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Posts under Xcode tag

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How to Set IDEPreferLogStreaming Globally in Xcode 15.4
How do you fix this Xcode error whenever I create a new project it comes back. The fix is to add IDEPreferLogStreaming=YES but it only fixes for the current project. If I create new project it come back which is annoying to every time add it as YES. version: Xcode 15.4 I did try out Set this in Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme->Run->Arguments->Environment Variable IDELogRedirectionPolicy oslogToStdio OS_ACTIVITY_MODE disable For reference : Logging Error: Failed to initialize logging system. Log messages may be missing.? I tried these solutions from here
iOS simulator glitching erratically constantly
I am using an iPhone 15 Pro as my iOS simulator, and the IDE that I am using is Android Studio. This issue is happening on a 2019 MacBook Pro 16 inch, running the latest version of Xcode, and running macOS Sonoma 14.5. I've never had this issue on other, older/newer Macs with Android Studio. Everytime I interact with the simulator, it shows green bars and distorts the view quite a bit (See screenshots below). I tried all that I could think of, including, but not limited to: Restarting simulator, restarting MacBook, restarting Android Studio, using different iOS simulators (same problem), and so forth. I have not found any such occurrence to anyone else while looking online for answers. One interesting thing that I noticed is that for Xcode projects, the simulator runs perfectly, but when I use Android Studio, the simulator doesn't work properly at all. Any solutions to this? All input is greatly appreciated. P.S.: I have tested the app on an actual iOS device, and it works perfectly. Here are some screenshots. This show what happens when you scroll or interact with the app: (Each screenshot is a different interaction)
Xcode 16 Previews: Always crash when compilation mode is WMO
This can be easily reproduced in a vanilla Xcode 16 beta 3 project. Steps Create a new project. By default, previews work fine because default SWIFT_COMPILATION_MODE is Incremental. (aka Batch Mode) Now, change it to WMO, and notice the previews crash with the enclosed crash report. Feedback filed with reproducer + diagnostics + crash report: We have observed that enabling Whole Module Optimization (WMO) improves build times in our project. Therefore, if Previews can be compatible with WMO, it would be highly beneficial. Otherwise, it would be helpful to provide a warning or feedback to developers, as many projects are likely utilizing WMO, and identifying issues solely from crash reports can be challenging. Note: This works all fine with the Legacy Previews Engine in Xcode 15/16.
Xcode Instruments selects wrong application when started from Xcode
Hello, I see the Instruments app has gotten a nice upgrade for Xcode 16. There is one issue left that has been bothering me though. If my app is installed inside the "Application" folder, and I then try to launch Instruments for a new build of the same app from within XCode, Instruments will run the app installed in "Applications" instead of running the app I just built. The problem with this, is that it's very easy to accidentally profile an old version of your app, and come to the wrong conclusions. I've created a video showing this issue:
Private key is not installed in your keychain error
App.xcodeproj: error: Revoke certificate: Your account already has an Apple Development signing certificate for this machine, but its private key is not installed in your keychain. App.xcodeproj: error: No signing certificate "iOS Development" found: No "iOS Development" signing certificate matching team ID "T....." with a private key was found. From the above error during build, I do not know what I am supposed to do to fix this issue. The build was working few days back and today it is giving this error.
Why does same code work differently within SwiftUI Life Cycle and UIKit App Delegate Life Cycle?
Introduction I created a simple app to test enabling Sign In with Google using Observable Objects in a SwiftUI Application. However, the app only functions properly (displaying the signed in user's name and email) with a UIKit App Delegate Life Cycle. The code of the App file for the SwiftUI life cycle and that of the app delegate and scene delegate files of the UIKit App Delegate life cycle should function identical; however, they do not. Project Code SwiftUI Lift Cycle AppDelegate import UIKit import SwiftUI import GoogleSignIn class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate { /* GoogleDelegate() is the observable object */ let googleDelegate = GoogleDelegate() func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool { GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.clientID = "CLIENT_ID" GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.delegate = googleDelegate return true } func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool { return GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().handle(url) } } App @main struct WidgiTubeApp: App { @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate var window: UIWindow? { guard let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first, let windowSceneDelegate = scene.delegate as? UIWindowSceneDelegate, let window = windowSceneDelegate.window else {             return nil } return window } @Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase let googleDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).googleDelegate var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { GoogleSignInView() .environmentObject(googleDelegate) }.onChange(of: scenePhase) { (phase) in switch phase { case .active: GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().presentingViewController = window?.rootViewController window?.makeKeyAndVisible() case .inactive: case .background: default: } } } } Using the SwiftUI Life Cycle the User Is signed in; however, the information does not update in the SwiftUI view. (The view is identical between the SwiftUI Life Cycle and UIKit Application Delegate Life Cycle.) UIKit Application Delegate Life Cycle App Delegate DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().clientID = "CLIENT_ID" GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().delegate = googleDelegate return true OpenURL return GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().handle(url) Scene Delegate SceneWillConnectTo let googleDelegate = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).googleDelegate let contentView = ContentView().environmentObject(googleDelegate) if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene { let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene) window.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: contentView) GIDSignIn.sharedInstance()?.presentingViewController = window.rootViewController self.window = window window.makeKeyAndVisible() } Conclusion Due to this, I have identified that there must be some issue that occurs when adapting the UIKit App Delegate code to the SwiftUI App Code. However, I cannot identify what the issue between the two life cycles is. It is my understanding that anything possible with the UIKit Delegate life cycle should theoretically be possible with SwiftUI. In the mean time, of course, there is no issue continuing with the UIKit Delegate; however, I was hoping to create a SwiftUI app. If anyone could help me identify where the issue lays between these two different life cycles, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Xcode says I am developing in ios-release mode, but I'd prefer ios-debug mode ...
