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How to set ringtone in iOS Programatically in iOS 8 and later
HiWe are making an app where the user can set the ringtone by our app. So please let me know how to set a ringtone for particular user programmatically.I have googled and found that in iOS it is not possible in any case even it is possible then Apple will reject the app.I found these all answeres hereSet ringtone in iPhone SDKHow to set music file as call tone and message tone in iphone programaticallyhttps://www.google.co.in/search?q=can+we+set+ringtone+programatically+ios&oq=can+we+set+ringtone+programatically+ios+&aqs=chrome..69i57.23214j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=can+we+set+ringtone+programmatically+ios&newwindow=1&start=10But these all queries/answers were 2-4 years old. Is it now possible to do this? Please let me know. ThanksGopal Devra
Oct ’23
Ios flashlight specification
We are making application of ios. The application is for Disaster prevention in Japan. Because, Recentry in Japan has many Disaster in all season. We spplied to Local government in Japan and using general public and they are using well. One of the local government request to us, they want also supply to deaf person and help whe disaster occur. Local government already has disaster prevention broadcast but it is using loudspeaker. Then, when rains heavily, it can not hear to general public. And our application is from disaster prevention broadcast and forwarding to ios smartphone. It is helpfull to general public well. We are making new application it is not only prevention broadcast text but flashlight with iphone. But after making application, the flashlight is lighting only open our application. like beloe link. But, if Deaf person using it maybe he is not notice well. Our application is already has viblation function but Deaf person put his smartphone in his bag maybe I think he never noticed that Heavy rain and tsunami. Here is our application https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/cosmocast/id1247774270?mt=8 Here is application rule for flashlight. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32136442/iphone-flashlight-not-working-while-app-is-in-background/32137434 I want help Deaf person and also senior citizens for Heavy rain and tsunami by our application. We'd like to make a flash light at the same time as the push notification arrived. Does anyone know a good way? Thank you and Best regards. Tomita.
Oct ’23
App not displayed in Settings App
Whenever I fresh install my app onto my device, it is not showing up in the Settings app. Even after trying to search it, nothing appears. I use location services and local network within my application so I need to be able to change those authorizations as it does not reliably prompt for those authorizations (I need always for location and that was removed, local network never prompts correctly). I have however seen my app appear in the settings app under privacy -> Location Services but not local network. Is this an issue with Apple or with my application? Should also be known that it does appear in settings on some devices.
Sep ’23
Battery health drain
Why is My 1 month old iPhone is draining battery health too fast, just one and half month old and it has already lost 2% battery health although i charge about only 50-60% charge daily and never charged it 0-100 then also please help if someone can.
Aug ’23
Using Wallet.app to open doors with NFC reader
G'day. At my office the doors are locked with an NFC reader. We carry around a little NFC tag on our key chains which will read out a number and this then will open the door if the number matches a number in the database. I am tired of carrying around the tag, people keep loosing it, forgetting it and it would be nice to open the door using a Phone - which we tend to always have on us. So I used a credit card which is NFC enabled to readout the NFC information, added this number to the database and can now open doors using my credit card. This is pretty cool. If I forget my keys (most likely they will be on the desk but silly me left the desk without them), I may have my wallet with me. Then I tried Wallet.app on my iPhone and select the same credit card. However the door doesn't open. When looking in the door software I noticed that the tags will always transmit the same number. So does my credit card. However Wallet.app will read out 4 readings (or maybe just one very long one) and they are always different. So I can not make them match with the door database. Any ideas how to make this work? Can I give somehow wallet.app an NFC number which I can then add to my door database? Or how come the credit card and the very same one in wallet.app don't match? Thanks for your help! Would be neat if I could make this work out. This will make a lot of people happy at my office! Cheers!
