoid it?
If I remember correctly I didn't even assign an ARSessionDelegate.
Thank you!
I'm working on a macOS app that I want to give "Full Disk Access". When I run from Xcode, I get "permission denied" errors when reading a file in my home directory.
What can I do so that I can run and debug from Xcode?
I dragged the binary from the derived data folder to the System Preferences list for Full Disk Access, but that seems to do nothing.
I have a command line tool that zsh refuses to run when built for Apple Silicon or as a univerisal binary (the specific message is zsh: killed TOOL_NAME). I can only get it to run if I build it exclusively for Intel/Rosetta.
Running/debugging from within Xcode works fine for any architecture.
The tool is a very simple C/C++ unix command-line tool; it doesn't have any external dependencies beyond the C runtime and the C++ STL.
I suspect something in code signing is going awry, but I've tried various team and certificate combinations without any luck. I've also tried enabling/disabling the app sandbox, also without any luck. (The app is not for distribution so it doesn't really need to be code signed at all.)
Any suggestions?