Hi I have an error message from running an iOS emulator, and it seems there's a problem because Xcode wants to sign something. I have noticed that when running my code for testing, that it is being run in ios-release mode. I have thought that maybe Xcode would not want to sign if the code was being run in ios-debug mode - because Xcode didn't have this interest in signing problem before. Confirmed: "Building com.example.appName for device (ios-release)..." Error confirmation: "No valid code signing certificates were found. You can connect to your Apple Developer account by signing in with your Apple ID in Xcode and create an iOS Development Certificate ..." My preference is to test/develop at this point without Apple Developer. This was possible for a long time before. Advice: "Or run on an iOS simulator without code signing" It seems that if Xcode were not interested in code signing that I wouldn't have this error preventing me. How can I configure Xcode so that code signing is skipped and the code testing occurs without a reference to my Apple Developer account please? If you can assist to resolve with these queries, that would be cool and greatly appreciated. With thanks.
MusicKit iOS17.5 and iOS18
Good morning, I'm trying to use MusicKit functionalities in order to get last played songs and put them into a local DB, to be played later. Following the guide on, I created the required AppServices integration: Below is a minimal working version of what I'm doing: func requestMusicAuthorization() async { let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() switch status { case .authorized: isAuthorizedForMusicKit = true error = nil case .restricted: error = NSError(domain: "Music access is restricted", code: -10) case .notDetermined: break case .denied: error = NSError(domain: "Music access is denied", code: -10) @unknown default: break } } on the SwiftUI ContentView there's something like that: .onAppear { Task { await requestMusicAuthorization() if MusicManager.shared.isAuthorizedForMusicKit { let response = try await fetchLastSongs() do { let request = MusicRecentlyPlayedRequest<Song>() let response = try await request.response() var songs: [Song] = { $0 } // do some CloudKit handling with songs... print("Recent songs: \(songs)") } catch { NSLog(error.localizedDescription) } } } } Everything seems to works fine, but my console log is full of garbage like that: MSVEntitlementUtilities - Process MyMusicApp PID[33633] - Group: (null) - Entitlement: - Entitled: NO - Error: (null) Attempted to register account monitor for types client is not authorized to access: {( "" )} is there something I'm missing on? Should I ignore that and go forward with my implementation? Any help is really appreciated.
Xcode 16 Previews: dyld Loader Crash
We have been seeing a dyld loader crash when trying out the new Previews engine in Xcode 16 beta 3. Feedback filed with reproducer + diagnostics: Investigation: Running nm -a on the debug dylib reveals duplicate SO entries pointing to SomeStatic.swift. One entry originates from the LibAStatic module, while the other comes from the LibBStatic module. Local workaround - 1 Providing unique file names resolves the issue. However, these files are in different modules, so ideally, this shouldn't be necessary. Our codebase is extensive, and many code-generated modules have the same file names. Therefore, renaming files to ensure uniqueness is not a simple solution for us due to various complexities. Local workaround - 2 Making these dependencies dylibs instead of static libraries also resolves the issue. However, we can't pursue this direction because a significant portion of our pre-build setup, foundations, and vendor linkages are statically linked. Note: The same flow works with "Legacy Preview Engine in Xcode 16/15" but dynamic replacement has other issues, which we are super happy that the new engine doesn't make use of. This issue is currently a blocker for us in trying out the new Previews in our project, it would be highly beneficial if this problem could be resolved soon.
XCode 16 beta 3 creating a folder instead of a group for all project initial content
When I new project is initiated in XCode 16 beta 3, an overall folder is created to contain all the generated content in the Navigator pane . In past XCode version, this main container (under the project name) has always been generated as a group. Is this change by design or a bug? The issue this creates is that the files and folders in this overall Folder can not be repositioned - they remain in ascending alphabetical order. I must convert this initial Folder into a Group by right clicking on the folder name and selecting "Convert to group" which converts the folder to a group. I am then able to reposition files, groups and folders within this group. I don't see anywhere in the XCode documentation where this change in behavior is mentioned. Anyone else having this same issue. I never have understood the difference or use cases for groups vs folders in the xcode Navigator pane.