Sep ’23
Primary Language of Keyboard-Extension
I am writing a keyboard-extension, there are several buttons and these buttons have a text, therefor I am using localized strings. So the extension is always in the "correct" language. When opening the keyboard-extension with the "world"-button (pressing it long, so that the menu is shown) there is always a line below the name of the app showing "English". As far as I know this is the primary language, there is also one entry for "PrimaryLanguage" in the info.plist (NSExtension/NSExtensionAttributes, set to "en-US"). I tried to remove this entry, but after this the app does not start anymore. Is there a different way to remove this entry or is it possible to change it to the language of the localization?
Nov ’23
Unable to launch app on iPhone from Xcode
Hi, I'm trying to test my app on my iPhone 12 Pro, but it's simply not launching and I'm not getting any valuable error information back. When Xcode is finished compiling and attempts to launch the app, I get "Unable to launch [App Bundle ID]". Clicking more details gives me: Details Unable to launch [App Bundle ID] Domain: com.apple.platform.iphoneos Code: -12- Request to launch [App Bundle ID] failed. Domain: com.apple.dt.deviceprocesscontrolservice Code: 2 Failure Reason: The operation couldn’t be completed. The process failed to launch. : Failed to launch process with bundle identifier '[App Bundle ID]'.- The operation couldn’t be completed. The process failed to launch. Domain: FBProcessExit Code: 64 Failure Reason: The process failed to launch. User Info: { BSErrorCodeDescription = "launch-failed"; }- The operation couldn’t be completed. Launch failed. Domain: RBSRequestErrorDomain Code: 5 Failure Reason: Launch failed.- Launchd job spawn failed with error: 2 Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code: 2 Failure Reason: No such file or directory- System Information macOS Version 11.0.1 (Build 20B29) Xcode 12.4 (17801) (Build 12D4e) Timestamp: 2021-02-20T23:07:52Z I've never encountered anything like this before so I'm not sure what I can do? Additionally, the app fails to load when clicking on it from the iPhone after Xcode has uploaded the app to the phone. It brings up a black screen and immediately closes. The same problem occurs when trying an iPad too. Using Xcode's console connected to my iPhone, I see the following error when trying to manually launch the app: (not sure if this means anything) error 23:38:40.875438+0000 SpringBoard Snapshot generation request for bundleID: [App Bundle ID] rejected due to the app being denylisted.
Jul ’23
CoreML fails to decrypt a model
We've 10 CoreML models in our app, each encrypted with a separate key generated in XCode. After opening and closing the app 6-7 times, the app crashes at model initialization with error: 2021-04-21 13:52:47.711729+0300 MyApp[95443:7341643] Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Domain=com.apple.CoreML Code=9 "Failed to generate key request for 08494FB2-B070-440F-A8A5-CBD0823A258E with error: -42905" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to generate key request for 08494FB2-B070-440F-A8A5-CBD0823A258E with error: -42905}: file MyApp/Model.swift, line 43 Looks like iPhone is blocking the app for suspicious behavior and the app fails to decrypt the model. We noticed that after ~10 hours the app is unlocked, it successfully decrypts and initializes the model. Opening and closing the app many times in a short period of time is indeed unnatural, but the most important question is how to avoid blocking? Would Apple block the app if a user opens and closes it 10 times during a day? How does the number of models in the app affect probability that the app will be blocked? Thanks!
