You can publicly respond to a review, edit your response, and delete your response for your app on the App Store. One response per review appears on your App Store product page.
Responses may take up to 24 hours to appear on the App Store. Until then, they’ll show as pending in App Store Connect. Edited responses will have notations indicating that they’ve been edited. Responses appear in iOS 10.3 or later, macOS 10.6.6 or later, and visionOS 1 or later.
On the top right, select the platform (iOS, macOS, or visionOS) with the review you wish to reply for.
Find the review and click Reply next to the review.
In the dialog that appears, enter a reply in the text field and click Submit.
If you respond to reviews for your app on the App Store, you can edit and delete your responses. You don't need to be the person who wrote the response to edit it.
From Apps, select your app.
In the sidebar, click Ratings and Reviews.
On the top right, select the platform (iOS, macOS, or visionOS) with the review you wish to edit the response for.
Find the review and click Edit Response next to the review.
In the dialog that appears, edit the response and click Save.
From Apps, select your app.
In the sidebar, click Ratings and Reviews.
On the top right, select the platform (iOS, macOS, or visionOS) with the review you wish to delete the response for.
Find the review and click Edit Response
In the dialog that appears, click Delete Response.