App Store Connect Help
Nominations template
To bulk import nomination entries into App Store Connect, use the provided CSV template. This template is available for download when selecting the option to import multiple nominations. You can submit up to 50 nominations at a time with CSV file.
If your import encounters any errors, you'll receive an alert message in App Store Connect. Download the report to address the errors and re-upload the corrected .csv file. Error details will be listed in an additional column in the file. After fixing the errors and re-uploading the file to App Store Connect, click Submit. You can view your nominations on the Featuring Nominations page in the table under Submitted.
Make sure to submit and finalize your plan at least three weeks in advance. It'll be reviewed with certain considerations in mind and if it’s a fit, we'll reach out to the email address you provide.
Keep in mind, the information you provide will be used to evaluate your app for featuring opportunities.
Additional notes:
Begin entering your information in column A, row 5 of the template. Each nomination should be entered on a separate row, with each field completed as described in its respective hint cell (row 2). Columns shouldn't be rearranged, and the fields in the CSV file should be comma-separated.
Ensure the encoding of your CSV file is UTF-8.
Field |
Description |
Required |
Editable |
Nomination ID |
If you're making updates to an existing nomination, enter the Nomination ID found in App Store Connect. For new nominations, leave this field blank. |
Related Apps |
Enter the Apple ID of the app this nomination is associated with. You may also enter the Apple IDs of up to 9 additional apps related to this nomination, separated by commas. |
Nomination Name |
Enter a name to help you recognize this nomination later. 60 character maximum. |
Nomination Type |
Enter the type of nomination exactly as it appears below:
Nomination Description |
Enter a description for your nomination. 1,000 character maximum. |
Publish Date (Start) |
Enter either the date you plan to publish on the App Store or the start date of a time frame in which you expect to publish. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD. It's recommended you provide this date at least 3 weeks before your launch. |
Publish Date (End) |
If providing a time frame for when you expect to publish on the App Store, enter the last date of that time frame here. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD. |
Relevant Countries or Regions |
Enter all relevant countries or regions, separated by commas and using their 3-letter ISO code. |
Do you plan to launch in certain markets first? |
Enter Yes or No. |
Do you intend to submit a new in-app event for this nomination? |
Enter Yes or No. |
Platforms |
Enter the name of all platforms supported in this nomination exactly as they appear below. Separate each by a comma.
Localization |
Enter all localized languages, separated by commas using the locale shortcode. |
Supplemental Materials |
Enter up to 5 URL links to any additional materials you'd like to include. Separate each by a comma. |
Does this app or game include a pre-order? |
Enter Yes or No. |
Helpful Details |
We want to know what makes you stand out from the crowd. For example, a unique approach to helping users or a behind-the-scenes look at an inclusive team. 500 character maximum. |
An asterisk (*) indicates that the field can't be edited if the nomination has already been submitted.