Universal Frameworks and Requirements for Deployment
I got some beacons from a company who provides an SDK to connect to them. They provided two sets of framework files which the SDK is dependent on. The first set is built for Arm 64, and the second is built for x86. I am using them to build a framework for a company which says they require frameworks they integrate into their apps to work for both device and simulator. I think this is primarily for convenience during development. I've run into some walls trying to fulfill these requirements and have some questions about what is possible. The Beacon manufacturer claims the x86 framework files should work for both simulator and device during development, and that arm64 would be for deployment to the app store. I am unable to get x86 to work during development when my device is plugged in though. What does a framework need to work for both device and simulator? Is is possible, from strictly arm64 and strictly x86 framework files, to build universal framework files that supports both arm64 and x86? Then from those to build a new universal framework that leverages all of those? Can this resulting framework not only be used for development on simulator and device, but also be deployed to the app store? Thank you kindly, for your expertise.
The base messages extension template builds but won't install or load
I am on a fresh install of Xcode 15.3 on macOS 14.4 (23E214). I created an iMessage App template and signed it with my personal team's certificate. When I click the run button, it successfully builds and opens the simulator to the Messages app but does not open the compact extension view (or install the extension such that it shows up in the More messages extension list). This reproduces on my older laptop (same version of Xcode) as well as my friend's (also same version of Xcode). Of note: The IceCreamBuilder app installs and runs correctly with no modifications I have not provided any icons for the messages extension The iMessage App template comes with an empty main app that does not install on the home screen The only console output that seems to differ from when I run the IceCreamBuilder is this message, which appears after a couple seconds of running the project: unhandled process MobileSMS Type: Error | Timestamp: 2024-03-09 00:41:07.763631-05:00 | Process: MobileSMS | Library: CoreParsec | Subsystem: | Category: CoreParsec | TID: 0xff097
Developing and deploying iPhone test code in Windows environment
Hello, I am developing Java test code to test a web application on an Android and iPhone platforms using Selenium and Appium inside Eclipse IDE. Android device could be tested just fine. When it comes to instantiation of iOSDriver Object for running test script on an iPhone, the run time is complaining that it needs Xcode libraries, or Xcode tool on the class path. This makes it necessary to use a mac system for coding and install Xcode on it. Once I use a mac and develop the test code within my Eclipse, can I deploy the code on a Windows Server? Does the code would not need Xcode during run time or just the Selenium-java client libraries and Appium alone? Thanks a lot, -- Prasad Nutalapati
No eligible profiles found for matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier
I can't find the required app identifier for the distributed app with the Bundle ID 'recoverlution-production' on my account on the page I am getting 'No profiles for recoverlution-production found.' when validating the app on Xcode after the build. Additionally, I am getting 'No eligible profiles found for recoverlution-ios-app matching the iOS platform with bundle identifier recoverlution-production.' when selecting the provisioning profile from Xcode. video of the error Can a profile be deleted if it is currently in use on App Store Connect?
Xcode 15 doesn't fix Info.plist management bugs introduced in Xcode 14
Xcode 14 introduced some ridiculous Info.plist management bugs which are not yet fixed in Xcode 15: The bugs are manifested in the General and Info tabs of target management: -The Build value in the General tab is not in sync with the CFBundleVersion value in the Info tab (that is, changing the value in the General tab won't affect the Info tab and vice versa). -The App Category value in the General tab isn't in sync with the LSApplicationCategoryType value in the Info tab. -Additional document type properties in the Info tab cannot be added: clicking "Click here to add..." doesn't do anything. -Document types in Info tab cannot be deleted: once you added a document type instance (even as a test) there's no way to remove it.
Type '' does not conform to protocol '_IntentValue' - AppIntents
Hi there. First time poster! I'm attempting to implement App Intents in my app, as part of the App Intent I have included a parameter requiring the user specify one of their 'to do lists'. @Parameter(title: "List", description: "One of your Marvelist lists.") var list: MarvelistModels.List However, I'm receiving the below error in Xcode... Type 'MarvelistModels.List' does not conform to protocol '_IntentValue' When I go to the struct for MarvelistModels.List, and attempt to make it conform to _IntentValue, it adds typealias Specification = type to my struct... however, I can't quite figure out how to make it conform. Any help/advice would be greatly appreicated!
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I am having a peculiar issue with an app I am developing. I am trying to upload it onto App Store Connect but I am getting one error, and a very odd behavior. The error message I am getting is: /Users/user/Documents/GitHub/MyApp/MyApp/DerivedData/ resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code I have cleaned built the directory, I have removed the Derived Data, but this always gets thrown. It was working fine a few months ago, I have only just got back to working on it. The other issue I am havving, when I set to archive the app, I set the target as Any iOS Arm Device (arm64), but when it is archiving it switches to my iPhone as the target. I don't prompt it to do this, it just does it. This is very frustrating. I'm using a MacBook Air M1, with a macOS Sonoma. I updated my Xcode the other day, that's Version 15.4 (15F31d). My App has a minimum target of iOS 15 and a project target of Xcode 13. Any help is appreciated.