App Store Connect Help

Support / App Store Connect / Create an app record / Add a new app

Create an app record

Add a new app

Before uploading a build of your app to App Store Connect, first create an app record in your App Store Connect account.

If you want to offer an app with multiple platforms as a single purchase, create it as a single record in App Store Connect. All platforms will share the same bundle ID, but you'll add specific platform information separately.

Note: You can't add an app to your account until the Account Holder signs the latest agreement in the Business section.

Required role: Account Holder, App Manager, or Admin. View role permissions.

  1. In Apps, click the add button (+) on the top left.

    The Apps page is blank until you create your first app record.

  2. In the pop-up menu, select New App.

  3. In the New App dialog, select one or more platforms and enter the app information.

    If you’re registered as a company, you have the option to set your developer name.

    Note: Watch-only apps are considered part of the iOS platform in App Store Connect.

    New App dialog on App Store Connect. The Platforms field lists iOS, macOS, tvOS, and visionOS, which you can select for your app. The dialog also has fields for an app name, a primary language for the app, a bundle ID for the app, an SKU, and a radio button to choose whether to limit or give full user access. The "Cancel" and "Create" buttons are at the bottom of the dialog.
  4. Under User Access, choose Limited Access or Full Access. If you select Limited Access, choose the users who should be able to access this app.

    Users with the Account Holder, Admin, Finance, and Access to Reports roles can view all apps because these roles can't have their app access limited.

  5. Click Create, and check for messages indicating any missing information.

After you create an App Store Connect record for an app, it appears in Apps, and the app status is Prepare for Submission. You can select the app on this page to view and edit app information.

Can I deliver my app information using the App Store Connect REST API?

Yes, you can manage in-app purchases, subscriptions, metadata, and app pricing via the App Store Connect REST API. This API simplifies customizing and automating your workflows.

How do I offer an app that runs on multiple platforms as a single purchase?

You can add a platform to an app to create a universal purchase.

What can I do if the app name I want to use on the App Store is unavailable?

You can use an app name for one app per localization.

If an app in your account already uses the app name, you have two options: submit an update to the existing app to change its name, or remove the app from App Store Connect to allow the name to be used in a new app record.

If another developer is using the app name and you have trademark rights to it, you can submit a claim.