Required role: Account Holder or Admin. View role permissions.
Users with the Account Holder or Admin role can view and manage team keys and individual keys created by members of their App Store Connect Team. To revoke that API key and prevent the user from creating a new one, you can remove 'Generate Individual API Keys' from the user's permissions.
Note: This functionality isn't available for the Enterprise Program API.
If you no longer want someone to be able to use an API key to authenticate into App Store Connect services, you can revoke that key.
In Users and Access, click Integrations. The page opens with the App Store Connect API selected.
On the top left, click Individual Keys, or Team Keys.
On the top right, click Edit.
Select the API Keys you want to revoke.
On the top right, click Revoke Key, then click Revoke in the dialog. An API key can't be reinstated once it's been revoked. Any revoked keys from the past 30 days appear under the Revoked section of the App Store Connect API page.
To prevent a user from creating a new API key, remove the ‘Generate Individual API Keys’ permission from their user settings.
In Users and Access, click People.
Select the user you want to revoke permission.
Under Additional Resources, deselect the Generate Individual API Keys checkbox.