App Store Connect Help
Invite external testers
External testers are people you invite to test your app who aren’t App Store Connect users. Once you’ve uploaded your build, you can invite up to 10,000 external testers per app. In order to make your build available for external testing, you'll need to create an external group, add builds, and invite testers using their email address or by sharing a public invitation link.
If you invite testers with a public link, you can set tester criteria such as device and OS requirements, so only testers who are qualified can accept the invitation. This allows you to more easily enroll relevant testers to provide feedback for your beta app. Learn how to set tester criteria when inviting testers using a public link.
Keep in mind that:
In order to create an external group for external testing, you'll first need to create an internal group for internal testing.
Builds uploaded as TestFlight Internal Only from Xcode or Xcode Cloud are indicated as internal under the build number. Builds with this indicator can only be added to internal tester groups.
A Managed Apple Account can’t be used to test builds.
Learn how to manage tester invitations with the App Store Connect API.
Required role: Account Holder, Admin, or App Manager. View role permissions.
Invite external testers using a public link or email
Once you have builds available to test, and you've added them to a group, you can invite testers. You can Invite testers using a public link, email, or both. You can set tester criteria when inviting testers using a public link.
How do I appeal if my beta build was rejected?
To appeal your beta build being rejected, contact TestFlight App Review.