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Test a beta version

Provide test information

If you distribute your app to external testers, you need to enter additional TestFlight test information about your app for TestFlight App Review. You can enter this information when you add your app to your account or before you invite external testers.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, Developer, or Marketing. View role permissions.

  1. From Apps, select your app.

  2. Click the TestFlight tab.

  3. In the sidebar, under Additional, click Test Information.

  4. On the right, choose a language option and enter required test information.

    The information you enter for your beta app can be different from the information you enter later when submitting your app to the App Store.

    • Under Invitation Experience, the App Information checkbox is selected by default. This means that your approved screenshots and your app category will automatically be displayed in your invite. These will be pulled from the latest approved version that's in the Ready for Distribution state.

      If you prefer not to display the screenshots or app category in your invite, you can deselect the App Information checkbox.

    • In the Beta App Description text field, enter a description of your beta version. This field is required.

    • In the Feedback Email field, enter the email address that testers can use to contact you through the TestFlight app. This is also the reply-to address in email invitations to testers.

    Learn about the TestFlight App Review information properties.

You can update this information anytime and the updates will display in the TestFlight app.