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Monitor ratings and reviews

View ratings and reviews

You can view the overview rating, the reviews summary or individual customer reviews of your app on the App Store and in App Store Connect. If necessary, you can report a concern about a review or the reviews summary.

Note: Users can rate and review your iOS, macOS, and visionOS apps on the App Store, but can only rate your tvOS apps.

Learn how to view customer reviews with the App Store Connect API.

Required role: Account Holder, Admin, App Manager, Customer Support, Developer, Marketing. View role permissions.

Why does my app’s App Store rating appear to have been reset?

In iOS 11 or later, individual ratings inform your app’s overview rating, which is displayed on your App Store product page and in search results. This overview rating is based on the ratings of the version of your app that was available on the App Store as of September 19, 2017, as well as ratings of later versions. This overview rating is specific to each country or region on the App Store and you can reset it when you release a new version of your app. However, we recommend using this feature sparingly; while resetting the overview rating can ensure that it reflects the most current version of your app on the App Store — useful if an update addresses users’ previous concerns — having few ratings may discourage potential users from downloading your app. In addition, keep in mind that resetting your overview rating doesn’t reset your app’s written reviews. Past reviews will continue to display on your App Store product page.

Why is there a different rating for my app on devices running different versions of iOS?

iOS 10 or earlier displays your app’s rating based on all ratings of your app on the App Store. iOS 11 or later displays an overview rating based on all ratings after Sept 19, 2017.