Advanced App Clips can be discovered and launched through App Clip Codes. You can generate these codes in multiple colors and incorporate NFC tags, allowing people to launch your App Clips by tapping their iPhone on the code or scanning it with the camera. Generate App Clip codes in App Store Connect or with the App Clip Code generator command line tool.
In the sidebar, select the iOS app version with the App Clip experience for which you want to generate an App Clip Code.
Under Advanced App Clip Experiences, click Edit Advanced Experiences.
A list of your active App Clip experiences will display. Click Get App Clip Codes and select one experience for which you want to generate an App Clip Code.
Note: You won’t be able to select App Clip experiences that are incompatible with App Clip Codes.
Click Continue.
Click Get Started on the Create an App Clip Code page to generate the codes.
If you want to upload URL parameters to append an invocation URL, select Yes and upload a CSV file that includes your invocation URLs for App Clip Codes, then click Next. If you do not want to upload URL parameters to append to your App Clip experience URL, select No and click Next.
In the sidebar, select the iOS app version with the App Clip experience for which you want to generate App Clip Codes.
Under Advanced App Clip Experiences, click Edit Advanced Experiences.
A list of your active App Clip experiences will display. Click Get App Clip Codes and select multiple experiences for which you want to generate codes
Note: You won’t be able to select App Clip experiences that are incompatible with App Clip Codes.
Click Continue.
Click Get Started on the Create an App Clip Code page to generate App Clip Codes.
With No preselected, click Next.
Select a color pattern for the codes or select custom foreground and background colors to generate codes that are consistent with your brand, then click Next.