All metadata used in a test must first be approved for distribution on the App Store by App Review. If you try to start a test before the metadata is approved, the metadata will be added to a submission for you to send for review. If you already have a submission for that platform in review, you’ll need to wait until the first submission is complete before you can send the test metadata for review.
In the left sidebar, click Product Page Optimization.
Click the name of the test you want to start.
On the top right, click Start Test. The test status automatically updates to Running and shows how long the test has been live. If you click Start Test before submitting your metadata for review, the test status will change once the metadata is accepted by App Review.
In the left sidebar, click Product Page Optimization.
Click the name of the test you want to stop.
On the top right, click Stop Test. Once you stop a test, it can't be restarted. You’ll need to create a new test with the same treatments and run it again.