App Store Connect Help
View app metrics
App metrics are divided into four categories: App Store, Downloads, Sales, and Usage.
App Store
Find out how many times your app was viewed on the App Store, and how many times users have visited your app’s product page.
View how many total times your app was downloaded and which of those were first-time downloads and re-downloads.
View the total number of pre-orders, first-time app downloads, in-app purchases, and their associated sales. You can also view how many unique paying users your app has.
Track a variety of user engagement metrics, such as installations, sessions, crashes, and active devices. Usage metrics are only available from users who have agreed to share their diagnostics and usage information with app developers. Learn more.
The App Analytics dashboard displays the statistics from the date range you select and the estimated percentage difference from the previous period of the same length of time. For example, if you select “Last 7 days,” the percentage values will show if your app is performing better or worse than the week prior. You can also download your apps’ data from App Analytics by using the App Store Connect API.
Required role: Account Holder, Admin, Finance, or Sales. View role permissions.