Aug ’23
Identifying Unknown Third Party Spyware App
Unfortunately I have found myself in a very messy and painful situation, I’ve been dealing with for the last 4-5 months (at least). That situation being my ex girlfriend installed a Third-Party Spyware application on my iPhone 12 Pro and or iCloud account. This has had almost uncomprehending negative effects on every corner and facet of my life, including my my relationship with my daughter, my family, my friends, my ability to successfully conduct and manage my business, my finances, etc. I’ve spent 1000’s of hours studying how, why, and what she has done to gain access to basically to most my entire adult life and all the data that I’ve accumulated during it (dating back to 2010), and lost days of sleep from the anxiety it’s brought on (my photos and data have been used “anonymously” and maliciously, via harassment, stalking, anonymous slanderous character ************* campaigns on many occasions). If there’s anyone out there that could possibly help me identify how and what this woman is and has done to lite ablaze this seemingly never ending inferno in my life, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks in advance and God Bless! Roger Beaman 817-966-0819
Sep ’23
Jaggy, Laggy, low-fps scrolling on iPhone 13 Pro (Pro Motion Display) for .offset
I created a horizontally scrolling view modifier that essentially wraps the contents and applies a horizontal offset based on a DragGesture GestureState. It looks a little bit like this @GestureState private var dragOffset: CGFloat = 0 content .offset(x: dragOffset, y: 0) .simultaneousGesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 20, coordinateSpace: .global) .updating($dragOffset) { (value, gestureState, transaction) in                             gestureState = value.translation.width                         }) The problem I am seeing is that on the Pro Motion Display of the iPhone 13 Pro, the "offset" view does not smoothly slide along with your finger as it drags. Instead is is very jaggy or laggy, probably rendered with maybe 15 fps or so. On the iPhone 11 Pro I used before, the drag is very smooth and on the iOS 15 simulator it is smooth as well. What is wrong here? Thanks for help!
Oct ’23
Phone Stuck as Unable to Install "app name"
I can't access anything on my iphone 12 as the screen just keeps showing the "Unable to install app, please try again later" message. I hit the "ok" button and it just reverts back to the message again. I can't get the control panel, can't turn it off, can't get back to main screen. Please, any suggestions greatly appreciated as phone completely useless now.
Sep ’23
Puzzling crash on iOS 16.0
Date/Time: 2022-06-10 06:57:07.9651 +0800 Launch Time: 2022-06-09 17:42:25.7993 +0800 OS Version: iPhone OS 16.0 (20A5283p) Release Type: Beta Baseband Version: 2.04.00 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000058 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000058 VM Region Info: 0x58 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 206997290920 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL UNUSED SPACE AT START ---> commpage (reserved) 3032000000-7000000000 [255.2G] ---/--- SM=NUL ...(unallocated) Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11 Terminating Process: exc handler [7705] Triggered by Thread: 53 Thread 53 name: Thread 53 Crashed: 0 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000186f68554 dispatch_source_set_timer + 32 (source.c:1389) 1 PrivacyAccounting 0x000000020f05632c -[PACoalescingIntervalTracker coalesce:] + 420 (PACoalescingIntervalTracker.m:101) 2 PrivacyAccounting 0x000000020f04af30 __22-[PAAccessLogger log:]_block_invoke + 360 (PAAccessLogger.m:209) 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000186f621cc _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 148 (queue.c:555) 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000186f530f4 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (object.m:560) 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000186f5a7ac _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 672 (inline_internal.h:2631) 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000186f5b32c _dispatch_lane_invoke + 436 (queue.c:3939) 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000186f65ebc _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 652 (queue.c:6766) 8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001fe9190a8 _pthread_wqthread + 288 (pthread.c:2599) 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001fe918e48 start_wqthread + 8
Oct ’23
13 pro max display issue (green screen)
My new 13 pro max was working just fine but suddenly it’s display turn all green to death! It was on ios version 15.5 1. I did restart the phone and all yet no help! Phone's touch and others are working just fine but unfortunately the screen is still all green, I found out many others are facing the same problem on ios 15.5 only in 13 pro max! I still have the international warranty left for 2023! The phone is USA variant. Please help me up I took a good care of my phone always yet I'm suffering from this problem! linkText
Oct ’23
xcode14:Library not loaded: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib
Xcode13.4.1 is running properly, but after upgrading Xcode14, the debugging device reports an error: Library not loaded: / usr/lib/swift/libswiftCoreGraphics dylib, I according to the online solutions are tried, can't solve my problem, problem is ios10.3.3 equipment, unable to debug, also is unable to start the application success after packaging, Is this a problem with xcode14 itself?